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Hanson Concert Reviews

This page will have concert reviews written by hanson fans that have went to Hanson concerts, if you have went to a Hanson concert and you have a review that you would like to have up here, just e-mail it to me and I will have it up as soon as possible. Thanks.

This first concert review is about the DC Concert and it was written by Lauren Parry, her e-mail address is

We left my house at about 4:30 and got to the Nissan Pavillion at about 6:00. The parking lot opened at 6 and the gates to the actual pavilion itself opened at 6:30. So my mom, my friend Ashley, and I were waiting in the crowd in front of the gate at 6. We pushed our way through to the front, and stood in a pretty good place. There were A LOT of people waiting outside the gates with us. While we were waiting for the gates to open, at about 6:20, a few girls start to scream. So I was looking around trying to see what on earth they were screaming at, and I saw someone standing on top of the little hill that you had to climb up to get into the pavillion. (The seats sort of elevated up) I got my little binoculars out (hehe) and looked at the person. I couldn't really see the guy too well, because the sun was right behind the guy, but he was holding something in his hands. Later on, I found out that it was Walker! He was video-taping all the people waiting outside the gate! I'm hoping I was on the camera! Anyway, at 6:30, they started to open the gates. We got through the gates and climbed the stairs that were on that hill the ticket guy was standing on, and got into the pavillion. We had lawn seats, and I thought that they would be really bad- but they weren't at all because we were in the front of the lawn cuz we were at the front of the gates and got in first. So we found a place to sit and sat. hehe. Then it was about 6:45. My friend and I went down to the little place where you can buy stuff, and I got a white albertane tour t-shirt and this HUGE poster. Ashley isnt that much into Hanson as I am, so she didnt want anything. Ashley and I went back up to where my mom was sitting with the stuff I bought, after about 5 minutes of trying to find her in the lawn again. It was about 7:10 or so now. So we just waited for Admiral Twin. While we were waiting, these girls started to scream, so I stood up to see what was happening. I could see a white limo and a white van from where we were sitting, but I couldnt go down there cuz it was pretty far from where we were sitting. So I looked through my binoculars, and I didn't see Hanson coming out of any kind of car. I think those girls just were trying to get everyone thinking that it was Hanson. Anyway, by now it was about 7:30. After about 5 or 6 false alarms, (ya know, people think that they see Hanson coming out and all)Admiral Twin came out. By the way, before Admiral Twin came out, I saw Hanson's bodygaurd on the stage. Admiral Twin is actually a pretty cool band. I liked a lot of their songs. They played for about half an hour, and then we waited for Hanson to come out! These guys in red outfits were setting the stage up for Hanson and vacuming. We waited and waited and waited for Hanson to come out, and finally, they came out at about 9:00. They hung a curtain thingy on the stage, and when the curtain went up, Hanson was just standing there with their instruments. The first song they played was "Gimmie Some Lovin." There were giant screens so I could see really well. If you really want to know, hehe, Zac was wearing an army shirt with dark pants, Taylor was wearing pants with a white button down cotton shirt thing (which he took off and then he just had on a black t-shirt) with blackish tight pants. Isaac was wearing pants with a black and white pinstripe shirt. For some reason, he took that off after he sang this one song called "More Than Anything" (off of Boomerang). That song was SOOOO good! I'll tell you about that later on. After Gimmie Some Lovin, Taylor said, "How's Washington DC doin' tonight?" And then of couse everyone screamed. Isaac then said something to the effect of we were an 'incredible' audience. Then they sang Thinking of You. I can't really remember it exactly, but Taylor said something like, " Well how many of you are from Virginia?" Everyone screamed. (when probably half of the people who screamed werent >from Virginia) Then either Isaac or Taylor said, "Well, as some of you know, we used to live in Arlington." Then they sang Where's the Love. After Where's the Love, they played this one song that I have never heard before, which I dont even think had a name. During the song, they announced the names of the back-up guys. After a couple more songs off of Middle of Nowhere, Taylor said, "Guys, we'll be right back!" Hanson ran off the stage. Now, I do have to say one thing. I have never seen Taylor run, but he runs really cool. Sorta like a soccer player, if ya know what I'm talking about. But getting on to more important things, hehe, they came back on about 10 minutes later. This time, the stage was set up like a living room. They didn't have all their back-up guys either. Isaac said something like, "Well, you guys know that we released our independent songs last month..." And then I can't really remember anything else that they said then- if anything. Then they played " River." I think Taylor took his white shirt off after River. Then they played "Stories" (I LOVE that song!) The last song that they played off of 3 Car Garage was "Soldier." Before the song, Zac or Isaac (I dont remember which one) told the story behind Soldier. You probably know the story, so I wont go through it. :) After "Soldier," Taylor and Zac went off of the stage and left Isaac. Isaac went over to Taylor's keyboard and sat down where Taylor had been sitting. He told us that the next song he was going to play was called "More Than Anything, and that it was off of Boomerang. Isaac played and sang the entire song by himself. He was really good!!! Then Isaac said Thank You, and walked off the stage to put their regular set up. That took about 10 minutes. They came back on and played about 6 or seven more songs. The first song was "Madeline." Before this song, Isaac said, "We'd like to dedicate this song to all the girls whose names are Madeline." Then they played "Minute Without You." Before this song, Taylor said, "Now we'd like to dedicate this song to all the people in the lawn." (How nice!) hehe. I think that they played "Mmmbop" next. Isaac said something like, "Well, I know you guys know this song." They played Mmmbop and then they played "I Will Come to You."  Before that song, Taylor or Zac said, "Well this is our last song guys." During "I Will Come to You," Taylor went down to the front of the stage and pointed at some of the people in the front row. After that song, they said the normal stuff like, "Thanks for coming guys" and all. We thought that the concert was over, but then Zac came back on stage and yelled, "Do you want us back?!" It was really cool! So they all ran back on stage and played 4 more songs. I think the first song was "Speechless." Then they played "Look at You." After "Look at You," Isaac said, "Well, this next song is a song that we used to listen to- it's a Little Rascals song." I don't remember what the name of that song was. After that one, I think they played a song called "Summertime Blues." It was a country song. During this song, Taylor went up to the people sitting in the front row and held the microphone to them and told them to sing along. After that song, Zac ran behind his drums and got a really big water gun. He started spraying all these people in the crowd! Then he threw his drum sticks into the crowd. While he was doing this, Taylor and Isaac went over to both sides of the audience to shake hands. Those people in the front row were really lucky!!! So then the concert was over and they said thank you and all that stuff. Then they ran off stage. Oh yeah- I just remembered some songs they played that I forgot to mention- Weird, Man From Milawaukee and With You in Your Dreams. I was pretty surprised when they played With You in Your Dreams, because I've never heard of them play that song before at a concert. But it was really good. Right before it, Taylor said, "Well, this is a song that we dedicated to our grandmother." That was the Hanson concert! I had SOOOOO much fun!!! The only thing is, I brought my MOE membership card- in case my # was called, and they never even mentioned MOE! I was sort of disappointed because they said that they would be randomly selecting people from the fan club to meet them backstage and they didnt. And some girl I talked to said that they decided not to let anyone go backstage. I wonder why. Oh well, that was the first Hanson concert I have been to, and it was REALLY COOL!!! And I'll say what everyone else says, "It was the best day of my life!" (That is until I marry one of them hehe)

The next concert review is on the Atlanta concert, and it was written by Catherine Montemayor, her e-mail address is

1. Gimme some Lovin'/Shake your Tailfeather 2. Thinking of You 3. Where's the Love 4. River 5. Madeline 6. Weird 7. Sometimes 8. Stories 9. With You in Your Dreams 10. Soldier 11. More than Anything 12. Speechless 13. Some Cover song 14. Another Cover song 15. I Will Come to You 16. A Minute Without You 17. Cover "True Love" 18. MMMBop 19. Man from Milwaukee 20. Look at You 21. Cover "Summertime Blues" 22. Weird acoustic

By: Rose

This is my point of view from getting LAWN TICKETS to see HANSON:

Tuesday, June 23, 1998 was the best day of my life. It all started when I left my house at 5:00pm to go to the HANSON Concert at the Molson Amphitheatre in Toronto. I went with my best friend Marianne and both of our moms came as well because they love HANSON too. Marianne's dad drove us there. On the way there, we saw a van with pin-ups of HANSON on the windows. Marianne and I decided to do the same thing, so we could let everyone else know that we were going to the concert. Then all of a sudden, the van pulled up beside us and a girl shouted to us, "HANSON ROCKS! SEE YOU GUYS AT THE CONCERT!" We were like, "Okay there!" I guess she was a little too hyped.
We got there at 5:30 and tried to find a parking spot. We entered through Ontario Place. As soon as we saw the very long line, we were like, "This is going to take forever!" But much to our surprise, the line moved very quickly. Then I looked back and said to myself, we walked all that way? I was pretty amazed. Since we had lawn tickets the line moved faster. (THIS IS A REMINDER TO EVERYONE: WATCH INFRONT OF YOU BECAUSE PEOPLE WHO ARE INCONSIDERATE BUD RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! It's so rude!) At least 2 groups of people budded right in front of us, but we didn't say anything so we wouldn't start a fight.
When we got to the lawn, we tried to find a spot to put our blanket on. Finally, after walking around for a long time, we finally found a spot. By that time, it was already almost 7:00. There was nothing to do but just sit there and wait and also look through the binoculars that Marianne had brought. By 7:25, we were all shouting, "HANSON! HANSON! HANSON!" Until, finally, Admiral Twin came out at 7:30. They performed at least 8 songs in 30 min. from their indie CD Unlucky. Then everyone got hyped again, "HANSON! HANSON! HANSON!" But everyone thought wrong. Admiral Twin finished performing at 8:00. They put a curtain up to give more suspense. HANSON's roadies needed time to set up their instruments, the lights and the backdrops on the stage.
Finally, at 8:35 HANSON blasted out with the first few notes of the medley 'Gimme Some Lovin' / Shake Your Tail Feathers' and Taylor saying, "COME ON!" the curtain dropped to the bottom of the stage, the crowd screamed and down went my mouth! (This was all seen through the very strong binoculars. I recommend that you bring a pair, if you ever have lawn seats.) They sang so good. You could tell that they were well rehearsed. They acted so professional, but still in a fun way. The stage had a backdrop of a 3-D garage with the HANSON logo that I believe they designed themselves. And on the floor, in the middle of the stage, was the logo again.

Here's the inside scoop of what they were wearing:

IKE-He was wearing the brown buttoned-up shirt that he wore at the Beacon Theatre and a pair of black pants that weren't that baggy. (I think?) His hair was down and after a few songs he pulled it back and took off his shirt. No need to worry, he was wearing a white T-shirt under.

TAY-I think he came out with a green and white buttoned-up checkered shirt and very tight jeans and I'm not sure what kind of shoes because whenever he was on the screen, his shoes were covered by his towel. His hair was tied back, but came down a while after and so did his green shirt and he had a white TIGHT V-neck shirt under. I was like, "Oh, my gosh!" Marianne was like, "Go Tay!"

ZAC-Zac was dressed pretty normal. A white V-neck T-shirt with black and white stripes going down at the sides and neckline. I think his pants were black, with a lot of zippers. Unlike his bros, his hair stayed down the whole time.

A little while after, they got off stage and out came their acoustic set. The Kurzweil keyboard, tambourine, and stool, another set of drums, a lamp (turned on), and a chair for Ike to sit on. Then they came out. Ike had his guitar and Zac with his shakers (Whatever they're called). They said since that the sun was already down, that it was story time. So they started to play. After a while, Tay and Zac left the stage and Ike was there by himself. He set down his guitar and went over to the keyboard and sang his own solo. I have to admit that Ike looked cute by himself. After that, he turned off the lamp and ran backstage. Then, out came Tay's Roland and Kurzweil keyboards and conga drums, Zac's set of drums with the Albertane tour logo on the front of the bass drum, and Isaac's electric guitar. I remember that Zac gave away his drumsticks when Taylor was drumming and after had these glow-in-the-dark neon ones! Pretty cool. If I could see them from the lawn that means they're very neon!

Here's what they performed (I don't remember the exact order and this might not be all of it):

1. Gimme Some Lovin'/Shake Your Tail Feathers medley
2. River
3. Where's The Love
4. Thinking of You
5. Sometimes
6. Weird
7. Stories
8. Soldier
9. Man From Milwaukee
10. Madeline
11. With You In Your Dreams
12. More Than Anything from Boomerang (Ike's solo on the keyboard)
13. Halfway through the show, the guys introduced their backup band (Second Keyboardist-Matt Rhode, Bass guitarist-Scott Hogan, second guitarist-Jason Taylor) while playing an instrumental song (it's the song that they play during the credits on TT&MON.) At that time, Zac stepped aside and let Tay drum for a few min. I was amazed because he's right-handed, but he played the drums left-handed. Ike took over the keyboards.
14. Good Lovin'
15. True Love
16. Summertime Blues
17. I Will Come to You
18. A Minute Without You
19. MMMBop
20. Speechless
21. Weird Acapella (not the entire song-just the 1st verse)

When they left the stage after saying a whole bunch of 'Thank You's and 'Byes', they came back out and said, "We just couldn't leave you guys." Then they performed 'Speechless' and an acapella version of 'Weird'. This made everyone go wild. Then they poured water on the few first rows of the audience. Then they started to tell us about MOE, the fan club card and if you had your card, be prepared to meet them backstage if your name was called out. And that's when we also decided to leave so we wouldn't get caught in traffic. On the way to the van, we started to hear all the screaming. Too bad we couldn't go back in, we had already passed out of the gates.

This was one of the best concerts that I have ever been to.

and most of all…
GREAT BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Please e-mail me
if u have ne questions or comments. Thanx!
