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Non-Corporate Velocity Inc

Velocity Trainings Inc intrigues me. I originally received a solicitation letter from them with a Sausalito return address back about 1996. I wrote them for information noting they were using the Arica symbol as a logo without any copyright mention. They never replied.

Later I noticed that Arica Institute held the copyrights to several Velocity terms. Since Velocity was apparently a California corporation and Arica a New York not-for-profit institute, I thought it rather odd.

Then I read that Oscar Ichazo was peddling Velocity Trainings Inc."team trainings" from the same used by the "completely separate in every way" Oscar Ichazo Company and Arica Institute Hawaii. Then I read that Velocity had by some miracle, fobbed off a few "Equal" trainings to some folks who sent in credit card numbers. It took a while (about a year or so) for Velocity to figure out they didn't have the authority to accept credit cards so they are trying to get the money, a considerable sum, even for the world's most important Entity, of several hundred dollars.

I wondered why they were given space in the official completely separate in every way Arica Institute house organ, the ADU. Anyway, in the mail the other day I received, as one element in an ongoing investigation, a reply from the Secretary of State of the State of California. Unfortunately the pretty Official Seal won't reproduce, but the text is interesting. I suppose it's sort of a story about open and honest communication in reverse.


metaton document vt1

1 500 - 11 th Street
Sacramento, California 95814
(916) 653-7315

[A scanned version of the original documents is available upon request.]














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metaton document vt2

[Arica Symbol Logo]


P.O. Box 1698, Sausalito, CA 94966 (415) 332-5098 FAX (415) 332-5099

Dear Arica Family,

We are currently conducting another wave of research to track changes in our participant base over the past 16 years, and to better understand "who we are" in terms of standard media demographics. This information will help us target our media efforts for the Velocity Tour as well as other projects.

The enclosed survey is being mailed out to those people who have either:

- Attended the reunion in Hawaii

- Purchased any products from Arica Institute in the last 3 years

- Made any amount of donation to Arica (dues or contributions) in the last 3 years.

The survey is being translated into Spanish and Portuguese. We are hoping for the largest return possible so that the results truly represent those who currently associate themselves with the school.

To make this easier for you, we have enclosed a return envelope and an international business reply coupon that should cover the cost of the postage. just take a few minutes to fill-out the survey, slip it into the envelope, redeem the coupon at the post office, and mail. We understand that in most countries this coupon will fully cover the postage expense. Or, if you prefer, fax your completed survey to us at 312-769-0979.

We need this information as soon as possible, so please return the survey no later than April 22, 1996. If you have any questions about the survey please feel free to call Patrice Wooldridge at 312-769-0624 (fax 312-769-0979) or e-mail her at

Thanking you in advance for your participation.

ToHam Kum Rah,

Marketing Team, Velocity Training Logistics Manual

Lee and Michael Cone (415) 485-1363 FAX(415)485-2913 Paule Marx (415) 381-1949 FAX (415) 381-1357


metaton document vt3

Sterling Doughty, Haringstr 13, CH-8001 Zurich, Switzerland
T/F: + 41-1-261.57.41 email:

11 august 1996

Fax to: Velocity Training Inc.
P.0. Box 1698, Sausalito
California 94966 USA

Dear Sirs:

I have not yet received any information on the Velocity Training as per my request of 30 march 1996. Is it still in preparation?

For an article I am writing, I need the names of Velocity Training Inc. board members and major stockholders in the corporation. I believe, that under California Corporation Law, you are required to supply me with this information.

I would also be interested in any formal relationship you have with Arica Institute Inc., whose logo you use without copyright acknowledgement in your letterhead.

Could you please comply with my request as soon as possible.

Thank you,


Sterling Doughty

[28 march 1999: I am still awaiting a reply. Ditto 31 may 1999]


metaton document vt4

Velocity Training Inc -Pieces of a Puzzle-Less Jigsaw


On many Arica documents, the Velocity Logistics Manual and Velocity Training are listed as service marks of Arica Institute. [Why a tax exempt educational organisation hold the copyrights to Velocity, which falsely claimed to be a California Corporation while doing business at the same P.O. Box as Arica Institute Inc. - Hawaii, and the Oscar Ichazo Company (legal status unknown), is not clear.] In am attempt to elucidate the situation, here follow all the bits I could find from my modest collection of Arica investigation material.




Credit card facilities for the Velocity corporation are being finalized and those who bought the Equal meditations by credit card will be advised that the charges will be shown on their next credit card statements."

[We next hear about credit cards from this phenomenal Velocity Training, which moves nearly as fast as road kill, two years later, in October 1998. They have, without explanation, omitted the Inc.]


(ADU REPORT OCT 98) [taken out of sequence for better comparison]


Please find listed below six people who purchased Equal Meditations in 1996 via credit card, at which time a credit card facility was not available. This facility became available in 1997, and in June of 1997 a letter was sent to everyone who had charged their purchases with a credit card, explaining the situation, and asking that funds be sent for product received.

P. G. ………. $65 owing
H. M. ………. $65 owing
P. M. ………. $65 owing
C. S. ………. $65 owing
P. S. ……….. $65 owing

Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated since you have received these meditations from Oscar. Please send your payment today to: Velocity Training, PO Box 1698, Sausalito, CA 94966, USA."

[Must be doing tremendous business volume with figures like these. Is one supposed to send in a credit card number with type of card, signature and expiration date, a check, or a handful of beads? This is typical of the dysfunctional way the cult does business.]



"Work on the Velocity Manual is proceeding. We have also been interviewing professionals in the areas of Production, Audio and Visuals, who have been providing us with valuable information. …

Many people have asked how they can help in this process. The compiling of names of influential contacts for the word of mouth effort is important, and it is also useful for communities to gather information about local publicity outlets, not only in major cities where the Velocity Training will be given, but also in neighboring or satellite areas. Thank you."




Hi everyone. We are into the home stretch. With $12,000.00 needed to make the $55,000.00 Lewis has projected as necessary from the beginning, we decided to look for 24 people, or couples, who could contribute $500.00 each…this has become known as the "24 Club," although you all know that the real number of contributors that has made this project possible is closer to 400. To date, $6,500 of $12,000 has either been received or pledged, plus there continue to be other unexpected gifts in the mail. If any of you are in a position to add your name to the "24 Club" or if you know someone who might be, please let us know. Checks are to made out to Arica Institute II and are sent to Mary-Ellen Klee, xxxxxxx California, or call M-E at xxx xxx-xxxx if you want further information or have suggestions of people who should be asked. The end is in sight. Let's finish this up!!!

[I wonder about the legal structure of "Arica Institute II"? This is the only reference to it I have ever seen.]


(ADU OCT 96)


Because of the generosity of more than 368 people, the Video Project has raised $52,31.43 to date. A general thanks is extended to all, but particularly to those whose checks have come in recently and haven't been acknowledged yet."




The VTLM team wishes to thank everyone who contributed to the manual so far. A first draft has been sent to Oscar and Sarah. Location search information has been sent to Hawaii From San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Buenos Aires."




We are happy to announce that the Team-One Training is now complete. The purpose of the Team-One Training is to achieve a higher level of team unity with the specific outcome of this unity increasing the performance and results of any team. The training has been named Team-One because, when a team achieves its unity, it has reached the level of being one united team and its subsequent results reflect this level of unity. The Team-One Training Key (pentagram) has five distinct aspects which determine whether or not the team is operating at the level of Team-One. The training has a one-day format and employs one key and ten enneagrams for processing the positive and negative aspects of a team's process towards unity. There are eighteen different processes for working the training material either individually in workbooks or in the group. There are five exercises for achieving team unity, which are direct and produce an immediate experience of unity or team spirit.

If there are Aricans who are interested in having the new team training presented at their company, school, team, or sponsorship, please write to:

Training Organizer
Velocity Trainings, Inc [Note the spelling change: 'Training(s)']
P.O. Box 1246
Kihei, Hawaii"

[This same P.O. Box is used also for Arica Institute Hawaii Inc., Sequoia Press, and the cult leader's personal company, the Oscar Ichazo Company. (legal status unknown)]

[What are the results of the Team-One Training? So far as I know there are none. The material that Arica produces with its - not counting Maui HQ - 33 teams [last I looked] rarely sees the light of day. Public reaction? Indifference or disdain or revulsion. According to reliable sources, the Team Trainings are a rehash of some mediocre stuff Ichazo's wife's used running an employment agency in London in the late 70s patched up with a bunch of Arica-style terminology. Once it was noted that the training was being peddled in HOLLYWOOD (Wow, Lunch!).You can imagine the results of that encounter at THE STUDIO! Barred from the lot for life.]





…The years since the Reunion [July 1995] have been extremely productive. The fundraising for and the editing of the video lectures from the Reunion and the Velocity Training Logistics manual is almost complete."

[So where are they? It is now nearly four years since the Reunion. Many people have contributed time and money to CultArica based on such promises. The material referred to has never been seen by the ordinary dues-paying cult members, let alone the general public. Could a question of fraud possibly arise in such a situation?] ============



A question recently proposed to Oscar [Ichazo] was about "how to make the Lights part of a daily routine?" Oscar answered by saying, "By doing the Equal Meditations, which are now being offered. By uniting the Absolute and Relative minds into the state of the Ornamental mine across the work with the Equal [ A little sort of barbell like thing that is a crude copy of a Tibetan meditation piece. You can buy a brass one for $100 or a wooden one for $25.00 from Arica NY] brings light into the mind and heart of the practitioner."

The Equal Meditations are available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. The Equal Meditations were practiced at the 1995 Anniversary Reunion and can be easily included in your daily routine of practice. The training package includes the Initiation and Embodiment of the Equal, the Equal Meditation I (includes the Enneads of the Absolute Mind, Relative Mind, and the Ornamental Mind), the Equal Meditation II, and the Synoptic Equal Meditations. The work is presented in a three-ring binder and includes a full-color Equal illustration. The Equal Meditations are easy to embody and require very little time to practice. A brass or wooden Equal is necessary for this work and can be ordered from the Arica Institute.

Registration forms can be obtained through Velocity Training, Inc., P.O. Box 1698, Sausalito, CA 94966, fax: (415) 332-5099."

[Note the date of this document, 21 mar 1998. Look at the date of the copy of the letter from the California Secretary of State, 27 jan 99 concerning Velocity Training Inc: NO RECORD.]



As the tour never happened (not even a bleat or a whimper has occurred), AricaInstituteIncOscarIchazoCompanyVelocityTrainingInc (in terms of who makes substantive decisions, they all have identical management, they have, so to speak, Team-One unity.) is somewhat behind schedule in their transformation promise.

So exactly what is Velocity Training(s) Inc? Anyone want to take a guess?

As near as I can tell, this is what's been going down. A brief evaluation, based on the few facts I have been to assemble, all of which are included here, and my own understanding of the Arica cult mind:

At the 1995 Arica Reunion the Velocity training of Sudden Enlightenment was previewed. It was to be followed in 1996 by the "monumental and historical" Velocity World Tour, part of an OscarArica pledge to "transform humanity" in 15 years.

A closed or shut circle group (Arica terms for a group bound to secrecy about their activities) was put together in a plan to reap the enormous expected benefits of this tour and keep the oodles of cash away from the main body of Aricans and the Arica Institute. The whole thing was a fantasy of dubious mental competence. Nobody noticed until well after the initial announcement that there was no money for or interest in such a tour outside of the group itself. A year later, in 1997, they still hadn't noticed (see home page quote). Reality is merely a tiny inconsequential detail in enlightened Arica "thought."

Because none of the prophesy was true, the shut circle has been fumbling around with the thing ever since trying to figure out what to be told. I think the core group consists or consisted of about ten people. I can name about five or nine. Tracking them would be easy. Just ask NSA or the local phone company for phone, fax and e-mail traffic from and two several of the nodes listed in this evaluation during periods surrounding the dates of the documents above. Pretty easy focus.

Logistics manual and the Videos are two major projects that have never been explained to or shown to the ordinary Aricans, the "body of the School". A video for the new Arica introduction was produced from the other videos. Reviews are that it is insipid at best. As far as I know that's all the $55,000.- (+/-) and the immense amount of volunteer work has ever resulted in. These Velocity Videos were first filmed in July 1995!

One other thing we know is that if Aricans are going to get the full benefit of specifically promised spiritual results, they must buy trainings/meditations from three different elements of the Arica Entity:

Arica Institute Inc. (HI and NY, a tax-exempt educational organisation); Velocity Trainings Inc.[?], Sausalito, California, Keihi, Hawaii [service marks held and claimed by Arica Institute Inc. USPTO Registration Number: 2183251, Filing date: 05 mar 96]; and the Oscar Ichazo Company, Keihi, Maui, Hawaii.

The last paragraph of the above quote from the MAR 98 ADU REPORT clearly links all three together.

How can it be claimed, as Ichazo and his wife do in the MAR 99 ADU REPORT:



A new journal called The Symbol is being published in order to present some of the theory from the book, which has been completely funded by the Oscar Ichazo Company. It has always been necessary to keep the work produced and funded exclusively by OIC separate from the work Oscar produces in cooperation with the Institute, as recommended by the lawyers and accountants over the years."

And note this: On 15 june 1997, I sent a letter to "Chris Ogle, Arica Board of Directors, Interested Parties". In part, it said:

… "In 1990 I sent a check to Oscar Ichazo Company for $517.50. It was a Bank of America, Capitola, California check, #111 I believe. … I intended to take a further Arica training and wanted to ask Oscar which would be appropriate. After Hawaii I [1990 Arica reunion], I had no desire to further associate myself and my energy with Arica. I requested, through Sidener [Kathryn Sidener, long time employee of P.O.Box 1246 Kihei, related entities, now resigned], that my money be returned. After an exchange of rather brisk letters, I did eventually (after several months) get my money. However, the refund check was drawn on the Arica [Institute] Hawaii account, and signed by Sarah Ichazo." …

In light of the other material contained herein, the above statement is completely absurd. Such information ought to be of interest and concern to tax and law enforcement authorities of at least three states and the federal government. Perhaps they can determine the accuracy of this evaluation. Clarifying material, from those who actually know something, is of course welcome, especially a list (anonymous is fine) of those originally part of the Velocity deal.

The mostly fine people who have offered so much of their lives, with so much sincerity and hope, to the Arica entity deserve better. It's totally beyond me how they could be treated with such total disdain in "their" "international democratic [spiritual] school." Many will be terribly hurt when they are forced to confront reality. However, reality is real, and the "Maui Tooth Fairies" are running out of teeth to pull.

Sterling Doughty, 28 march 1999


metaton document vt5/sr3

[The original of the following letter was sent to me at an address in Switzerland. It compliments the above delineated material quite well I think.]



145 Palisade Street, Suite 401, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522-1617 (914) 674-4091 FAX (914) 674-4093



Dear Friends,

Over the years all of you have contributed to the building of the School through your dedication to the Arica work though your memberships have lapsed. We now invite you to join us once again and support Arica by becoming a current member.

As a not-for-profit institution, the School relies upon membership dues and contributions for all its functions to be covered. These funds make it possible for us to continue to receive the teachings of the School and to make them available to more and more people.

We now have three types of memberships from which you can choose - regular, sustaining, or contributing - as well as a category for "Friends of Arica". You can use 80% of the basic membership and 100% of all other contributions as tax deductions.

These memberships keep you connected to all that is happening in Arica through regularly published newsletters, which often contain letters and articles from Oscar. You also receive discounts on many trainings and products available through the School.

In the future, Oscar Ichazo will present the Velocity Training of the Arica Sudden Enlightenment Method. This momentous event will bring the Arica Theory and method to a worldwide audience, giving many people a chance to experience the profound transcendence produced by the Arica teachings, and reuniting all of us who have worked together in the process of the School over the last 26 years. Your support will help sustain the foundation of the school for this historic event.

Once again, we ask you to renew your Arica membership and join us in making humanity's future Humanity-One.

We look forward to having you back in the energy of the School.

In the Spirit of the Arica Ethos [That part's funny.]
Toham Kum Rah

The Arica Board of Directors

[ Because of the relational nature of the above document, it has also been placed on the SOBER READING page as metaton document sr3. ]

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