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                                Hi well let me give you some general info on me...

                                   Name: Anita Stark
                                   Age: 21
                                   Birthdate: March 22, 1978
                                   Sign: Aries
                                   Nick Names: Mystery, Jade~Beam, Anisha, Smiley, Anita Bee
                                   Hair Color: brownish red with blonde highlights *whahoo*
                                   Eye Color: blue-green
                                   Where do I actually live:  small town named Green Forest, Arkansas
                                   High School I went to:  Green Forest High   K-12
                                   College: North Arkansas College   located in Harrison, Ark
                                   Fav Color:  Blue, Dark Blue or metallic blue
                                   Music:  I like just about any kind of music
                                   Hobbies: Art's and Crafts, Photography, Singing, Reading, etc..
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Angel Page
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Sunset Pic Page
Waterfall Pic Page
Phi Beta Lambda
Green Forest High School
Trip to Florida
Trip to Chicago
North Ark College