Friends Page This page is deticated to my friends who I have meet on-line either threw a chatroom, e-mail or ICQ.
Kristi: aka: Mystic Moon, Krishwanna *S*, Tigger Girl and some others I don't know. What can you say about Krishwanna, she's my best friend in real life and on-line. If you know her you know how crazy she is and I don't have to tell you. If you ever need someone to talk to or need an opinion, she's the one. We've been friends for about 10 years!!! *whew* hehehe =)
Krystal: aka: Buffy or Buffy Love. I've know Krystal just as long as Kristi and i've watched her grow up from a sweet innocent girl to a wild child *S* hehehe just joking.
Sam: Is the first guy that I think I talked to in the verve chatroom a long time ago. He's about the sweetest guy i've ever meet on-line. *HUGS*
Mandy:aka: Lady Aradia, Manders and some others. We've not know each other that long, but she allready seems like a long lost friend. We have one thing in common we both ~LOVE~ crab ragoons!!! *whahoo* and also we both live in Arkansas.. *yeah* hehehe...
Fat Bob: aka: Matt Hehehe... this guy cracks me up and he's soooooo sweet!!!! I meet Matt on a Icq chat one night and we've been buddies ever since. I still think you need to be a shrink because Matt can always tell when im down or depressed and he always cheers me up *hugs*
Jaebeam: aka: Debbie I've know Deb for a long time, her and my mom worked together and then we ended up taken some of the same classes at college ,and was both in PBL-Phi Beta Lambda. She's a great friend!!
TOOBIG4U aka: KENNY: or as I call him snowboy! I meet kenny in the vervepipe chatroom and we became e-mail buddies. Kenny your to cool!! I will never forget the endless snowball fights and jokes that you sent me! *hugs*
Õ§î®î§&Χï§: I was glad to hear that you two finally got married! *whaoo & congrad's* Wayne your a cool friend, and I always love to get pic's of your cat's!!
Viper: I meet viper in the verve chat and we fast became friends, your a really sweet guy, sometimes a perv, but non the less a sweet guy!
HAT: aka Jason What can I say, I soon fell in love with Jason, we had SOO much in common and he's really cute to! *hugs & kisses* Hopefully he will send me a new pic soon so I can put it up.. hint hint *S*
Bluebird: I meet leeann one night while I was talking to Kristi on a Icq chat. Your a sweet girl!
Dabadgreek: We meet I think on ICQ random chat im not sure, but I can say this for sure.. what a perv!! hehehe just joking *S* nah he's a really sweet guy when he want's to be. =)
Dennis: or known as boskod I owe alot to this guy!! He was the first person I ever talked to on icq!! He saved my life more than once by helping me to figure out what in the world I was doing, plus he's a really sweet guy and we always have fun talking no matter what about. *HUGS*
Strings: aka: Andrew Your just a cool guy, what can I say! We both love music and I enjoy taking to you on icq or on the chat. I can say you one person I don't mind to bs with =) cause I think you actually understand my wierd side.
Slider: I haven't know John for long, but your cool to talk to.. I think I bugg you with all those Icq forwards though, If i do sorries =)
Kaylea: aka: SNUGGLES Hehehe, your another person that cracks me up, expecially when were giving Krishwanna a hard time. =)
TRUE: I meet true on the vervepipe chat, your really cool to talk to and a good friend.
Becky aka: Blue Eyes I haven't talked to Becky in forever, but she is like one of my best friends on the net, she's so sweet and kind and we always had a blast chatting away in the verve. *hugs*
UBRI: I don't know you that well but I enjoy talking to you in the verve or on icq =)
Tweety: hey girl, you another one I haven't talked to in a long time, but your a cool and sweet friend. =)
RedheadRose aka: Regina Regina your a sweet person. I meet Regina at college because she is the president of PBL-Phi Beta Lambda and we've also had some classes together.
Lt.Gronok: aka:Erick I meet Erick one night when I was looking for people that lived near Green Forest and I learned that he also went to college with me! Your a really sweet guy and I wish you all the luck in the world.
Luke: I meet Luke on the vervepipe chat and we don't talk that much but he's a really sweet nice guy, that to many people pick on *hugs*
j@®®°Ð Da' Man: I meet Jarrod through icq cause he knew Krystal. Your a really nice guy and I enjoy talking to you about computers and everything =) Your just to smart though =)
I.C.P. I meet icp aka: MARVIN on the verve chat one night and we soon became friends. your a really cool, sweet guy and I always enjoy talking to you.
I know there are like a million people that I forgot, PLEASE let me know so I can add you!!! I don't mean to leave anyone off, it's just that it was like 2 a.m. when I done this =) Thanks