This is an incomplete list of Oscar Ichazo copyrights, trademarks and service marks. There are thousands. Even the Arica Institute (a powerless entity used by Mr & Mrs Ichazo for certain office duties) probably does not have a complete list. They are mostly unimportant aside from what they reveal about CultAricaIchazo's - more than halfway though its latest project to save humanity - obsession with control and possession. Most of the following entries (provided in the public interest for the information of the reader in accordance with the fair-use provisions of United States law as confirmed by the Supreme Court) originally were registered to Arica Institute, a not for profit corporation registered in the State of Connecticut, U.S.A. The legal rights to the said elements were subsequently transferred to Oscar Ichazo as part of power maneuver to insure that Mr Ichazo and his wife, a former citizen of the United Kingdom, retained absolute control over the Institute and its dubious and increasingly valueless "intellectual" property. There is considerable duplication in the lists.
©2002 Oscar Ichazo and Arica Institute Inc.
Arica®, Dragon's Mix®, Dragon's Milk®, Protoanalysis®, Psychocalisthenics®, Universal Logos®, Velocity® are registered trademarks.
Alpha Heat Deity©, Arica Day of Light©, Arica Day of Unity©, Arica Introductory Program©, Arica Team Training©, Autodiagnosis©, Autodiagnosis Training©, Bare Attention©, Birth Of Light©, Chua Ka©, Clear Light©, Clear Light Meditation©, Couple for Evolution Training©, Crazy Wisdom Deity©, Crazy Wisdom Meditations and Contemplation©, Cutting the Adamantine Pyramid©, Declaration of Unity Meditation©, Divine Human Prototype©, Divine Ideas©, Divine Metatelos©, Divine Mind Training©, Divine Nature©, Divine Nature©, Divine Telesmatta©, Divine Virtues Deity©, Divine Wisdom Deity©, Domains of Consciousness©, Doors Analysis Day©, Doors of Compensation©, Doors of Compensation Training©, Equal©, Equilibrium©, Eternal Continuum©, Fierce Divine Wisdom Deity©, Fire Exercise©, Fixations and Autodiagnosis©, Four Functions of Reality Training©, Golden Eye©, Group Practice for Crazy Wisdom©, Harmonic Consciousness©, Humanity-One©, Hypergnostic Meditation©, Interaction©, Kinerhythm©, Levels Analysis Day©, Levels of Consciousness©, Levels of Consciousness Training©, Long Ah©, Mentations and Deviations©, Nine Hypergnostic Systems©, Nine Ways of Zhikr©, No Contradiction©, No Effect©, No Position©, Opening the Rainbow Eye©, Principles of Consciousness©, School Symbol/Universal Logos©, Spiritual-psychic Body©, Telegnostic Guardian©, The Equal Meditations©, The Long Ah©, The Octagon©, The Symbol©, Toham Kum Rah©, Trifix Analysis Day©, Ultimate Guardian©, Universe Yantra©, Velocity Initiation©, Velocity Meditations©, Velocity Method of Sudden Enlightenment©, Velocity Training©, Violet Door©, Vortex Points Training© are copyrights of Oscar Ichazo.
©1996 ARICA INSTITUTE, INC. Arica®, The Arican™, The Arica Universal Logos ®, and Psychocalisthenics® are trademarks of Arica Institute, Inc. Adaptation Instinct, Advanced Couples, Advanced Psychocalisthenics, Alpha Heat Ritual, The Arica Daily
Routine, Arica Day of Unity, Arica Scarab, The Arica Team Training, The Aura Protection Meditation, The Basic Dodecagram, Basic Enneagon of the Fixations, Basic Enneagon of the Three Instincts, Black Earth of Perfect Harmony Ceremony, Chua Ka, The Clear Light Ceremony, Co-ego, Conjunction Point, Conservation Instinct, The Couple for Evolution, The Cutting of the Adamantine Pyramid, Discriminative Self, Divine Human Prototype, Divine Ideas, Dodecagon of Mentational Analysis, Dodecagram of Integration, Dodecagram of Orientation, Doors of Compensation, Dynamic Dodecagram of Process, Dynamic Enneagram, Enneagram of Integration, Enneagram of Orientation, Enneagram of Process, Enneagram of the Traps, Enneagram of the Virtues, Enneagram of the Ways, Fire Exercise, First Law of Trialectics, The Five Tenets of Arica, The Five Ultimate Determinants, The Five Ultimate Determinants of Being, Fixations/Autodiagnosis, The Four Elements in Space Meditation, The Fourteen Pillars of Perfect Recognition, Function of Coordination and Honor, Function of Expression and Fame, Function of Space and Wealth, Function of Time and Power, The Golden Eye Meditation, Historical Ego, Humanity-One, The Hypergnostic Meditation, Image Ego, Key of Enneagramatic Recognition of the Fixations, Key of the Five Ultimate Determinants of Being, Kinerhythm, Law of Attraction, Law of Circulation, Law of Mutation, Levels of Consciousness, The Long AH Meditation, Major Fixation, Mandala System of the Great Telesmatta, Mentational Analysis, Mentations/Deviations, Metasociety, Mind of Supreme Enlightenment, Minor Fixation, The Nine Domains of
Consciousness, The Nine Hypergnostic Systems, Nine Ways of Zhikr, Objective Positions, The Octagon, Opening of the Rainbow Eye, Passions, Pneumorhythm, Practical Ego, Protoanalysis, Psychoalchemy, Relation Instinct, Rituals of Completion of the Telesmatta of Truth (Divine Nature), Seal of the Divine Minds, Seal of the Telesmatta of Grace, Second Law of Trialectics, Seven Fundamental Forces, Sexual Pole, Spiritual Pole, Stages of Completion of the Telesmatta of Truth, Sub-types, Symbol Yoga, Telesmatta ofWisdon, Theosis, Third Law of Trialectics, Trialectics, Universe yantra, Universal Logos yantra, Uroboros, Velocity Training of the Arica
Sudden Enlightenment Method, Virtues, Vortex Points, and Walking in the Void are service marks of the Arica Institute, Inc. [All rights now transferred to Oscar Ichazo]
© 1992 Arica Institute, Inc. Arica®, Dragons 's Milk, Psychocalisthenics® and The Arican®, are trademarks of Arica Institute, Inc. Absolute Mind of Non conceptualization, Access Base, Adamantine Pyramid, Advanced Couples training, Advanced Psychocahsthenics training, Alpha Heat Deity, Alpha Heat Ritual: Archangels of the Crown, Archangels of the Throne, Arica Daily Routine exercse, Arica Divne Gnoses, Arica Five Supreme Determinants, Arica 40 day Training, Arica Great Telesmatta training, Arica Mandala System of the Great Telesmatta, Arica Psychomachia training, Arica seal of Great Power training, Arica System of the 9 Types of Phenomena, Arica Tuning ritual, Arica Velocity method, Arica Zhikr ritual, Bare Attention rneditation, Birth of Light yantra, Chua Ka training, Cutting of the Adamantine Pyramid training Declaration of the Unity of God, Diamond Purifier, Divine Eternal Continuum, Divine Gnosis of the Diamond Being, Divine Gnosis of Fruition, Divine Gnosis of Great Peace, Divine Gnosis of Light, Divine Gnosis of Liberation Divine Gnosis of the Mystical School, Divine Gnosis of the Path, Divine Gnosis of Self Realization, Divine Gnosis of Transcendentality Divine Guardian, Divine Metatelos, Divine Pleroma, Divine Pride, Divine Telesmanta, Domains of Consciousness training, Divine Wisdom Deity, Domain of Creativity: Intellectual Domain, Domain of Laws & Morals, Domain of Life & Security, Domain of Position & Authority, Domain of Sentiments, Domain of Social Interaction, Spiritual Domain, Domain of Work & Activities, Doors of Compensation training, Arica Ego reduction, Eighth Level Preparation training, Emptiness meditation, Embodiment of the Seraph Archangels, Enneagon of the Divine Ideas, Enneagon of the Divine Gnoses with internal Enneagons of the Elements, Enneagon of the Immovable Mind, Enneagon of the Nine Constituents of the Human Personality Enneagon of the Poisons of the Instincts, Enneagon of the Virtues, Eternal Continuum, Fierce Divine Wisdom Deity, Arica Fire ritual, Five Arica Tenets, Five Energy winds, Five Supreme Determinants, Fourteen Pillars of Perfect Recognition, General Mandala of the Great Telesmatta I, General Mandala of the Great Telesmatta II, Golden Eye ritual and Initiation, Part 1, Psychomachia, Golden Eye Part 2, The Telesmatta of Truth, Section 1, Applied Psychomachia, Section 2, The Imaginal World, Section 3, The Embodiment of the Archetypes, Great Telesmatta, Hypergnostic Systems, Hypergnostic Systems Training, Humanity One, Imaginal World meditation, Initiation into the Great Telesmatta, Kath point, Kinerhythm meditation, Levels of Consciousness training, Line of the School training, Long AH sound, Mandala Embodiment meditation, Mandala of All Phenomena, Mandela of the Archangels, Mandela of the Ascending Scarab, Mandala of the Descending Scarab, Mandate of Divine Metatelos I, Mandalaof Divine Metatelos II, Mandala of Great Power, Mandala of Initiations Mandala of the Realms, Mandala System of the Telesmatta of Truth, Mandala System of the Telesmatta of Wisdom, Mandala of the Telegnostic Guardian, Mandala System of the Telesmatta of Grace, Mandala System of the Divine Telesmatta, Mandala of the Telesmatta of Divine Life, Master Level Exercise, Material Manifestation Points (MMPs), Mentations/Deviations training, Metasociety, Mind of Equality, Mind of Essential Will, Mind of Perfect Awareness, Mind of Separation, Mind of Theosis, Nine Domains training, Nine Divine Principles, Ninefold Path, Nine Hypergnostic Systems training, Nine Divine Principles, Nine Ways of Zhikr ritual, Octagon meditation, Opening of the Golden Eye, Path of Domination, Path of Increase, Telegnostic meditations, Pragmatic Integralism, Opening the Rainbow Eye training, Pneumorhythm training, Protoanalysis training, Psychoalchemy training, Red Mandala yantra, Relative Mind of Nonconceptualization, Special Mangold of the Telesmatta of Truth, State of the Immovable Mind, Supramundane victor, Teamwork, Cooperation and Interaction training, Telegnostic Guardian, Telegnostic meditations, Telegnostic State, Telesmatta of Divine Life, Telesmatta of Grace training, Telesmatta of Truth training, Toluca Kum Rah, Trialectic logic, Tifc~, Ultimate Guardian yantra Universe yantra, Uroboros training, Vortex Points training, Violet Diamond Purifier, Violet Door meditation, Violet Pearl meditation, and Wisdom Deities are service marks of Arica Institute. [All rights now transferred to Oscar Ichazo]
©1991 Anca Institute. Inc Arica®, Dragon's Milk®, Psychocalisthenics are trademarks of Arica Institute Inc Absolute Metatelos, Advanced Couples training: Advanced Psy-chocalisthenics training, Alpha Heat ritual, Archangels of the Crown, Archangels of the Throne, Archetypes of the Domains yantras, Arica Daily Routine exercise, Arica Ethos meditation, Anca Ethos offering, Anca Ethos Triadic Meditation, Arica 40-day training, Arica Great Telesmatta Iraining, Arica Psychomachia training, Anca Seal of Great Power training, Arica Thought of Enlightenment exercise, Arica Three-month training, Arica Tuning ritual, Arica Zhikr ritual, Aspects of Unity enneagon, Bare Attention yantra, Be|ewelled Kingdom, Body of Light, Ceremony of the Arica Seal of Great Power, Chua ka training, Cutting of the Adamantine Pyramid training, Declaration of the. Unity of God, Destroyer of Death and the Devil, Diamond Helpers, Diamond Purifiers yantras, Divine Human Prototype, Divine Metalelos, Divine Nature, Divine Telesmatta, Domains of Consciousness training, Doors of Compensation training, Enneagon of the Arica Ethos, Enneagon of Arising, Decaying, Ceasing, Enneagon of Attachment, Enneagon of Bliss, Rapture, and Ecstasy, Enneagon of the Divine Principles, Enneagon of the Fixation Groups, Enneagon of Full Concentration, Enneagon of the Hindrances, Enneagon of Immoral Force, Enneagon of the Inhabitants, Enneagon of the Instincts, Enneagon of the Instinct Ego Types, Enneagon of the Nine Aggregates, Enneagon of the Non-conceptual Mind, Enneagon of the Non-form Abstractions, Enneagon of the One-Thought Mantram,
Enneagon of the Passions, Enneagon of Psychic Power, Enneagon of the Psychocatalyz-ers, Enneagon of the Traps, Enneagon of the Virtues, Eighth Level Preparation training, Fire ritual, Fire Ritual in the Spirit of the Arica Ethos, Fire Ritual in the Spirit of Reconciliation, Fourteen Pillars of Perfect Recognition, Generation of the Arica Thought of Enlightenment, Genera Mandala of the Great Telesmatta, Golden Eye ritual and initiation, Part I Psychomachia, Golden Eye Part 2, The Telesmatta of Truth, Section ], Applied Psychomachia, Golden Eye Part 2, The Telesmatta of Truth, Section 2, The Imaginal World, Great Power meditation, Great Telesmatta, Hypergnostic Systems, Humanity-One, Hypergnostic Systems training, Imaginal World meditation, Initiation into the Great Telesmatta, Initiation Ritual of the Ultimate Guardian, Innate Awareness of Clarity upon Emptiness.Inside meditation, Integral Ontology, Kath Generation exercise,
Kinerhythm meditation, Levels of Consciousness training, Line of Acceptance, Line of the School, Mandala System of the Telesmatta of Truth, Mandala System of the Telesmatta of Wisdom, Mandala System of the Telesmatta of Grace, Mandala System of the Divine Telesmatta, Master Level Exercise, Material Manifestation Points |MMPs|, Mentations Training .Mentations/Deviations training, Negative Scarab yantra,, Nine Defilements enneagon, Nine Domains training, Nine Fetters ennneagon, Nine Systems enneagon, Nine Transcendentals enneagon, . Nine Ways of Zhikr ritual, Octagon, Charging and Initiation, Octagon, Embodiment of the Seraph Archangels, One-Thought Mantram meditation, Opening the Rainbow Eye training, Pneumorhythm training, Protoanolysis training, Psychoalchemy training, Purposeful Goal training, Red Mandala yantra, Seal of Great Power yantra, Special Mandala of the Telesmatta of Truth, Sun of Enlighlenment, Supreme Trust, Supreme Ultimate Guardian yantra, Symbol Yoga training, Teamwork, Cooperation, and Interaction training, Telemon-amenta, Telesmatta of Grace Training, Telesmatta of Truth training, The Antidotes enneagon, The Equal training aid, Theosis, The Scarab training, Toham kum rah, Trialectic logic, Trialectics. Law of Attraction Transfigured State of Bliss, Ultimate Ground meditation, Ultimate Guardian yantra, Ultimate Guardian meditation, Ultra Metatelos yantra, Uroboros training, Violet Door meditation, Void meditation, Vortex Points training, Way of Spontaneous Enlightenment training, Wisdom Union training, Yantra of the Universe are.service marks of Anca Institute. [All rights now transferred to Oscar Ichazo]
©1990 Anca Institute, Inc.
Anca®, Dragon's Milk®, Psychocalisthenics®, The Arican®, are trademarks of Anca Institute. Inc. Absolute Metatelos; ® Advanced Couples training. Advanced Psychocalisthenics training; Alpha Heat; An Eighth Level training, Anca Tuning ritual; Anca Koans; Chua ka training; The Cutting of the Adamantine Pyramid training, Declaration of Unity; Divine Metatelos; Domains of Consciousness training; Doors of
Compensation training; Eighth Level Preparation training; Fire ritual, Fire ritual in the Spirit of Reconciliation; Golden Eye ritual and initiation, Part 1 Psychomachia; Golden Eye, Part 2, The Telesmatta of Truth, Section 1, Applied Psychomachia; Golden Eye, Part 2, The Telesmatta of Truth, Section 2, The Imaginal World; Great Telesmatta; Humanity-One; Hypergnostic Systems training. Kath Generation exercise; Kinerhythm training; Levels of Consciousness; Line of Acceptance; Line of the School; Mandala System of the Telesmatta of Truth, Mandala System of the Telesmatta of Wisdom, Mandala System of the Telesmatta of Grace; Mandala System of the Divine Telesmatta; Master Level Exercise; Mentations/Deviations training; Nine Ways of Zhikr; Octacals training; Octagon, Charging and Initiation; Octagon, Embodiment of the Seraph Archangels, Opening the Rainbow Eye training; Pneumorhythm training, Protoanalysis training, Psychoalchemy training; Supreme Ultimate Guardian; Symbol Yoga training; Teamwork,Cooperation, and Interaction training, Toham kum rah, Trialectics, Theosis: Ultra Metatelos, Uroboros training, Violet Door meditation; Vortex Points training are service marks of Arica Institute. [All rights now transferred to Oscar Ichazo]
©1989 Anca Institute, Inc.
Anca®, Dragon's Milk®, Psychocalisthenics®. The Arican® are trademarks of Arica Institute, Inc. Advanced Psychocalisthenics. Alpha Heat, Applied Psychomachia, Arica
Advanced Couples, Arica Eighth Level, Arica Forty Day Training, Arica Levels of Consciousness, Arica Mandala System, Arica Temple, Chua ka, Couple for Evolution, Cutting the Diamond, Divine Telesmatta, Domains of Consciousness, Doors of Compensation, Four Elements in Space, Golden Eye, Golden Eye Ritual and Initiation, Highest Telesmatta, Hypergnostic, Hypergnostic Meditation, Hypergnostic Questions and Concomitant Association Words for Discharging the Past, Imaginal World, Kinerhythm, Master Level Exercise, Mentations, Metatelos, Octagon, Octacals, Open Path, Opening the Rainbow Eye, Pacification of the Psyche, Pneumorhythm, Protoanalysis, Psychic Space, Psychoalchemy, Psychocatalyzers, Psychomachia/Battle of the Soul, Teamwork, Cooperation, and Interaction, Telemonamenta, Teleonesis, Telesmatta of Grace, Telesmatta of Truth, Telesmatta of Wisdom, The Cutting of the Adamantine Pyramid, The Nine Ways of Zhikr, Theosis, Vortex Points, are service marks of Arica Institute Inc. [All rights now transferred to Oscar Ichazo]
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