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Coralie Cooks

Come Into My Kitchen
I enjoy baking when I am able to get time to do it!! I thought that you might be interested in a few of the recipes that my family really enjoys. I don't know if you have the same measurements, or ingredients , or temperatures, but I hope you can try these!


4 oz butter
8 oz sugar
pinch salt
1 egg
1 tsp. golden syrup
8 oz flour
3 small tsp. ground ginger
1/2 tsp. baking powder

Cream butter and sugar. Add egg and syrup. Mix in dry ingredients. Roll into balls and place on tray. DONT FLATTEN!! Bake 20minutes at 350 degrees F (180 C)

Easy Biscuits

4 oz butter
4 oz sugar
pinch salt
1 tlbsp golden syrup
1 tsp baking soda
1 tlbsp milk
2 small cups flour
1 cup sultanas

Heat first six ingredients in a pot until frothy and then add the flour and sultanas. Cook at 400 dF for about 10mins

Belgian Slice

1/4 lb butter
1/2 cup sugar
pinch salt
1 cup flour
1 egg
1 tsp mixed spice
1 tblsp cornflour
1/2 tsp baking soda
small dessert sp golden syrup
1 tsp cinnamon

Cream butter and sugar, add egg and syrup, then rest of ingredients. Spread in a sponge roll tin and then bake at 300 dF for 30mins or until slice springs back when pressed.

Timaru Special

1 lb sultanas
1/2 lb butter
pinch salt
3 eggs
3/4 lb sugar
1 lb flour
1 tsp baking powder
almond essence

Boil in water the sultanans for 5 minutes, strain and add to hot fruit the butter. Beat the eggs and sugar well, add to fruit & butter. Then add the other ingredients. Cook in 8inch tin for 1 1/2 hrs at 350dF

May the work of your hands be a blessing to your family, and friends!
Love is easily digested!

Recipes on the Net
Better Homes and Gardens Recipes
Free download of recipe program for the computer.
Recipes for M&M's!
100 Pie Recipes