e-mail - e-mail - e-mail
Chris Ogle
Board of Directors
Arica Institute
12 february 1997
Dear Chris:
I am glad you enjoyed the last edition of velocity watch. I was quite happy to be able to smuggle in your name. Please keep in mind that 1 hold no ill will for you. I would rather suspect that in other circumstances, we might get along quite well. However, I am now operating under ethical and professional imperatives which some might erroneously consider to be subjective. They are not.
1) I have not as yet received the financial information that I requested from the Institute on 26 January 1997 by faxed letter. I may also point out that I have been requesting, without success, similar information from Arica since at least 1990 (eg letters of-29 Aug 90, 30 Dec 90, 31 Dec 90, 24 + 25 Jun 1991).
Upon review of the said letters, I note that particular passages might indicate that I was in a somewhat unbalanced state. However, the requests themselves were clear and precise. (I might also note that I had no history of mental illness whatsoever prior to my association with Arica, a fact that could easily be established in court if necessary.)
I will proceed in whatever legally appropriate manner I have to in order to secure the information I need for my Work.
2) Arica Institute is still in possession of a number of my personal slides, mostly landscapes from Big Sur, California as well as a number of photos I took around Arica and of Oscar, which legally belong to me. I have unsuccessfully asked for their return a number of times. As I am now working on a book about my Big Sur experiences, their value to and necessity for me has greatly increased.
The last note I have from Arica on them dates to 2 Oct 90 and states in part: "Pictures B. We are unable to give you any pictures from Institute archives without clearance and/or a directive from Oscar." I presume you have had ample time to obtain such a directive. I would prefer not to have to take this matter to court. Return my Work.
3) The next issue of velocity watch is not going to be a lot of fun. Remembering the response to The Lance (not one allegation of which was ever disproved), where Arica Board member James H. engaged in a vicious and highly inaccurate personal attack on me without ever mentioning what I actually said, clearly an attempt at character assassination, I wish to caution Aricans. Unlike Oscar, I am not a public person within the definition of the law. It is arguable, that at the time the comments. were made, the Arica e-mail conference was quasi-public entity and that a number of people could have formed negative opinions of me based on false and malicious slander presented with malice by a member of the Arica Board. I raise this point now so that similar material is not distributed in the aftermath of velocity watch issue 3: the letter. 4') I wish to remind you of your fiduciary responsibility in your relations with Arica and of your responsibility to the code of ethics of the California State Bar. [I have been told Ogle is licensed to practice in another state.] I have uncovered a number of disturbing things about Arica. Because of the lack of information I have on certain of these matters (others I have complete evidence for) I have been unable to verify my suspicions. As a trained accountant with a wide range of legal experienced as well as an investigative journalist, I can assure you things look very peculiar. Be careful Chris.
Best regards,
Sterling Doughty
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