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Angel Page Two

Welcome to my second Angel Page.  I found so many Angels that I loved, I had
to make another page so I could share them all with you.  Thanks to
everyone that has e-mailed me and told me how much they enjoyed my
Angel Page.  I hope you can enjoy this page just as much as the first one.
This page may take a few moments to load due to all of the images, so
please be patient. Thanks =)












Here are so more that I really enjoy!




Now I know that this has nothing to do with Angels but you have to admit that
it's really cute. =)












Here is a beautiful gift to you, just to brighten your day.  Pass it along to
someone else to brighten there day also.





Well I hope that you have enjoyed these wonderful Angels as much as
I have, if you did drop me a line in my guestbook and let me know. Thanks
Anita 2000