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Hanson Poems

On this page you will find poems that are written by Hanson fans, if you have any Hanson poems that you would like to see on this page, please e-mail me and I will put them up. Thanks

The first two poems are written by Rachel and her e-mail address is

Noone will ever feel the pain
I get whenever i hear his name.
I love him more than anything
But know we could never be.
Still, whenever i see a picture of him
I ache all over
I can't get him out of my mind
He's everywhere i look.
Maybe if i could meet him just once,
Maybe my feelings will change.
But i deep down that will never happen
My feelings will always grow
bigger and bigger
stronger and stronger everyday.
I guess theres just one more thing to say,
something that'll never change.
Nomatter what
"I'll ALWAYS love Tay"

I go to bed crying each night
Knowing that we can't be.
What i wouldn't give
For there to be a you and me.
You try to comfort me
but my feelings will never stop.
I thought my tears had turned to dust
but i guess i was wrong.
The tears are falling
They're never gonna stop....
Untill there comes a day
In Heaven or on Earth
When i meet my only love, Taylor Hanson.

The next two poems are by Emily, and her e-mail address is

Ooh, baby, I want s'more
C'mon, please...just gimme s'more!
I want s'more love
And I need s'more lovin'
I want it from you
But only you
I want to see your eyes,
The famous baby blues
That everyone talks about
I want to see them light up
Everytime you see me.
My eyes, drabby and dull
Compared to your's.
Already light up
Everytime I see a picture of you
I've never met you
And probably never will.
I can't think like that,
I need to think positive...
I will meet you
Maybe today or tomorrow,
Possibly next year or even decade,
But somehow and someway
I am determined to meet you
And have you fall in love with me,
Have you return that same feeling
That I feel for you.

(also untitled)
And obsessive fans.
The 'Scream Squad',
And 'Green Jello'.
How do you do it?
If I were you,
I'd practically die!
Having so many fans,
And being adored by all.
Seen by many as
Perfect and flawless.
Though, you inside,
Know that you aren't perfect.
You try to convince us,
But we won't change our minds.
As we see you,
You can be no more perfect,
You are as perfect as it comes,
You have no bad things about you,
You are good all around,
You are absolutly flawless,
And you don't even realize who you are
To all your fans.
You're a hero to many,
An inspiration to a lot,
And an idol to everyone.
We all want what you have;
Adoring fans,
And everything else.
We all love you and who you are to us,
But it's too bad you don't see who you are to us!

These next two poems are by Kimberly Delphi and her e-mail address is

Into the distance
A ribbon of black
Stretched to the point
Of no turning back
A flight of fancy
Windswept field
Standing alone
My senses reeled
Fatal attraction
Is holding me fast
How can I escape
This irrisitable grasp?

Tossed aside angrily
Left alone the whole 9 yards
Why do you stand there so?
Is it me?
Is it you?
Do you realize that
All of your wishes
Have been granted in
Such a short time?
Or have they?
I don't know
All your wishes
I can't know
All your dreams
As I'm merely
A bit player
Quite hidden
Behind the scenes.
But I know of
People like you
Alas, I wish that
That were true
I know of only
What you show
Only that, which
Confuses me more.
