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Because I use many graphics.. loading may be slow..I hope the wait is worth it!!
I do not necessarily endorse any of the pesky "pop-up" ads which slow loading time also.

We all have some great pictures and little things of family to lets say "Show and Tell" so on this page you can expect just about anything. Mostly because thats what I have to come to expect also. Ha Ha .. my family sure keep me busy keeping up with them. One time they want me sit this way and the next ...oh lets try this with Christyn and there I go posing in another position, I get so tired I need a nap and golly,.... their at it again.
Love you all bunches !

Count all the bees in the hive
Chase all the clouds from the sky...

The Song playing is
"House at Pooh Corner" By Kenny Loggins

  This is my Mommy at the computer. Probably building "Christyn's Pages".

This is my Daddy.  

  This is my Nana. Mom and Nana playing minature golf....I'm under Mommy's sweater.

  This is my brother Jais.

  This is my brother Cody. He loves playing football and girls.

  These are my cousins,Dacota and Greg with my Aunt Shay....
"What are they doing in my nursery?"

This is my Uncle JD. Aunt Shay's Husband.  

  This is my Great Aunt Nona, Great Uncle Wayne, also Anthony and Ryan.

  This is my Grandpa Oneal..My Mommy's Daddy.

(Click to enlarge)
This is my Nana with my Uncles.....George (left),and my cousin Matthew, Uncle Bob (right), and my cousin Christoper.

My Uncle George again with his wife Anita  

   This is my Aunt Ladawn and my Grandma Brenda.

  This is my Great Grandma "Gig". My Nana's mom.

" Daddy's Site "
He works really hard on his pages so please visit...Thank you

" My Nana's Sites"
Phew ! She works really hard on her pages also.....give her a visit...Thank you

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This is a real must to visit for midis!

Thank You Karen!

There are NO locks on any of the GRAPHICS on my site. I was blessed with the gift to make them, if you choose to use some of them, then my blessing increases....enjoy! If you use any.... a link back to my site is expected on your site. If you would like you may use this banner.

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