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Links that Help and Heal

Please peruse at your leisure, or if you're in need of good resources or support!


This pretty background graphic is by Peona Page


The Gathering Place-wonderful personal & support site
Coming Out Multiple-great, brave site for MP's
The Wounded Healer-awesome healing for counselor's & survivors
Divided Hearts-awesome support & hundreds of links
Astraea's Personal Resources & Controversies-great, thought provoking
We R Many-axcellent personal & resource site
Habitat's Dissociation Resources-lots of info
MALES-survivor site for men & boys-it's so good to see such sites
Family of Promise-great personal MPD site
Heart's Page-great personal site & resources
weblittles-wonderful, safe site for inner wee ones
Looney Tunes Express-lots of fun for the littles
Dissociation & MPD Links-excellent therapeutic & personal resources
Needid- great info, support site
SurVivR-Gentle, powerful; masses of info!

Bipolar, Addictions Recovery & other helpful stuff

Harbor of Refuge-my absolute favorite site for Bipolar
Dr. Ivan's Clearing House-excellent Bipolar resources & info
Bipolar-Manic Depression-awesome resouces & tons of links
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (N.A.M.I.)-great resources
Femina Search-sites by & for women
Eileen's Panic Page-excellent support & resources
Singin' Rose's Mental Health Links-lots of great resources
APCKRFAN'S World of Nifty Links-great mental health links
Narcotic's Anonymous Cyberspace meeting list
Sobriety & Recovery Resources-wonderful recovery site-A.A. & more
Mirror Mirror Eating Disorders-excellent, & tons of links on many issues
Intellihealth- Johns Hopkins-excellent mental health & medication search info.
Jerry's Safe Haven-wonderful Co-dependence info & support
Co-Dependency & Relationship Addiction-great site
Mental Health Net-awesome rated resources on every concern imagineable
Transformations-wonderful self-help & recovery

Take a moment to be INSPIRED!

Interlude Thought for the Day-inspirational
Jonathon Earl Bowser's artwork-breathtaking visual food for the soul
Marianne Williamson's official site-it's lovely & inspiring
Angel Links-lots & lots of links
Manypaths-wondrous site-access to thousands of self-help & spiritual links
Tarot-free computer generated tarot, rune readings-cool
United Communities of Spirit-all faiths, beliefs come together as a healing force
Spyder's Empire-tons of writing, poetry & music by some of the greats-fun
Miracle Distribution Center-A Course in Miracles work-awesome