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So you have finally finished building your Homepage. Now; all you need is to have visitors come to your page or site to see all the work you have put into your creation. After all, what is the need in building a site that no one will see? The question is, how do you attract people from a highly competetive web into "Your Site"?

There are several ways to do this.
No.1: Join a webring! This will make your site known to the other people in your ring.
No.2: Visit other sites and sign their guestbooks. Leave a message inviting them to visit your site.
No.3: Place your site on all the major search engines. This is the object of this page.

Placing your site on a search engine is a simple matter. But, placing your site in the top of these search engines is more difficult. Making your site to be found on the first, second or third page of a search site with hundreds of other sites competing for the same position is not so easy. This must be done with the proper META TAGS. How do you build meta tags? Where do you place them on your page?

If you have followed our advise in building your angelfire homepage, you used the "Basic Editor". This allowed angelfire to do most of the HTML work for you. But now it's time to switch to the "Advanced Editor". When you do this, your "Edit Page" will show all of the HTML work angelfire did for you. All you need to do is to improve on that slightly.

At the very top of your edit page, in the text area, you will see
Your meta tag will be placed right after the <head> tag. Follow the diagram below, but replace the description and keywords we used for this page with a description of your own page. If you have more than one page, use the first, or homepage of your site (index.html) for the search engine page. We will use three major meta tags here.

<META name="resource-type" content="document">
<META name="description" content="This page is for meta tag help for Homepages and search engines">
<META name="keywords" content="meta tags,html,homepage,site,search">

Using the above formula your page or site will receive the highest ranking you can give it in the search engines.
Here is a site for submitting your page to the major search engines. Be careful not to submit your site more than once to each engine. Multiple submissions are penalized and taken off of the search engine. SUBMIT IT FREE

There are other types of META TAGS to use for other functions on your page. one of these we have already covered on our WAVS PAGE. This is the one that allows you to place more than one WAV sound or MIDI song onto your page. To learn about these: CLICK HERE


Here is another type of META TAG that may be of use to you in building your Web Site. This META TAG will automatically move anyone that clicks onto your page to any other page on your site in a predetermined amount of time.

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" content="6;
Replace our URL with your own and change the content="6; to any number of seconds you wish.

This tag is placed on a page such as an Entry Page. When someone clicks onto this page which may say
in 6 seconds they will be transfered to the page of your choice.
To see this META TAG operate: CLICK HERE

You will be automatically returned to this page.

Or you can use it as we did on the link below. Just click on the link and let the META TAGS do the rest. CLICKHERE

Good luck and God Bless!
Bill and Maxine