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Videos & Interviews

~The following clips are .mov files~

See the video for "3am"

See the video for "Push"

See the video for "Long Day"

See the video for "Real World"


Rob talks about the "Push" lyrics

Rob, Adam and Paul discuss the name "Matchbox 20"

Rob, Adam, and Paul talk about the misconception of "Push"

~The following files are in Real Audio~

An interview with Rob

Rob talks about the future of the band..and the down time between albums

Interviews with Paul~

Paul talking about the next cd

Talking about Rob being a..well..listen for yourself

Interviews with Kyle~

Kyle talks about the "Push" controversey.

About the first time Matchbox heard themselves on the radio

What is Kyle's favorite Matchbox song? Find out here!

Info on Kyle Cook

~The following files are .wav's~

Adam talking about being a part of Mb20

These are from the concert on Mar. 20 at the Hammerstein.
Please don't distribute these without permission!

Rob talking about Kyle and Carson Daly (the infamous sign)

More talk about the sign, it'll give you a good laugh!!(Rob talking)

The intro to 3am (it's beautiful!)

Rob talking about 'breaking down' the concert

Rob taking about not swearing

Rob introducing Back 2 Good

The extra verse in Long Day!

Paul talks about suspence

Note~ right click on the link and save it to your computer. It's the only way it works!

The chat transcript from Sept. 98 with Adam and Kyle

The article on the boys from Rolling Stone online

These video clips are links to Mtv's webpage. The RA interview with Rob links to Jam TV's webpage. They were put here "un-officially", no infringement intended! I made all of the wav files from the concert on MTV. The wav of Ad is from The official mb20 page, and the RA files of Paul are from Buzzine

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