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On this page we will cover how to place Wav's onto your web pages. Wav sounds are short parts of a song or other recording.

WebTV is not always loading the page properly. This can cause Wav sounds attached to Meta Tags not to function. If you do not hear two Wav's, reload the page.

To have more than one Wav sound play when someone clicks onto your page, like the two different Wav's you heard when you clicked onto this page, follow the code below:

<title>WAV PAGE</title>
<bgsound src="
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;
Your writing or gifs in here.

Three points need to be made here.

#1-Place your Wave sounds between the head tags of your page, just after the closing </title> tag.

#2-You must time your first Wav and discover how long it is. We timed the "nointel.wav" above at 3 seconds. That time goes in the content="3; section of the Meta tag. If you don't allow enough time for the first Wav to play thru, the second Wav will cut the first one off.

#3-Unless you are very skilled with HTML, never take out a homepage on "ADVANCED Editor"! Always take out your page with the "BASIC EDITOR"! Put in your title and your choice of Backgrounds, then switch to the "ADVANCED EDITOR". That way most of the HTML work is done automaticly. This system works great with Angelfire Homepages. Once you have switched to the "ADVANCED EDITOR", you can put in your two Wav's. If you don't want the same Midi song playing over and over on your page, you can do them the same way as with the Wav sounds. Just follow the same code, and replace the Wav URL'S with your Midi URL'S.


If you wish to have one Wav play when someone enters your page, place the code below close to the top of your writing:

<embed src=""autostart=true>

To hear this WAV, CLICK HERE


If you want someone to click on your writing to activate your Wav, follow the code below:

<a href="">CLICK HERE</a>


If you would like a speaker click to activate your Wav, use the code below:

<embed src="">

To test any of the codes on this page, write down the code and CLICK HERE

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