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Hanson Stories

People have requested that I put up a Hanson story page up on my site, so here it is. So, if you have any Hanson stories that you would like for me to post here just e-mail them to me and I promise that I will put them up. Thanks.

The first story is written by Jen and her e-mail address is


You all know the deal. I've got to write this so I can't get sued or something. I don't know Hanson, (probably never will unfortunately!) I'm not associated with Mecury Records. AND THIS IS FICTION! Unless I suddenly turn out to be psyhic NONE of this will ever happen! And DON'T TAKE MY IDEA (please, I'll get very mad!) So now all the boring stuff is over, go ahead and read the story. If u've got any major issues about it (or just wanna tell me how great it is!) email me at HAVE FUN!


Taylor Hanson quickly fastened his seat belt and organised his journal, book and pen in the pocket in front of him. Next to him, Zac bounced up and down in his seat, while Ike tried desperately to hold him down.
Zac, Tay started disapprovingly. Youre worse than Mackie!
Im just happy! Zac bounced higher. Weíre going on tour! Staying in hotels with cool bottles of shampoo, meeting girls and..
Playing music! Ike interrupted, laughing at his brother. Thats what this tourís really about! Playing music to the fans!
Its gonna be so cool! Zac yelled loudly, ignoring Ike and Tay. Everyone turned to face him and Taylor cringed, wondering why Zac insisted on being so embarrassing all the time. You know everyone, Zac said even louder, enjoying being the centre of attention. Hansons Albertane Tour is going to ROCK! There were screams from the girls on the flight and with in seconds the boys were surrounded by them, signing autographs and shaking hands. Zac, still high from his sugar filled breakfast, grabbed one of the girls hands and held it up yelling again, Hansons Albertane Tour is going to ROCK!
Tay and Ike laughed as a stewardess came over to them, guiding the girls back to their seats and telling Zac to kindly stop yelling so much! As the plane took off several minutes later, Taylor thought to himself, Prozacs right though. This is gonna be so cool!

The last note of MMMBop faded and instantaneously, the crowd grew louder. Even through the sounds of his earplugs, the sounds stung Taylors ears. He glanced sympathetically over at his 2 brothers, they were all thinking the same thing Taylor could tell. Zac, taking control of the situation, yelled into his microphone, We know you love us, but PLEASE stop the screaming! We want to be able to hear at the end of the tour! The crowds yells turned to laughs and realising he had done no good Zac sighed, Should have known it wouldnt work. He thought as he put down his drumsticks and started heading to the front of the stage where Tay and Ike were all ready standing waiting for him. Of course, theyd think it was a joke. Zac Hanson only ever jokes. They always think that The 3 brothers met in the middle of the stage and Tay spoke into his microphone, trying to be heard over the crowd. It took a while, but eventually Tay could hear himself say Well thatís about it you guys! Thanks heaps for coming, it was a blast! Tay tried to speak normally and naturally, but it seemed too hard. After all, it was only the 60th billionth time hed said those same words since the beginning of the tour. The only thing that had changed where the people he was saying it to.
It was great guys! Ike noticed Tay was drifting off into his own world, as he seemed to a lot recently. He had definitely been acting weird lately, but then it could just have been because he had grown up. Theyd all grown up lately. Remember to go and buy the new single..
Stop the fucking self-advertising Ike! Tay thought to himself. Theyre all obsessed and probably have it all ready anyway.
Zac remained silent, listening to his brother go on about something. He didnt really understand or know what Ike was going on about, but then he didnt care anyway. He glanced around him. It was like every other concert theyd done. Girls and more girls. Before, Zac would have scanned the audience for some Cindy Crawford look a like, but the novelty of that had warn off many shows ago. Anyway, most of these girls were too young to look like Cindy Crawford.
Finally, after what seemed like years, Ike stopped talking and the 3 brothers said their good-byes and ran off. Standing just off in the wings stood their parents Diana and Walker. Diana stepped forward and quickly greeted her sons with a hug and a kiss, Ike was the only one who responded at all. Diana was about to comment when Walker cut in saying rather loudly, It went well guys but, Theyd been waiting for a but. It had to happen with the performance they had just given. It wasnt one of your best performances. The harmonies were off in Wheres the Love and several other songs. Ike you missed cues, Taylor, you nearly forgot to change to the bongos and Zac..
Yeah I know, I got the words confused in I Will Come To You, Zac finished for his Dad. He wasnt in the mood for a lecture even though he knew his Dad was only trying to help.
Are you guys feeling all right? Walker continued, ignoring Zacs comment.
Just tired Dad, Tay spoke for the whole group. Its been crazy lately.
Yeah, just tired, Zac backed Tay up.
There was silence for a minute or so. Diana, the constant mother took the time to look carefully at her sons. They did look tired as Tay and Zac had just told them, but there was something else, her motherly instinct told her that.
Walker saw it too. Before, after a concert, the boys had been hyped, excited, talking about what had gone wrong and girls in the front row. Now it seemed all they wanted to do was go to bed.
Its probably because we havent been home for a while. Diana tried to justify the behaviour, but she still wasnt sure about it all.
Oh. Well, youíll be able to catch up on sleep when we go home to Tulsa for a while, Walker it seemed had read Dianas mind.
Yeah, thatll be great, Ike said, fake enthusiasm in his voice. Look, Taylor said, cutting the conversation short. Im hot and Im going to have a shower, Normally, Tay would have expected some comment from Zac or Ike about being so hot cause he practically bounced off the stage, but things werent exactly normal right now. Tay brushed a strand of sweaty blonde hair out of his eye and then walked off in the direction of the dressing room.
For a few seconds, Zac stared after Tay. He sighed softly to himself, thinking about things and then remembering his parents were standing there, he ran off quickly after Tay, yelling behind him,
I gotta go and ask Tay about this song. Be back later!
There was silence. Seeing that both of his brothers were now gone and Ike was left alone, Diana decided it was the perfect opportunity to find out what was going on with at least one of her sons.
You know you can tell us anything, Diana started.
Yeah I know, Ike mumbled.
So, whats really wrong with you all?
Like Tay said, were just tired.

Zac tossed and turned, trying desperately to fall asleep. At the moment, there was nothing he wanted more than to be at home, in his own house, in his own room and in his own bed. Hotels could be fun, but they got to you after a while.
God, why did I ever complain about my bed? Zac said softly to himself. Even smelling Tays feet as I sleep is better than this.
Zac smiled at the memory. It had been the cause of so many fights whenever the Hansons were at home. Tay had this interesting way of sleeping. While most people kept their body on the bed as they slept, Tay didnt and every night, somehow, his feet and part of his legs ended up on Zac. Now it was funny, but it hadnt been when Tay had kicked him in the middle of the night or the time Ike had tripped over Tay when hed gotten up to go to the bathroom.
Zac stopped smiling when he looked over at Tays bed. He didnít sleep like that anymore. Ever since a few weeks into the tour, Zac had noticed a change. Now Tay curled up tightly, his legs drawn to his chest, the covers wrapped around him firmly or as Zac thought, claustraphobically.
Why am I thinking about how Tay sleeps? Zac wondered to himself. At least he is asleep moron.
Zac lay in bed for another half-hour or so, tapping the drum beat to MMMBop unconsciously before he threw the covers off his legs and hopped out onto the floor. He paused for a while, considering whether he could put the TV on without waking up his brothers. He doubted that, after all, hed woken Ike up the night before by getting a glass of water. Nah, it just wasnt worth it.
I know what Ill do! A great idea dawned on Zac. He moved quickly to the collection of bags stacked by the door and felt around until he found his own. Unzipping his bag as softly as possible, Zac grabbed his discman, journal and a pen. Smiling happily to himself because he hadnt woken anyone yet, Zac and his things headed out onto the balcony. No one else was out on the hotel balconies and very few people were in their cars below him, Zac smiled again.
No Scream Squad! Looks like this was a good idea. Zac thought to himself as he sat down on one of the chairs, opened his journal, started his discman and began writing, This is scary to admit, but Mum and Dad were right about this journal thing. I used to think it would just make us more money, I mean come on ZAC HANSONS JOURNAL ON SALE TODAY!!!! FIND OUT ALL THE DEEP AND DARK SECRETS OF HANSONS BRILLIANT DRUMMER!!!!!!!!! (Hey, it could still make money!) But its sorta cool too! (Shit, I sound like Tay! Gotta see someone about that!)
We did another concert tonight. Even Im getting fed up with our music. All those fans who say they put the CD on repeat are insane! Or theyre lying! And EVERYONE still likes Tay, I mean of course hes the cutest that rat tail and his voice and his butt (God, these girls are hopeless! Dont they realise anyone can grow a rat tail and say oh every 5 seconds!) and Tay loves them all as much of course. (Woah, that sounds as though Tay is fucking every fan! That could be why sales are going down!)
Zac paused in his writing and laughed. He then quickly added a few more sentences complaining about hotel beds and pillows before he started drawing his cartoons. He sat there happily, drawing his brothers and it wasnt long before Zac tuned out all together as his hand continued to glide across the page.
Hey Zac! The door to the balcony opened and Taylor stepped outside. His blonde hair was messy and there was sleep in his eyes. Zac jumped at the sound and then spun round to face his brother.
Oh hey Tay! Whatcha doing out here? There could be photographers or fans or.. Tay trailed off. And youre not wearing much! He added, indicating to Zacs boxers and T-shirt.
Im wearing more than you! Zac teased, looking at his brothers bare chest. Anyway, theyd want photos of you half naked more than theyd want them of me!
Hey! Tay punched Zac playfully in the arm. Zac leaned to the other side of the chair and his journal fell from his lap to the floor, still open to the page. Tay, with lightening quick reactions, grabbed it. He looked down at the drawings for a second and then handed it back to Zac saying, Theyíre pretty good!
Thanks! Zac paused. You know me!
Haha, Tay laughed. Very funny Zac! Hey, I bet thats the alien from Man from Milwaukee! Zac looked carefully at the picture, weird look on its face, a balding head, big toes and a walkie-talkie held in its right hand.
He says that where hes from is called Albertane, Zac sang softly. Tay?
Yeah Zac?
Do you think youd wanna live in Albertane?
Getting deep Zac! Tay teased.
Would ya?
Nah, its too Tay paused. You?
No way!

CHAPTER THREE Diana Hanson knocked loudly on her sons door. Seeing there was no response, she turned to her husband and he said, They canít still be asleep! Theres that interview at the radio station and.. Walker, Diana interrupted. What do you think is wrong with them all? I look at them and itís like theyíre not there! Honey, theyre just tired like Taylor said. Walker, you heard them play last night! They were terrible, not at all like them. They dont do anything apart from play do interviews and sleep at the moment. Im worried. They just need a break! Its been a long month or so! Walker tried to reassure her. Diana sighed. She wanted to believe that all the boys needed was a longish break in Tulsa. But she couldnt and even if she did, it would be a long time before they could back to Tulsa. After all, they werent even half way through the tour yet!
Walker reached into his pocket. They always kept a key to the boys room, ever since Zac had accidentally locked the key in the room and the 3 had nearly been mobbed by a group of fans. He pulled the key out quickly and pulled open the door softly.
The room was silent. Only Ike lay asleep in bed, the covers falling off his body. The other 2 beds were empty, even though it was obvious theyd been occupied during the night. Diana and Walkers eyes met.
Walker, where are they? Diana looked frantically around the room, searching for any signs of a note or anything that would lead her to them.
Maybe they just went for a blade, Walker said logically. Zac was complaining yesterday he hadnt been blading for a while.. Walker continued as Diana ran to the cupboard. Within seconds, she pulled out 2 pairs of blades.
Theyre still here, Walkers eye caught a glimpse of blonde hair through the gap of the curtains leading out to the balcony.
Di, Walker interrupted. I think I know where they are! He quickly opened the curtains to reveal a sleeping Zac and Tay. Ike, waking up at the sudden burst of light into the room, sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes sleepily,
Oh man. What are you guys doing in here? Diana smiled.
Morning Ike! Diana and Walker chorused cheerfully.
Morning, Ike answered quickly. What are you doing in here?
You were meant to meet us an hour ago for breakfast honey, Diana started. We wondered where you were.
Oh, Ike glanced across at the clock, still waking up. We must have slept in. Ike looked at the empty beds next to him, not seeing the sleeping bodies on the balcony. Um, where are Zac and Tay? he asked his parents, confused.
Out there, Walker answered, pointing to his sleeping sons. Ike frowned, not understanding why his brothers were asleep on the balcony instead of in bed. He didnt like the mornings much! Ike, could you go and get ready, weve got that radio interview today.
Oh shit! Ike swore loudly, not remembering his parents were in the room. Diana and Walker shot him dirty looks and Ike continued embarrassed. I forgot all about that, yeah íll get ready, He quickly jumped out of bed and walked to the cupboard. After grabbing some clothes, Ike wandered off into the bathroom and within a few seconds, Diana and Walker could hear the water going.
You want to wake the sleeping beauties? Walker laughed.
Yeah, sure honey! Diana was all ready opening the door. She paused for a second as she stepped out onto the balcony, smiling at her sons. Taylor and Zac had moved the chairs so they were closer together and Zacs head leant on Tays shoulder. Their blonde hair mingled together and both brothers had smiles on their faces. It seemed such a shame to wake them.
Diana, sighing, stepped in front of the chair and gently shock Taylor, being careful not to wake up Zac as she did so. With in a few minutes, the blue eyes opened sleepily and looked around confused. Gradually, Tays eyes focused on his mother.
Mum? He asked confused. Why am I out here?
I donít know honey. You and Zac were asleep like this when we came up! Diana explained, trying to keep the smile off her face. Taylor, still confused, looked down at Zacs sleeping body, leaning against him.
Oh yeah, Taylor started, slowly remembering the details of last night. I heard some noise out here and Zac was sitting here drawing. We must have fallen asleep. Diana nodded and then gently moved onto Zac. She repeated the procedure she had with Taylor and like with Taylor, Zac slowly woke up and realised where he was.
Morning honey!
Morning Mum! Zac said, rubbing his eyes sleepily. Whats going on? Why are Taylor and I out here in our boxers? Taylor smiled and stood up from his chair, stretching as he said,
Hows Mum meant to know? We came out here last night remember? The alien from Man from Milwaukee! Zac remembered slowly. Diana looked at her sons, confused, wondering what they were talking about. Yeah, I remember Tay. Albertane! Taylor smiled sadly as he remembered what he and his brother had said the night before.
You guys better go and get dressed. Youve got a radio interview in less than half an hour! Tay looked down at his watch, realising what the time was.
Oh man! He said, knowing his mother was there. Come on Zac! Well talk about last night later! Zac smiled, hed hoped Taylor had forgotten what hed said the night before. No such luck obviously. But right now, we need to get ready! Taylor led Zac back inside and Diana closed the door after them.

Okay, I know u probably hate author's notes and stuff, but I don't want people emailing me about this. I DON'T THINK HANSON ARE GAY! (And I doubt Zac would say that too!) Also, I don't think Walker would act like that! Don't bother emailing me complaining. You've been warned.

Taylor opened the door to the hotel room and quickly shut it behind him. He paused for a second, leaning heavily on the door and shut his blue eyes. A few stray tears rolled down onto his cheeks and Taylor thought to himself,
Stop this! Taylor Hanson doesnt cry! He never cries! Taylor wiped the tears away quickly. He still couldnt believe what had happened that day.
It had all started that morning at the radio station. It had been a normal interview to begin with, the normal questions about music, the new single and then it had gone onto the inevitable topic of girlfriends. Ike had quickly answered that, talking about being on the road too much and Taylor had done his normal thing of staying silent. It was Zacs answer that had surprised everyone. For a few seconds, he hadnt said anything, but then he blurted out,
Look, weíre travelling all the time, we havent been home in over a month. We dont want girlfriends! Wed never see them and theyd just hate us! Hed paused for a second, taking a deep breath before he continued. It doesnít matter if we have girlfriends anyway! I mean, if all the fans were really fans, theyd like us if we had girlfriends, if we didnt or if we were gay! It shouldnít matter!
That hadnt been too bad, according to Taylor. Of course, the interviewer would probably never think of Hanson in the same way! But that didnt matter to Taylor, after all, Zac had just said what he was thinking! But it had been Walkers out burst in the car that had really upset Taylor. That and what happened in the lobby of the hotel too.
Tay had known they were in trouble from the moment theyd gotten into the car. His fathers face was filled with anger and he hadnt said a word until the family had piled into the van they had rented for the tour. Then all hell had broken loose. Firstly, hed started yelling at Zac, telling him that what hed said had been completely uncalled for and inappropriate. Zac had just sat there, very unusual for him, not saying anything. Taylor and Ike had quickly glanced at each other, wondering what would happen next. It wasnt very often that his father lost his temper, but when he did, they all knew about it.
Walker had kept yelling at Zac for nearly all the trip home, to the shock of all the Hanson clan. Zac still hadnít said anything and gratefully climbed quickly out of the van when they reached the hotel. Even the Scream Squad was better than this! But even that hadnt stopped Walker. The family walked into the lobby, Walker still telling Zac off, though he dropped his voice.
Like every other hotel they stayed in, there were fans everywhere. The crowd quickly headed over to the group, eager to meet the boys and get their autographs. Seeing them swelling around him, Zac had whispered to his dad,
Can you do this later? Not in front of them, please! Taylor could only just hear his dads response,
Zac, I will NOT finish this later. You.. Taylor didnt want to hear the rest. He quickly stopped walking, allowing Zac and his father to catch up to him.
Look Dad. Just leave Zac alone for now! He looked away, half-afraid of what his dad would say. No one had ever really stood up to him when Walker was in such a bad mood. Not in front of the fans! Walker remained silent for a few seconds, and then said quickly to Taylor,
I will not tolerate my 15 year old son telling me what to do! He spoke loudly. Everyone in the lobby could hear him, well according to Taylor anyway. Even if everyone couldnt hear him, many people could and they all turned round to see Walker telling off his son. Jordan Taylor Hanson, you do not run this household and have no control over what I do! Zac and Taylor glanced down at the floor, embarrassed. Sensing his brother was upset, Zac inched closer to Taylor and gently grabbed his hand, whispering,
Shit Tay! Im sorry! Taylor didnt answer and continued to listen to his father.
I know that you think just because millions of girls are in love with you, this means you can do anything, but it doesnít! Walker glared at Taylor, and seeing he wasnt looking at him, grabbed Taylor and pulled him closer to him, forcing his son to look him in the eyes. Taylor tried to look away, but his fathers grip was too strong. Do you understand? There was no answer from Taylor. Do you understand? His father repeated. Taylor, not trusting his voice, just nodded. Walker, now satisfied let Taylor go and for a second, there was complete silence from the lobby.
Taylor had looked around, the fans all seemed to be in complete shock. He caught Ikes eye, and Ike looked back at him sympathetically. Zac had done the same, but Taylor could see pity in his eyes as well.
He couldnt take it. Feeling the hotel key in his pocket, Taylor had run quickly to the stairs. He hadnt stopped until he reached his floor and was inside the room.
Fuck! Taylor swore out loud. He then gazed at the door, realising his father had a key. He quickly fastened the chain and satisfied, said to himself, There. At least Ill get some time alone!
Taylor had only been in the room for a few minutes before he heard a knock at the door. His body tensed, wondering which family member it was. He didnt want to talk to anyone, and waited impatiently for them to go away.
Honey, its me! Taylor recognised his mothers voice. Please let me in honey! We need to talk about this!
Go away mum! Taylor answered quickly. I dont wanna talk to you or anyone!
Taylor, please! Diana pleaded. Im your mother, let me in honey! We need to talk, youre Dads really sorry! He was just mad and.. Diana trailed off, knowing that it probably wouldnt do any good. Look, honey, well leave you alone for awhile, but youve got to come out soon!
Taylor didnít say anything. He quickly stood up from the couch and flipped the TV on. He channel surfed for awhile, and finally settled on MTV. Knowing his mother was still there, he hit the volume button and pushed it until the sound was unbearable.

Ike nervously knocked on the door of his hotel room. He didnt want to do this at all, but he knew hed never forgive himself if he didnt.
Taylor? Can I come in? Ike called out nervously.
Get fucked Ike! The voice came back from inside the room. Ike sighed, he should have known Taylor wouldnt make this easy for him.
Come on Tay! Im not Mum and Dad or anything! I just want to get inside my room! Ike complained.
Why cant I ever get any time alone? Taylor complained back.
You never said you wanted any Tay! Ike said logically. There was silence for a second and then the door swung open in front of Ike.
You can come in! Tay said, not looking at his brother and heading back to the couch as he turned his focus back to MTV.
Ah Tay, can you like turn that off? I want to talk to you, Ike said nervously, unsure how his brother would react. Taylor sighed and then flipped the TV off and turned to face Ike. Ike sat down on his bed nervously, not knowing what to say next.
So, what do you want to talk about? Tay asked, playing along with Ike.
About what happened. Dad was out of line!
You dont have to tell me that! Taylor complained. If thats it.. Tay stopped and indicated to the door.
Tay come on! Dont put up the defences with me, its not worth it and I can see straight through them anyway, Ike knew his brother too well, and Taylor knew it too. He paused for a second, wondering if Taylor would say anything, but when he didnt, Ike continued. It was slack of Dad and he knows it Tay! He feels really bad! Ike tried to persuade his younger brother.
Yeah, well why did he do it in front of all the fans? Its gonna be all over the papers and magazines and everything now.
Hes stressed Tay. Like all of us are, this tours making everyone go a little mad.. There was the sound of the door opening and Taylor and Ike quickly stopped talking, fearing it was their parents. Zac stepped into the room and glanced nervously around him.
Were you guys like doing something?
Its cool Zac, Tay assured his brother. You can stay here if you want.
Zac sat down next to Taylor on the couch, his legs on the table. There was silence, but then Zac said,
Look, I just wanted to say thanks for that thing with Dad. He was really mad and.. Zac stopped. He knew Taylor had understood what he meant.
Its cool Zac. It was just.. Taylor stopped. There was nothing more to say about this. Zac looked around uncomfortably. Ike just gazed down at his hands, fiddling with the ring on his finger.
We should practice, Taylor started, unenthustically.
Nah, I cant be bothered, Zac admitted. Itll be fine!
Ike didnt say anything. He didnt want to play much either, but something Zac had said during an interview came back to him
Its like staying home to practice when you want to go to the movies.
For awhile, the 3 sat there, each feeling slightly guilty, thinking their own thoughts. Zac too had remembered his movie quote, but hed spent the time trying to get that out of his head. There was nothing in the world right now that would make him get behind the drums and play. At the moment, all he wanted to do was forget he was the Zac Hanson, Hansons drummer.
Taylor kept replaying the scene from that morning. He heard everything his father had said over and over, he kept seeing the reactions on everyones faces. He, like Zac, just didnt want to remember he was Taylor Hanson and there was no way he was going to start playing the music that would make him Taylor Hanson.
Ike was feeling the guiltiest. Being the oldest, hed always been the one who encouraged rehearsing, even when they didnt feel like it. It was so unusual for him not to tell his brothers that they were going to practice despite what they all wanted.
Guys, Zac said, breaking the silence. If I told you something, would you tell Mum and Dad? Zac spoke nervously, obviously not sure if this was a good idea.
No way Zac! Taylor said quickly, wondering what his brother could be talking about. Zac looked quickly to Ike, waiting for his answer.
As long as youíre not in trouble or anything, no I wouldnt tell Zac, Ike assured his brother.
Nah, its not trouble. Not really any way, Zac said.
What do you mean Zac? Ike asked his brother. He had NO idea what Zac was going on about, but he could tell from the look on his face that it must be serious. You cant be not really in trouble.
Im not in trouble, no! Zac amended his answer. But I think Mum and Dad would be mad if they found out!
Taylor thought he knew what was going on. He still vividly remembered the conversation he and Zac had had last night. To begin with, hed thought that Zac had simply meant the place Albertane they used in the song, but now, he knew the deeper image hed imagined was the same as that of his brother. Taylor, as soon as Albertane was mentioned, had remembered the name of their tour- Hansons Albertane tour. Thats where hed not wanted to live, and now, he was sure it was the same for Zac.
This is about last night isnt it? Taylor asked Zac softly. Zac didnt say anything, but just nodded.
Um, last night? Ike asked confused. What are you talking about?
Well, Tay started, When Zac and I were outside last night, we started talking about Albertane, and.. Taylor stopped. He didnt know how to say it.
Zac, are you going to try and explain this better than Blondie here?
After a pause, Zac said to them,
Well, this tour thing. I dont want to keep going.
There was silence. Taylor, thinking back to what he and Zac had been talking about the night before, sighed and thought,
Of course. Zac wouldnt want to live in Albertane. He said so.
Zac, Ike started. I get it. You just want to go home, see your friends, Ike paused. Be like a normal guy!
Yeah, thats it. I hate all this, like all the interviews and then the concerts and saying the same stuff every night and.. Zac cut off. He didnt want to risk saying anything else.
Me too Zac, Tay admitted softly. He looked away from Zac and Ike, nervous to meet their eyes. Albertane can be cool to begin with, but it gets sort of, I dont know.
Ike and Zac recognised the symbol Tay was using. Hansons Albertane Tour. They didnít say anything for a minute or so, not sure what to say.
Ike, Zac asked. What about you?
I thought I loved music, but its sort of, its getting old.
Is there any way we can just finish this tour and take a break at home for awhile? Taylor wondered out loud.
We cant quit mid tour Tay! Ike said logically. Thats not fair on everyone whos bought tickets!
Ike, I know that, but..
How can we keep going? Zac finished.

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