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Cambrai Lutheran Parish Inc. Mission Statements

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Cambrai Lutheran Parish Home Page

This is a basic home page but it's a free service offered by Angelfire. The only local service provider for the area is DOVE. This home page was designed by Anne Rasenberger...

Zion, Black Hill

In the shadow of the cross we shall
pray for, encourage and be an example to those around us.

St. John's, Cambrai

In the Shadow of the cross we shall
care for those God has given us
and reach out to the community.

Pilgrims of Zion, Sedan

In the shadow of the cross,
Jesus fill us with your love that we may
Reflect that love with joy to the community."

St. Stephen's, Stonefield

In the shadow of the cross we shall
strengthen each other and
befriend our neighbours.

Cambrai Lutheran Parish Inc.