Hey and welcome to my venture
to Virginia.
So let me tell you a little
bit about my trip..
It was kind of funny actually.
I had signed up to go on this trip
but never expected that I would
be able to go.
Last year I had went to Florida
on a Spring Break
trip with a group from my college.
So I went ahead and signed up.
Then the day before they was
suppose to leave
they came and told me someone
had backed out and wanted
to know if I still wanted to
go, I said sure! So off to Virginia we went!
We got to the Hotel late, so
we didn't have much
options on where to eat... we
ended up going to some restaurant
that cost way to much and the
food wasn't all that great.
So we ventured back to the Hotel
and called it a night.
The next day we decided to take
the tour of Williamsburg... so off we went!
Okay... here is the part where
we expected
this trip to be really cool...
but it turned
out not to be so great... but
the first thing we saw
when we got
there was this windmill... it
was pretty cool
cause the whole thing actually
moved and you could go up inside it.
Here is a view looking from the
place where I took the pic above,
just looking a different way.
It was kind of early in the morning,
not to mention
cold.... and most people was
at church since
it was Sunday... so we just
around awhile. They had
some really cool
flower gardens... I told my
mom she would
have loved it since she loves
flowers so much...
Here is a lovely horse drawn carriage roaming around the town.
Here is a picture of the courthouse....
they hold mock trials where
the tourist get to participate..
Marnie told me it was pretty
This is called the "round house"
it's right
across from the court house
and is where they kept prisoners,
why there is a wall around it
so the guards could keep a better
eye on them.
As we
keep on venturing through the city we
found this building...I believe
it was the governors hall..
I just thought it was
a neat looking building...
So the next day we ventured to
some battlefield...
*S* hehe I can't
remember... I know we was all
excited and when we got there we
was well... disappointed cause
it turned out
to be a major dud.. The only
cool thing
we found when we went there
was these boats.
Wave Hi Lori =)
Here is a cool view looking out
at some Lake.
If you look close that boat
is actually a ferry. We
tried to get our chaperone to
let us go on it, but it was
going to take to long so we
didn't get to go.... bummer =)
So the next and final day of
our little
venture we went and visited
William and Mary College...
It was pretty cool
Here is a view looking from
main building. After
the tour we ended up going
shopping in some of the little
This little guy.... isn't he
soooo cute! He came right up to me
and I gave him a french fry...
well I guess he really likes fries, cause
he keep on flowing me after
that.... isn't he SO CUTE!!
WELL... that is my trip to Williamsburg,
Virginia... not a
totally cool trip... but not
a dud either...
If you really like flowers and
are all into that colonial experience...
well then I say go and have
a blast... =) Of course
we didn't get to see a
lot of the other
sights around the town, so I
really can't tell you if it is a
great travel place or not.
All I know is that at our
Hotel.. they closed everything
by 9 p.m. which
really was boring cause there
was nothing
to do at all! We played cards
alot =)
I hope you enjoyed my venture
to Virginia!
Please sign my guestbook! Thanks
Anita © 2000