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"Me at 4 with my brother Steve"


This is just some of my other random poetry, that I have written through out the years.I hope you enjoy at least some of them.


I began by loving no one.
For I came into the world alone.
From someone, but by myself.
I loved no one at the time of my first cry.
I only felt fear at coming into a world,
Harsh and Unknown.
Through the years I learned to love,
But as time passes and encounters are made.
I find....People....cause pain and hurt.
Then I remember.
I began by loving no one.



The summer breeze
Floated over the lake.
It's coolness was soothing as I sat,
Under the moonlight.
The lake was calm,
And a million stars
Were in the sky.
As I sat, the anticipation grew.
Then across the lake,
I saw him, on his way.
I couldn't wait.
I ran around the lake,
And almost got to him,
When he suddenly disappeared.
I don't know why,
I keep holding on.
He's Gone.
The tears come.
The heart breaks.
Only the memories remain.



Once or twice this side of death,
Things can make one hold his breath.

As I watched the cars go past,
I felt they were going much too fast.

Almost as if they were trying to pass life by,
It almost made me want to cry.

There were so many things to do and see,
That I wondered how many would happen to me?

Then I heard the screeching of brakes,
And it brought my thoughts back from the glistening lakes.

Someone had tried to pass life completely,
And they had done the job very neatly.

For the car was in a crumpled heap,
And it was then that I started to weep.

For in the car was my dearest friend,
And I had loved him from beginning to end.

Sometime 1973


There she stands, so tall and proud,
It almost seems she's weeping out loud.

The tears of stone, carved into place,
Put there so long ago, by hands of a different race.

The babe at her breast, so tiny and new,
The water at her feet, so beautiful and blue.

Who chose her fate we will never know,
The cause of it will never show.

She will still be standing, many years from now,
And when she is gone, we will never know how.


"Me and my Grandmother"


Sitting by the window,
Wishing time to fade away,

Wishing I were a child again,
So I could go out and play.

What happened to all those years,
They seem to have flown by,

They have gotten away from me so fast,
It makes me want to cry.

Oh' to be a child again,
To run and laugh and sing,

I would give give up my last few memories,
And alot of other things.

To feel the grass beneath my feet,
The wind blowing through my hair,

To be able to do almost anything,
Without ever having a care.

But time goes very quickly now,
And my days are numbered less.

And not so many days from now,
I will be taking my final rest.


This poem was written for my Grandmother Isabell Bryant

She died 3/24/1993


I wrote this and had it published in the local paper 1 year after she died.

"This is my Grandmother at 12"

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Poems For My Mother
