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Fighting Fit

Before we start, this page is written from a battle point of view. Very soon there will be a general fitness page.

Please remember that all activities contained herein can be hazardous to health and ALL sources and and writers cannot be held responsible for any loss, injuries or death, caused by the use or misuse of any techniques held in this or any other pages or documents. Please check with your GP or doctor that you are physically fit enough to carry out strenuous excersize.

List Of Contents

    Fit To Fight: An introduction to super-fitness
  1. How to test your fitness:
    (1) Medical Check
  2. How to test your fitness:
    (2) Physical Check
  3. Principles of fitness
  4. Types of excersize for total fitness
  5. Let's have a workout: starting a 10-week programme
  6. The importance of warming up
  7. Aerobic fitness-The key to peak fitness
  8. Your heart rate for effective training
  9. Muscle toning
  10. The importance of cooling down
  11. Stretching to develop an agile body
  12. Circuit training techniques
  13. How to start a jogging programme
  14. Upper body strengthening excersises
  15. Nutritional guidelines

Battle Fitness Programme No1

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The soldier is a warrior and must be mentally and physically prepared for combat- 'only the fit survive' .

Soldiering involves pitting your strength and fitness against the harshest elements and then fighting the battle - to win. An unfit body is only about 25 per cent efficient in energy use, but this can be raised to almost 100 per cent efficiency with regular training.

Before you embark on the rigorous training needed, you must be medically screened and physically tested in order to assess your physical potential and ability to complete the training.

Basic training can only suplement your existing level of fitness, and cannot eradicate years of possible neglect and abuse of your body. Fitness is your responsibility, and you must protect and develop it constantly - not just in training.

A fit body needs strong muscles to maintain good posture and scale obstacles, efficeint heart and lungs to march long distances or sprint short distances fast, and the agility to overcome obstacles quickly and without injury.

For those out of condition, the physical demands of training can be overwhelming and result in injury and disappointment, but reaching peak fitness will give you an exhilarating sense of purpose and well-being.

It will take at least 10 weeks of regular training and hard work to reach even a good basic level of fitness - but the rewards are many. Generally, the aims are to develop TOTAL FITNESS, of which the main components are:-

  1. Muscular strength
  2. Muscular endurance
  3. Cardiovascular endurance
  4. Flexibility
  5. Mental alertness

How would you measure up?

Carrying the burden of battle

Throughout history, physical fitness has been an important factor of success in battle. The Falklands War once again demonstrated that, despite technological advances, physical fitness is still one of the most significant factors of a succesful fighting force.

Important professional qualities can also be developed through training programmes. Of these, FIGHTING SPIRIT and the WILL TO WIN are the most important.