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A- Apple juice (Adam's favorite drink)

B- Beaker (Paul's nickname)

C- Cigarettes (all of the matchsticks smoke exept Adam)

D- Dance (Brian is famous for his "pookie shuffle", a dance he does during live shows.)

E- Exit Ramps (where Rob wrote most of the songs)

F- Faceless Band theory (Adam said that mb20 was going to combat the 'faceless band theory' by "making everyone in the United States love us")

G- Goodwill (where Rob got the leather jacket that he wore in the "Push" video for $7.00)

H- HashBrown (Adam's nickname)

I- Ingredients of a rock show according to Rob Thomas- (lights, people, rock and roll, then you break it down!)

J- Jack and Coke (Rob's 2 favorite drinks!)

K- Kick @ss (They do a kick @ss live concert!!)

L- Laundry (Kyle can't do laundry, but he can cook! Imagine that!) ;-)

M- Mohair Sweaters (Paul's favorite)

N- New addition (The matchboys have a new keyboardist on tour with them. His name is Joey Huffman.)

O- The Old 97's (a rock group that Rob and Paul like)

P- Pookie (Brian's nickname)


R- Rock-a-billy music (Rob said that he, Paul, and Cary (from Jackopierce) were going to start their own rock-a-billy band ~he was just kidding)

S- Superstition (the matchsticks have a good luck superstition before each show- singing "Aways and Forver", while they're standing in a circle.) Download here

T- Tabitha's Secret (Rob, Brian, and Paul's old band)

U- United Parcel Service (where Kyle said he'd like to work if he wasn't in mb20)

V- Valentine's day (Rob's birthday)

W- Wendy's (this seems to be their favorite fast food place)



Z- Zebra (the matchsticks have a zebra painted on their tour bus and they've nicknamed it "Willie" after Willie Nelson)

All of these tidbits are from Spank! magazine, the official matchbox 20 website, and various other online sources.

Graphics are from- The Graphic Station

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