Hi! Welcome to my page.. I figured I had to many pictures bunched up together on my other pages.. so I decided to make separate pages for the trips I have taken. This is from my trip to Chicago (as you can tell) in July of 1999. I had a blast! So set back, and I hope you enjoy.
We started out journey traveling from our college NAC by bus to the Springfield-Branson Airport. Now this wasn't my first time flying, but I really don't like to fly... call me weird of whatever... but im the kind of person that likes to keep there feet on the ground. I don't hate flying, I love being up in the air and seeing out the windows and everything. I just hate the taking off and landing part of it all. The reason im going to Chicago? Well im a member of PBL (Professional Business League) it's like FBLA, but on a college level. We have competitons like FBLA, in which we compete taking test in different subjects and the ones who place 1st get to go to national competition! Our group won 1st place for raising the most money for the March of Dimes in Arkansas. Me and my friend Kristi placed 3rd in web page design! Cool huh! That night the whole gang of us, I think a total of 18 or so went and ate at the Rain Forest Cafe. It was cool, except the walk back *uggh*
The next day we went sight seeing. It was really really hot! Like a whopping 99-102 degrees all day. But it didn't keep us from going anyway! This is a pic right out side of our hotel.
Here is a pic taken from in front of the building above (looking to the left in the pic above)
Ok... so some of you are wondering why there looks like there is a cow head in the picture above down there in the right corner? Well if you remember seeing the news around July, 1999.. they was having that weird deal where some guy painted cows and put them all around the city. He looks like he is enjoying the view huh?*smile*
In the pic above if you see where those boats are... the next pic is taken from there looking back at where we was standing... The really cool building that looks like a church is actually the Chicago Sun Times building (the one in the middle). The building on the left is the same building in pic # 1.
Here is a pic of my friend Kristi. See the tall building behind her? Well the one left of it is where we stayed.. We stayed in the Chicago Hyatt. Which way are these two going?
That night we had a meeting so I think we starved cause it was to late to go anywhere... hehe just joking.... we went to a cafe about a block away from the Hotel... I think we had to drag someone back cause well they had to much fun.. *sigh*
So The next day when we was really bored we decided to go to the Chicago Zoo. We was going to go somewhere else... I think the other Zoo... but for some reason we didn't get to go. Here is Kristi striking a pose! This happened to be the hottest day there... so after a *brief* visit to the Zoo... we decided to go back to the Hotel, but ended up getting on the wrong bus for an 1 1/2 hours in the wrong direction... not fun! Especially since we ended up in the wrong part of town... but don't worry we finally got on the right bus =)
Okay okay. so we actually had to go to workshops and stuff *NOT* hehe.... well we said we did but didn't... I got sick and had to stay in the next day.. I think some bad food I ate somewhere or something.. Kristi , Cody, & Frank went to World's of Fun... That night we took a boat tour of the city, it was awesome and one of the cool parts of the trip.. I think the pic's speak for themselves..
Cool skyline view of the city...
The big building below is the Sears Tower =) Kristi and Frank went up in it and said it was cool... just not worth paying $8 bucks to..
Hey guys smile! Franklin, Cody, & Kristi. We was going to go out walking one night.. but we got about one block from the Hotel and turned around cause it was to hot. =) Behind them is the NBC building.. but the pic didn't turn out to good.
So that night we ended up playing cards down in the Hotel lobby until about 2:00 a.m. or so..
The next day we took a really good long walking tour of the city just so we could go and eat at Hard Rock Cafe! And well I can't lie... to go SHOPPING!! It's like a must when you go to Chicago. This is the cool sign outside of Hard Rock , for some reason it chopped us out of the pic.
After meetings and everything we only had one day left to go sight seeing... so we decided to go check out the Navy Pier. It was cool and we rode the ferris wheel that makes the Navy Pier famous. We really didn't want to leave! This is taken inside the main building at the Navy Pier.
Well after everything was said and done.. it was a Awesome trip! We won 2nd place at nationals for most money raised for March of Dimes!! GO NAC!!
I hope you enjoyed my little adventure to Chicago as much as I did.
Be Sure and sign my Guest book!
Anita =) 2000