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sober reading

metaton document sr1:

Feats of Accomplishment?

Below is Ichazo's description of the Arica "Feats of Attainment", which even exceed Arica's habitual propensity for exaggerated hyperbole. There is absolutely no evidence to support such claim. The reality is that Arica income, membership and attendance at trainings are all down, the latter to about zero. (Of the pitiful 1,000 or so claimed to have attended the "Trifix" training in its first year, more than 90% were Aricans and things have gone downhill ever since.). There were so many walkouts and negative comments about the Trifix training - the poor Arica "trainers", whose use of their "creative abilities" is limited to repeating memorized texts and passing out snacks, were often called robots - that Arica was forced to respond. Naturally they didn't improve the product, instead they came up with a clumsy spin - telling the "trainers" to ask only questions that could be answered positively. This absurd memo of deceit promotion, "It's not what you say, it's how you say it," is also reproduced in sober reading.

It is also unfortunately true that a seemingly unusual high number of Aricans have died at a relatively early age from virulent diseases - deaths inconsistent with promise number three. Nor is there any evidence that Feat Number 1, which promises the ability to heal, has ever played a role "alleviating" anybody's "afflictions". Not only do such false and misleading claims raise serious questions concerning ethics and integrity, they might lead the gullible to avoid seeking professional medical care when needed. For many Aricans, the words of their former Bolivian Guru are true, perfect and sacred, irrespective of any objective proof.

Additionally, the presentation of the Feats of Accomplishment" is in direct contradiction with IRS regulations governing tax exempt educational organisations:

"The mere presentation of unsupported opinion is not educational."

- IRS Publication 557, pg 17.

Here, as given on page 43 of The Teachings of the Great Telesmatta (Autumn 1991) issue of the ARICAN journal, in an article titled "Mandala Embodiment" by Oscar Ichazo, are the Feats of Accomplishment:

"Success in the Mandala Embodiment meditation and the three subsequent meditations, which are known as the Telegnostic (Gr. tele -- finality, gnosis -- divine knowledge) Meditations or how we can objectively evaluate the imprinting in ourselves of the Divine Metatelos, are known as feats of accomplishment and they are:

1. Capacity for alleviating other persons' afflictions, whether they be physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.

2. Improved health.

3. Prolonged life span.

4. Enhanced intelligence.

5. Increase of wealth.

6. Expanded creative abilities.

7. Clarity and understanding of the Arica theory and system.

8. Ability to expose the Arica theory and system from a realized point of view.

9. Direct comprehension of the intuitive state of mind of the Arica Five Supreme Determinants."


[Note: The author has not yet received a response to this letter. But, it's only February 1999.]

Geneva - 25 june 1991 - Page 1 of 1
Arica Institute
New York

Dear Sirs:
I wish to add a precision to my fax dated yesterday, in which I again asked for certain information concerning institute finances.

In the December 1987 Arican, on Page 19. you solicited money from "All Aricans and friends". The P.S. read: "Our main goal right now is to raise funds to compensate Oscar for his services rendered during the past two years."

I responded with a check for US$200.00 (receipt of which was acknowledged by you on 4 March 1988 on computer Invoice Number 6513) and in my cover letter of 22 February 1988 specifically noted that the money was "for Oscar".

In the Spring 1988 Arican, under "Fund Raising Update" (Page 1), it was stated: "And of course we are on the road toward fulfilling our goal of adequate compensation for Oscar."

In the same Arican (Page 2), under Board of Directors Meeting notes from 17 January 1988, it was stated: "The Board reiterated its policy of compensating Oscar for the extensive services he renders to the Institute. This compensation has met and will continue to meet requisite legal and accounting standards."

Yet in his 11 September 1990 letter to James E. Radford, Maui investigator, State of Hawaii Consumer Protection, Oscar states categorically on Page 1: "... and I do not, and have not for many years, received any compensation whatsoever from the Institute."

My question is: What happened to the money?

Sterling Doughty
cc. various interested parties

metaton document sr3/cv5:

[The original of the following letter was sent to me at an address in Switzerland. It compliments the above delineated material quite well I think.]



145 Palisade Street, Suite 401, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522-1617 (914) 674-4091 FAX (914) 674-4093



Dear Friends,

Over the years all of you have contributed to the building of the School through your dedication to the Arica work though your memberships have lapsed. We now invite you to join us once again and support Arica by becoming a current member.

As a not-for-profit institution, the School relies upon membership dues and contributions for all its functions to be covered. These funds make it possible for us to continue to receive the teachings of the School and to make them available to more and more people.

We now have three types of memberships from which you can choose - regular, sustaining, or contributing - as well as a category for "Friends of Arica". You can use 80% of the basic membership and 100% of all other contributions as tax deductions.

These memberships keep you connected to all that is happening in Arica through regularly published newsletters, which often contain letters and articles from Oscar. You also receive discounts on many trainings and products available through the School.

In the future, Oscar Ichazo will present the Velocity Training of the Arica Sudden Enlightenment Method. This momentous event will bring the Arica Theory and method to a worldwide audience, giving many people a chance to experience the profound transcendence produced by the Arica teachings, and reuniting all of us who have worked together in the process of the School over the last 26 years. Your support will help sustain the foundation of the school for this historic event.

Once again, we ask you to renew your Arica membership and join us in making humanity's future Humanity-One.

We look forward to having you back in the energy of the School.

In the Spirit of the Arica Ethos [That part's funny.]
Toham Kum Rah

metaton document sr4/cv5

[Note: The following letter is an OCR reproduction. Original formatting and graphics are lost. The text is identical to the original which is on file.]


Oscar lchazo

Dear Aricans,

We cannot stress enough the absolute need of an organized team at a professional level that can assume the responsibilities of producing the presentation of the first Velocity Training across America, Europe, and South America. It will be an historic tour, with the main goal of presenting the Velocity Training and the Arica theory to a worldwide audience. There is no need to emphasize the importance of the Velocity tour but its far-reaching benefits will be the start of an historical transformation on a global scale of a world view, which is directed toward the goal of the Metasociety, which will be accomplished during the first decade of the next century.

Fifteen years seems such a short period of time for such an accomplishment. Nevertheless, it is possible, because the real transcendental nature of human beings will become the inevitable topic and the main and foremost preoccupation of the intellectual, moral, and spiritual human potential movement of the next century, which will inevitably produce the far-reaching goal of the Metasociety.

Up to this point you have been organizing yourselves with extreme dedication and talent, and we certainly need to tighten up all the knots that will make the world Velocity tour an indispensable success if Arica is finally going to transform our disturbed, disorganized, dissillusioned, polluted, narrow-minded, ignorant, superstitious, materialistic brutal, immoral, violent, vicious, and murderous society into a real humanity based on the spirit, which is only alive when awakened into transcendental enlightenment and moral unity based upon the virtues and values of freedom justice, and knowledge

With the precious goal of Arica in mind, I encourage each of you to make the Arica Ethos the foundation of the Arica School and the Arica team process so we can fulfill our destiny, filling us with the pride of being Arican, working for our precious goal of Humanity- One.

We Are One. Toham Kum Rah

The Arica Board of Directors

[ Because of the special relational nature of the above document, it has also been placed on the Non Corporate Velocity Inc page as metaton document cv5. ]

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