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Cascade, CO 80809 U.S.A.

The OSCAR SIERRA BRAVO is an International DX Group. We believe in promoting friendship through radio amongst all people in the world. The membership is open to ALL radio operators regardless of their nationality, age, race, religion, politacal beliefs, and their memberships with other clubs. The opinions of the members and other clubs stated over radio and/or newsletters, etc., does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Oscar Sierra Bravo International DX Group.

The Oscar Sierra Bravo International DX Group (a.k.a. The Ozark SideBanders Group) is one of the fastest growing DX Groups on the 11 meter band today. We currently have over 600 members just within the past six years alone! We have great expectations on continueously grow our memberships world wide.

The group was established in October of 1994 locally in Mountain Home, Arkansas, U.S.A. by the founding members, Bob - 2 OSB 001, Steve - 2 OSB 002, & Les - 2 OSB 004. The members were few at the time and we thank all who have sponsored many into the group and to all who have become members and who have participated in making this DX group what it is today!

A Note from the President

The Oscar Sierra Bravo Int. DX Group sends their deepest sympathy out to the family of Terry Straight - 2 OSB 032, who passed away on Friday, May 7, 2009.

73's & 51's,
Adrianne, 2 OSB 022 President
May 7, 2009

This CB Radio Operators Webring site is owned by
Adrianne, 2 OSB 022

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and was last updated May 7, 2009!