On this page we will give you a form that works well with webtv. If you are a computor user your ISP will probably handle these forms as well. Some computers will not support forms. If you send the form below, it will be returned to you as undeliverable because there is no such address as "you@yourplace.com"
<>table bgcolor="grey" border="10">
<>form method=post action="mailto:you@yourplace.com" enctype="text/plain">
<>p>First Name:<>input type=text name="first">
<>p>Last Name:<>input type=text name="last">
<>p>E-Mail:----- <>input type=text name="e-mail">
<>input type=radio name="male"
<>input type=radio name="female"
<>p>Do You Like This Form?
---<>select name="select">
<>option value="select">SELECT
<>option value="yes">YES
<>option value="no">NO
<>option value="maybe">MAYBE
<>p><>textarea name="comments" rows=6
cols=40 bgcolor="pink" wrap=off>
<>input type=submit value="submit">
<>input type=reset value="reset">
This will give you this: