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Missions 16-20

On each level, you get a gold medal if you finish first time, or on your first attempt since you last tried for a medal. The next attempt or two (depending on the level) will get you a silver medal, and thereafter it's worth bronze. There is a reason for this: on attempts worth gold medals, you'll get hardly any help in terms of crates. Silver will give you a bit more help, and bronze a bit more still. Thus getting a gold medal really is harder than getting a silver or bronze, in many cases. When I say below that you "get" something on a silver/bronze attempt, it means that there'll be a crate containing it.


16: Trouble on Mount Wormore
Difficulty: 4

Go 1: Change worm, and pick up the ninja ropes. Ninja over as far as you can, setting off any mines you can as you go. Uzi the enemy worm, which will hopefully set off at least one more mine.

Go 2: Finish off the nearest enemy worm, setting off as many mines with you as possible.

Go 3: Keep making your way over to the general. It's possible to jump over a mine if you're lucky, as the delay is quite long.

About now, depending on how many turns you've taken so far (due to bad luck or whatever), some dynamite should appear in a crate on the sign. Get it with the ninja rope, and stand back on the mountain, where you can fire into the posts of the sign. When you've made enough of a hole (with the uzi, if I remember correctly), go in and dynamite the general. There isn't much ground there, so he should drown easily. If not, use the mortar to finish him off. Don't forget, you don't need to survive.


17: Chateau Assassin
Difficulty: 6

Go 1: Using worm select a couple of times, stack your worms under the oil barrel, and backflip onto it with the last worm. Get the girders and place the first one nearly vertically, covering the mine with a bit of room to spare.

Go 2: Move the current worm away from the action, then select the worm that just built the girder. Scale that girder and build another one to cross the second mine.

Go 3: Select the girdering worm again, and use the final girder to cross the third and fourth mines. (You'll then be able to reach another girder crate.)

Go 4: Select the worm which is still under the oil barrel, move it to the left out of the way, then shoot the oil barrel. When the flames have died down, go to the right to save some time later.

Go 5: It should be the girdering worm's go again. Build a long horizontal girder which just touches the final tower near the top of the final tower, thus giving you protection against air strikes. Walk under the girder and jump across to the final tower - this is a good hiding place.

Go 6: Run! You should just about be able to make it under cover by the end of your go.

Go 7: Same again, leaving you with all three worms nicely under cover.

The enemy will now launch an airstrike. If you're extremely lucky, the mine to the right of the top of the tower will kill the general for you! If not, you should still have three healthy worms and the mine will at least be out of the way.

Go 8: Time to start sacrificing worms... Walk over your cover girder and down the tower, then jump off to set off both of the closest mines.

Go 9: Same again, except you can now get a bit further - to the mine next to the major. Triggering this will kill both you and him.

Go 10: You may need to you the fast-walk utility for this turn. Once more, go over the tower. Jump from the middle of the last tree to land on the mine next to the general. This will kill both of you, completing the mission.


18: Rescue Agent Dennis!
Difficulty: 6

Go 1: From the top of the A, and fire the shotgun horizontally left to blow up the barrel. If you're lucky, this will take out both of the worms up there. Next, jump left from just under Assassin's tail, to get into the small gap in the E. Go all the way along it, then fire horizontally at Assassin.

Go 2: Hopefully Assassin and General will be next to each other. Go out of the gap (you can jump from the very edge of the shadow), and practice getting back in so that you'll be able to do it at the end of the turn. Fire a bazooka at Assassin and General, and get back into cover.

From here onwards, you have to play it by ear. However, here are some tips:


19: Horny Nuke
Difficulty: 4

If you've done the Crazy Crates training mission, this landscape should look familiar...

You need to get the nuke on this one, but you don't need to use it until right at the end. You may be able to get away without using it at all, but it's best not to risk it!

On the way over, make sure you get the crates under the blue tentacle on the right, as the rightmost one contains another two ninja ropes. Whilst not absolutely critical to the mission, they give you The crate above and to the left of the nuke crate (which is the red flashing one at the bottom left) contains a pneumatic drill which should get you the nuke on the second go. (Your first, if you can ninja over that quickly!)

Go back over to the far right of the screen, and knock Artillery off his perch with the uzi (don't worry, you have plenty of goes in which to do this), and kill the closer couple of worms while you wait for sudden death. Use the nuke a turn or so before the last enemy is going to drown - that way you don't need to worry about losing energy because of it. Don't forget that the nuke raises the water level a lot, so if you want to survive (not that you have to), you may want to ninja up to the highest perch on the right before going nuclear.


20: Rumble in the Farmyard
Difficulty: 4

Another play-by-ear level, this one, but here are some tips:

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