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Quotes from Rob...

"All you d*mn Canadians do is smoke and drink...what a great country!"

"Its 90 degrees and I'm wearin' all black like a retard"

"I'd like to thank my mother for giving birth to me, so I can wear tight pants"

"No matter how much you spit-shine me I'm still the same old piece of tin"

"We're not a very good band, but we try.. and we're spunky dressers!" (said jokingly)

When asked the "eternal question", boxers or briefs he replied~
"Right now, we're not wearing a d@mn thing... we're free baby and loving every minute of it!"

"I could just get s!#% drunk and write something and he (David Hasselhoff) would just eat it up!"

When asked what he never leaves home without~
"my condoms, nah, just kidding"

"Canada is like bizarro world. Everything is the same, like this Wendy's cup exept there are these inconspicuous little Canadian flags everywhere you look"

"I write about people who left me for good reason or no reason. It would be catharic if I was learning from it, but I keep making the same mistakes.

"Don't grab someone's @ss when they're not looking"

On being famous~
"I'm still the same f*#$ing redneck"

"This is a song about- Heartache, this is a song about- Love, this is a song about that b*tch who gave all my clothes to Good Will!"
(what he said in concert before singing "Shame" --thanks to for that quote!)

On the band's success-
"I wouldn't be more surprised if I sprouted wings out my @ss and flew around the room" --thanks to Kaz for that quote!

A quote from a show~
"This is my Elvis guitar. It's never let me down, it's never done me wrong..... and I'm talking outta my @ss!"

another quote from a show~
"Say 'I-eeee!' See, thats what ya do when you're feelin' good!"

"Mucho passion, mucho sexy, mucho loove!" ---thanks to!

Quotes from Paul...

"This place is so beautiful, you know? My apartment looks JUST like this!" (talking about Red Rocks amphitheatre)

Talking about the job he says he was best at "I rocked at it, I was so good. I was a much better waiter than I am a drummer, that's for sure"

When asked what inspires him~
"Life in general" :)

"The name Matchbox 20 comes from the fact when I was growing up I had a little problem starting fires. It got to be this big thing where they didn't know who I was, but all these fires were happening. So they finially found out who I was, and I got caught and sent away for a long time. I was at fire number 19, going for number 20 when I got caught. For a long time I wasn't allowed to be around fire."
(Oh... That explaines it! Paul was just kidding of course)

"My dad played professional basketball in the Midget Basketball League."
(he was just kidding here too!)

Asked when the next cd will come out, he said "When he gets cuter" (referring to Rob)

"I have a tendency to write songs about people or myself who hide things and they're afraid to put things out there.They're afraid to tell people what they really think"

Asked if he perfers being on the studio or on tour~
"If you ask us when we're in the studio, we'll say touring, if you ask us on the road, we'll say in the studio"

"Nothing makes you feel more energized then the word SPOON!" --thanks again to ;o)

Quotes from Adam...

"We're all pretty damn happy" (talking about the band)

What he never leaves home without~
"My cosmetic bag, that would be my answer, because I got so much s&*! goin' on between oxys and hairsprays and f*%$ it, I'm the biggest b&*@! you know"

What Adam said about Space Ghost (a cartoon character) "He's awesome"

About his leather pants- "I'm so f*!%ing hot in these things"

"I only listen to our record. I can't get into other artists, I don't like any other bands. The only reason I joined this unit was because of the music, and d@mn if I'm gonna listen to anything but my own album." (then puts a ciggy in his mouth) (Ad was totally joking of course!)

Coolest person he ever met- "Elvis was probably the coolest though... saw him last month in Salt Lake City pumping gas"

Adam's personal motto~
Inner Strength
Inner Peace

Words of advice....
"Never lick a phone book." --courtesy!

Quotes from Kyle...

On song interpretations~
"music and lyrics and songs can be a story, they can be a fantasy... They can come from a place that doesn't exist..."

On being hired for Mb20~
"I was hired to play guitar, but I believe that what got me the gig even more was that I sang"

Quotes from Brian...

(oh my gawd......he speaks!!!! lol) J/K ;o)~

"Damn, I need to figure out what I'm going to eat!" - much thanks to for my first, and only Pookie quote :o)

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