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Hi and welcome to my Sunset pic page.
I decided to finally put all my sunset pics on one place.
I love taking pictures, but especially of sunsets.  I hope you enjoy my page.  If you have any sunset pictures that you would like to share, please e-mail me and I would be more than glad to put them on my page.  Well I hope you enjoy!  I made the heading above using Paint Shop Pro, im new at using it... maybe one of these days i'll figure it out to where I can make some cool stuff.

If you would like to use any of the pictures below, please e-mail me and let me know. Also put a link to my page using the pic below... Thanks =)


This pic is taken outside of my house...looking from my front porch to the west.


I really like this picture.  It's taken at a friends farm.  I just loved the view.  It's one of those places where I could spend all day reading a book.



The next pictures are the ones that I had on my regular page.  Everyone loved this picture.  Some people even thought it was fake, but nope it's real.  You can compare it to the pictures above, and the one below and see that it's taken at the same place... same trees and skyline*S*



This one is taken from a different position, but looking towards the same direction.  What a great view from your front porch huh *Smile*


I also took some really cool sunset pics on my trip to Chicago... to find
more pics from my Chicago trip, go check out Trip to Chicago!



I've got some more pic's, I just haven't gotten them all scanned yet, so when I do i'll be adding more.  Until then enjoy and God Bless!
And be sure to sign my guest book!!

Anita© 2000
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