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Twenty ways to tell you're a Matchbox 20 fan...

20. You know all the guy's names

19. You know all the guy's shoe sizes

18. You know EVERY word on YOSLY

17. You know what YOSLY means

16. You know the guy's nicknames

15. Your bday is coming up, and your aunt is mailing you a present, which your mom says "is the only thing you wanted," and you think "she's going to fed-ex the matchsticks!?!" (oh well! it's a nice thought! lol) ;-)

14. You recognized Paul immedietly from the Real World video

13. You find yourself doin' those hand things that Rob does
(you know..sweater sleeve over your hand when you sing..stuff like that)

12. The wallpaper on your PC desktop is a Matchbox pic

11. You know who that guy on the cd cover is

10. You're looking at a map and think it's funny that there's a "Cook" County

9. You know the order of all the songs on YOSLY, and every single word to the songs

8. You have more than 30 matchbox websites bookmarked

7. The ticket stubs from the mb20 shows you attended are in your wallet

6. You watch that Levi's commercial every time to hear the "Jesus is knocking on the door of your heart" in the background

5. You know the words to "You and I and I", "Tired", "Rest Stop" and "Heavy" by heart

4. You're learning to play the drums, and the first thing you play is the inro to "Back 2 Good"

3. When you hear YOSLY, you sing along with the songs, and in "Real World" when Rob says "superhero" you go "super-hero-oh" and roll your eyes back (like he did on Leno)

2. Every time you go into a bowling alley you keep looking for Rob walking with a Camel down the lanes

1. You have 2 copies of YOSLY...the first one skipped, because you listened to it so much

All of these things actually apply to me. LOL =)

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