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Customer Order Processing



Introduction for Technical Users      


Customer Order Processing consists of four main areas.

The largest by far is the area of order processing from the initial order placement through to despatch (1).

There are a number of enquiries available in the system which allow the user to view orders in several different ways (2).

The system produces a number of reports relating to the orders on the system both automatically through the daily run and by specific request from the user (3).

There is also a certain amount of master file maintenance performed within the module (4).


Order processing consists of a wide range of operations as follows:

On-line order entry (1.1)

Order completion (1.2)

Order printing (1.3)

Batch order entry (1.4)

Stock allocation (1.5)

Manual order entry (1.6)

Despatch control (1.7)

Despatch printing (1.8)

Despatch control updating (1.9)

Discrepancy printing (1.10)

Automated reject order entry (1.11)


On-line order entry consists of four elements. Order header maintenance (1.1.1), order detail entry (1.1.2), order review (1.1.3) and order confirmation (1.1.4).


New orders are added using transactions PC01-10 corresponding to the ten order types available in POPIMS. PC01 picks up default information for the customer entered and allows details to be modified. A customer order number must be entered in order to progress. Carrier details default from the customer warehouse details if available or alternatively from the warehouse default. The dispatch warehouse defaults to the first warehouse in the search chain for the order type (urgent or normal). This is particularly relevant when goods are supplied from several warehouses but are then gathered centrally before dispatching to the customer.

PC11 is used to enter financial details for the order. As with PC01, the details are originally defaulted from the customer but can subsequently be modified. All global pricing and discounting information is available on this screen. PC01 will automatically transfer to PC11 if the financial details required indicator is set.

PC12 allows the user to enter discount or commission credit customers for any orders where discount or commission credits have been specified. PC11 will automatically transfer to PC12 if discount or commission credits have been requested. PC12 allows entry of one or two customers corresponding to the requirements entered in PC11.

PC13 allows the user to enter special instructions for an order. These may relate to packing, dispatch and invoicing. The instructions are free format text. PC01/11/12 will automatically transfer to PC13 if the special instructions required indicator is set.

PC42 allows the user to enter general information relating to a scheduled order. This includes the default call-off information and any related contract details. PC01/11/12/13 will automatically transfer to PC42 if the order is a scheduled order type.


Order details are entered using different transactions depending on the type of order being processed.

PC14 is used to enter order lines for standard batch allocation orders. Lines can be entered six at a time with each line being validated and appropriate error or warning messages displayed. Lines can be added, modified and deleted. Pricing and discount information can be fixed for individual lines. DFS supplier details can be set or removed as required. No allocation is performed at this point.

PC34 is used to maintain carrier details on order lines created in PC14. Each line will automatically default to the order header value initially but can be modified if required. PC34 also shows any group bulk discount class applicable to the order line.

PC15 is used to enter order lines for on-line allocation orders. Lines are entered one at a time and after validation processes have been performed, allocation is attempted. Allocation is based on the warehouses in the search sequence for the order and any supersession details for the part. If insufficient stock is available, stock stealing will be attempted from normal orders where the order type permits it. If insufficient stock is still available, the remaining quantity will be put on back order provided the customer allows back orders and the back order quantity is not overridden by the user. PC15 also allows order lines to be set as DFS or pegged to a specific supplier order line if required. In these instances, no allocation is attempted from the warehouse stock.

PC45 is used to maintain carrier details on order lines created in PC15. Each line will automatically default to the order header value unless this is not valid for the warehouse allocating the stock. In this case, the carrier is determined from the customer/supplying warehouse details in the same manner as PC01 originally determined the carrier. PC45 also shows any group bulk discount class applicable to the order line.

PC43 is used to add order line information for scheduled orders. A total quantity for the part is entered which is then split between the number of call-offs requested in PC42. These call-offs are automatically added by PC43 with future dates based on the information in PC42. Pricing and discount information can also be entered for the order line. The screen also shows summary supply information for the line which is updated each time allocations are made. No allocations are made at order entry stage for scheduled orders.

PC44 is used to view the call-offs added by PC43 which can be updated. New call-offs can also be added in PC44. The program also allows carrier details to be amended for individual call-offs together with pegging information and warehouse search codes.


PC14 is used to review standard batch allocation order lines. This includes those originally added in PC14 and also those added via the batch order entry system. It can also be used to review lines on a quotation which has been converted to an order.

PC16 is used to review on-line allocation order lines added in PC15.

PC43 and PC44 can be used to review details of scheduled order lines. This includes those originally added in these transactions and also those added via the batch order entry system.

PC29 is used to review and update order pegging details for all types of customer order lines. The only exception is on-line allocation order lines. These can have existing pegging details modified but cannot have pegging detail added or removed. To do this, the user must delete the order and re-add it with the new details.

PC33 shows group bulk discount details for any requested order. It shows the quantity ordered within each group together with the current and next discount break quantities. This enables the customer to decide whether it is advantageous to them to increase their order to obtain a better discount.


PC18 is used to confirm all types of orders. On-line allocation orders will be credit checked based on the value of the allocated stock. If the credit check fails then the order will be credit held. The credit controller must then decide whether to delete the order in PC19 or allow the order to continue by releasing it in PC28.

PC18 and PC28 trigger the on-line advice note allocation program PC1A.

If the order is not required or the credit failure is not to be overridden, the order can be deleted in PC19. This triggers background task PC1B to perform deletion of the order.


Whenever stock of any part becomes available for allocation, backorder release is automatically triggered by the system.
PM1A allocates stock to backorders for any part in the supersession chain which can be supplied by the available part in priority sequence. A system option is available to determine whether backorders should be supplied only at the warehouse with stock available or whether all backorders on the system should be considered for release.
When the stock has been made available for a pegged order, PM1B is triggered instead of PM1A. This allocates the stock to the specific line it was meant to cover rather than looking at all backorders.

When an on-line allocated order is deleted, any stock that was allocated is released back into the warehouse and backorder release is triggered.

POPIMS allows the user to periodically request advice note creation for all backorders that have been released on-line. This is done by specifying the warehouses for which details should be released in PC59. This triggers background task PC1C which selects the relevant released backorder details and passes the details across to another background task PC1A for creation of advice notes.

PC1A is triggered at order confirmation and backorder release confirmation.

For batch allocation orders which are confirmed in PC18/PC28, the program simply sets the status to confirmed. Allocation for these orders is performed during the overnight run once the allocation date is reached.
For on-line allocated orders, the program creates advice note details based on the allocations that have been performed. Advice notes are created for each warehouse from which stock has been allocated. A number of different consolidation criteria exist for advice notes which affect the number of advice notes created. For more details, see the Warehousing User Manual (section 24 - Advice Note Creation). An advice note header is created for each set of consolidation criteria. One line is added for each allocation against each order line. Backorders are created where insufficient stock was available. Advice notes are split into pages based on the number of lines which fit on a printed page.
For released back orders, PC1A first performs a credit check using the value of the stock allocated to the back order. If the credit check fails then the backorder line is credit held. A credit controller must then decide on a course of action for the backorder. If the backorder line passes the credit check then PC1A will follow its normal advice note creation procedures.

Whenever PC1A is about to create an advice note for an order type which is subject to warehouse selection, it first checks to see whether an open advice note exists with the same consolidation criteria to which the details can be added. These advice notes do not have their documentation produced until they have been selected for picking. Where the order type is not subject to warehouse selection, the advice note and picking labels are available for immediate print and PC1A triggers the background print initiation task PM3A.


Once the order is available for picking, the advice note documentation can be printed.

The background print control program PM3A is automatically triggered by either PC1A or PW1C depending on whether the order type is subject to warehouse selection or not.

If a printer is not immediately available for the documents, the print tasks will be started by PM30 as soon as a printer is made available.

PC5B prints picking labels for the specified warehouse and zone. Labels a split by zone and lines are grouped together in batches. The size of the batches for each zone is specified by the user in PC65 and can be different for on-line and batch created advice notes. The picking label shows the part to be picked together with the quantity and location. It also shows details of the customer, order and advice note to which the line pertains. A summary is provided for each batch and zone.

PC5D prints advice notes for the specified warehouse. Each advice note page contains the customer related information for the order(s) together with a line for each order line or allocation on the advice note. Alternative supply details are shown where applicable together with any answer codes pertinent to the lines and their meanings.

PC5F prints Direct From Supplier (DFS) advice notes. All lines on the order which were denoted as being DFS will be printed on a separate DFS advice note. This is designed to be sent to the supplier in order to notify him of the customer's requirement and the address to which the goods should be sent. All DFS lines are assumed to be fully supplied at allocation time. Any discrepancies in supply are noted when picking details are recorded for the DFS advice notes. This would be done when the supplier notifies the user of the supply details.


A file of prepared customer orders is input to PCE1 in order to create customer orders in batch. The program validates all of the details on the input file and where possible creates customer orders from the details.

Any details which are incorrect are reported on an error report. This denotes whether the error resulted in the line being rejected or not. In some instances, the details must be corrected before the input can be accepted (e.g. incorrect customer number). In other instances, whilst the details on the file are incorrect, defaults held on the system can be assumed (e.g. delivery address number). In the latter case, the error will still be reported but the order can be added. The system simply leaves it as unconfirmed so that the user can verify it before proceeding.

Order details which are added to the system are also reported on the accepted orders report. This provides a summary of the orders added during the batch run.

PCE1 may also be used to make amendments to future call-offs on customer schedules if required.

A file is produced detailing any changes from default values used on the orders created during the run. This file is used by the daybook programs PMB1/2 which extract and report sensitive data changes in the system.

Any orders created in PCE1 which had no errors and were requested to be confirmed on the input file, will automatically be picked up in the batch stock allocation suite next time it is run.

All other orders created in PCE1 must first be confirmed on-line before allocation will be attempted.


Batch allocation of stock is used for orders entered via the on-line system and those entered via batch order entry. It is also used for backorders that are not set to be released as soon as stock is made available.

Details are first extracted from the relevant files and prioritised (1.5.1). Allocation is then attempted for all relevant lines in priority sequence and corresponding advice notes/back orders created (1.5.2). Documentation pertinent to orders processed in the batch run, together with any outstanding from the on-line session, can then be printed (1.5.3).


Program PCF1 extracts details from the customer order file. It passes details to various programs depending on the status of the order.

Unconfirmed order details are passed to PCG5 which produces a report detailing all of the unconfirmed orders on the system. The user can then either delete or confirm them as appropriate. This is particularly necessary with unconfirmed orders which are on-line allocation as they could be holding stock.

Orders for which the customer requires an acknowledgement are passed to PCF9 for reporting once they have been confirmed. The order acknowledgement shows the order lines and whether they are suppliable or not. This is then sent to the customer.

Credit held order details are passed to PCL2.

Quotation details are deleted if they have expired or are passed to PIC2 if they are outstanding.

Order details awaiting allocation, including batch allocation orders, back orders and schedule order call-offs are extracted by PCF1 provided their allocation date has been reached. These details are then sorted into priority groups and passed to PCF2 which adds a header record for each priority group. The header record details the total requirement for the priority group and total number of lines. The stock allocation program can then ration the available stock between the lines (where permitted) if insufficient is available to fully supply all of the lines.


Program PCF3 takes the file of all the outstanding customer order requirements on the system and attempts to allocate stock using all parts within a supersession chain and all warehouses in the order lines search chain. Where insufficient stock is available, stock will be rationed if the order type permits.

Details are then passed through PCF7 which adds a header record for every full supply order on the file to denote whether it can now be released.

PCF8 uses the header information added by PCF7 together with the allocation details on the file to either hold the stock allocated against the order lines or release the lines for advice note creation. The latter involves adding allocation details for specific bins.

Once all of the allocations have been performed, the details are passed on to PCF4 which firstly performs a credit check of the allocated details. If this check fails, details are added onto the urgent order file and must the be progressed via the on-line system. For orders which fail at their initial allocation they must be treated in the same manner as orders credit held in PC18. Released back order details which are credit held must be progressed using back order credit control (see section 4.4).

Details which pass credit check are put onto advice notes. One line is created for every allocation made. PCF4 also creates back order details where insufficient stock was available to fully supply the line.

PCF4 also produces a number of files used for reporting purposes in other programs.
Back order details are passed to PCG1.
Credit held order details are passed to PCL2.
Allocation details are passed to PMC8.
Order/allocation details are passed to PCH6.

Program PCI1 extracts details of all outstanding cases on the system for processing by the Daily Operating Statement.


Advice note documentation can also be printed in batch.

PCF5 prints advice notes for the requested warehouse. This includes any created in the batch run for immediate printing together with any outstanding from the on-line session.

PCF6 prints picking labels for the requested warehouse/zone(s). Again this includes any created in the batch run for immediate printing together with any outstanding from the on-line session.

PCG9 prints DFS advice notes for the requested warehouse. This includes those created in the batch run together with any outstanding from the on-line session.

Contents of all of these documents are identical to their on-line equivalents.


There may occasionally be exceptional circumstances where the user has to supply orders from the warehouse when the system is not available. The most obvious time is if the computer fails due to a power cut or similar.

Manual order entry is used to retrospectively tell the system what has occurred in the intervening period. It is not designed for regular use and care should be taken when using it. The system assumes that what the user enters is correct and overrides its own records accordingly.

Manual orders are entered in a similar manner to other order types. Order header details are entered initially (1.6.1) followed by order details (1.6.2). Once entered, the details can then be reviewed (1.6.3) and when the user is happy that the details are correct the order can be completed (1.6.4).


PC80 is used to allocate the manual order and advice note numbers together with the order type. The order number must come from the range on PC60 whilst the advice note number must come from the range on PC64. The order type can be any valid order type on the system except a scheduled order type.

PC81 is used to add basic order header information. This is almost identical to standard order header information added in PC01. Manual orders do no allow recommendations, cannot have order acknowledgements printed and the dispatch warehouse is taken from the advice note warehouse entered in PC80.

PC82 is used to enter financial details for the order. PC81 will automatically transfer control to PC82 if the financial details required indicator is set to yes. Details on this screen are the same as PC11.

PC83 is used to enter discount/commission credit customer details for an order. If discount or commission credit details have been specified on PC82 then control will automatically pass to PC83. Details on this screen are the same as PC12.

PC84 is used to enter special instructions for the order. Control will automatically pass to this transaction from either PC81, PC82 or PC83 if the special instructions required flag is set on PC81. Details on this screen are the same as PC13.


PC85 is used to enter order line details for manual order. This includes ordered and supplied part together with locations from which the stock was picked and the quantity picked from each location.

Pricing and discount information can also be fixed as on any other order lines. Any back order quantity can be entered together with the change code.

Great care must be taken when using manual orders as any details entered will override the current stock position for the part on the system.

PC86 can be used to amend any of the details entered in PC85 which were entered incorrectly.


Once the manual order is complete it can then be confirmed using PC87.

This triggers background task PC8A which creates advice notes based on the details entered for the order. No picking or advice note documentation is produced for manual orders since they are created after the event.

These advice notes can then be picked, packed and dispatched in the normal way.

If the user decides that the manual order details are not required, they can be deleted using transaction PC88. This triggers background task PC8B which deletes the order and releases and stock allocated to the lines.


Once advice notes have been picked, the details must be recorded on the system. PC70 is used to record any discrepancies in the picking information. This includes differences in either the quantity picked or the location from which the stock was taken. Allocation lines can also be split where a single allocation was actually taken from multiple locations. Where a discrepancy has been recorded, the user has the option to report the discrepancy on-line to allow an immediate stock check on the part/bin to take place. Care must be taken with this facility as the user must be sure of the stock position, including allocations in progress, in order to determine the correct stock check quantity. This is triggered at picking completion.

After the picking details have been recorded, the advice note can be completed. This can be done for a single advice note page using transaction PC71. Alternatively, all pages of an advice note can be completed together using transaction PC75.

At this point, a check is performed on the customer’s credit status together with a value check if an overpick occurred. If the credit check fails then the advice note is held for review by the credit controller. The advice note can be released or cancelled as a whole using PC78 or page by page using PC76.

Once the credit check is passed, the advice note can be pick completed. If any of the parts supplied on the advice note are controlled parts, PC71 and PC75 will automatically transfer control to PM83 for entry of the associated serial numbers. The system will not allow the advice notes to progress until these details have been entered. PC71 and PC75 allow the user to specify whether the advice note requires packing or whether it should be made available for invoicing immediately. If case packing is chosen then a case number and carrier details must be specified. If the case does not exist then a warning message will be issued but the case may be added using default values. If the case does exist then the consolidation criteria must match those on the advice note.

PC72 is used to add new case details or to update details on cases which were added by PC71 or PC75. When adding a new case, an advice note must be specified to determine the consolidation criteria for the case. A gross weight must be entered against a case before it can be progressed further. The system also requires that one case within the case family has an advice note linked to it in PC71 or PC75 before the family of cases can be progressed. A family of cases have the same prefix in the case number (5 digits) and a different suffix (2 digits). For example, cases 1032201 through 1032299 are all within the same family. This link is only used to determine whether the cases can progress and does not require them to be progressed as a whole.

When an advice note is originally packed, the lines are all linked to the case specified on PC71 or PC75. Transaction PC73 allows the user to move complete or partial lines between cases with the same consolidation criteria thus creating split case lines. Any controlled parts on the case are denoted with an asterisk and will require the control numbers to be moved between the cases.


Once the advice notes have been packed into cases and the cases have been weighed (gross weight entered in PC72), the cases can then be added to a BOL or Manifest. The type of document created depends on the requirements of the carrier.

A selection is entered in PC56 for a particular warehouse and carrier. Various additional selection parameters can be entered to restrict the selection by delivery service, delivery method, customer number and delivery address. Up to 6 of each of these parameters may be entered. In addition, the selection can be restricted using the prepaid/collect indicator and whether Cash On Delivery orders should be included. PC56 then selects all of the cases that match the entered parameters and groups them into matching consolidation groups for addition to a BOL or Manifest as required.

The result of the selection can be viewed in PC74 which shows details of all of the selected cases and allows them to be removed from the selection if required.

If the selection is unsatisfactory, it can be deleted using PC56. Otherwise the selection can be confirmed in PC56 which will trigger background task PC5G to create the BOLs or Manifests.

PC5G creates on BOL or Manifest for each consolidation group identified by PC56 during the selection process. The BOLs and Manifests are made available for printing immediately and the background print initiation task is triggered. If the customer requires packing notes to be produced, these are also made available for printing at this point.

Once the details of the BOL or Manifest have been finalised, any modifications required can be entered in PC55. Once complete, the BOL or Manifest is shipping completed using PC55 and the details are then available for invoicing.


There are three documents that are produced as part of despatch processing though only two can ever be produced for any single despatch.

The carrier who is taking the goods will determine whether a Bill Of Lading or a Manifest is produced. A BOL is a single customer document with all of the normal delivery and invoicing consolidation criteria in force. A Manifest is a multi-customer document which is produced for the carrier who in turn will produce his own customer documentation. The consolidation criteria for the Manifest are purely the warehouse, carrier and delivery method.

The Manifest print consists of three parts. The first is a list of the cases included on the manifests and the customers to whom they are being sent. The second part is a summary for each zone on the manifest. The final part is a summary for each delivery service on the manifest.

The BOL print shows details of the shipper and consignee. A line is printed for each case on the BOL detailing the weight, dimensions, freight description and standard case code details. A total is printed at the end together with any COD amount that needs collection and any associated charge.

An indicator set at customer level denotes whether packing notes are required for each case on the shipment. This details the contents of each case so that the customer can verify the goods when they arrive.

When the BOL/Manifest is created, PM3A is triggered for each relevant print to determine whether a printer is already available to print the documents. If not, they will be printed when a suitable printer is made available in PM30.


Program PCD1 runs as part of the daily processing. It performs a number of different tasks depending on the status of the advice note it is processing at the time.

Any advice notes which are incomplete are passed to PCD3 for reporting on the outstanding advice notes report.

Any discrepancies which have been recorded in PC70 during the day are passed to PCD2 for reporting on the discrepancy report. If the on-line discrepancy ticket was not produced for the discrepancy, a file is also passed to PMC8 for producing stock check instructions.

Any advice notes that are credit held are passed to PCL3 for reporting on the credit held advice notes report.

Any DFS advice notes which had discrepancies recorded, have details passed to PCF2 in order to produce a new DFS advice note for the outstanding amount.

Any DFS despatches recorded in PC71 or PC75 are passed to PRD2 and PRD4 for reporting on the daily GR listing.

Any new DFS despatches are passed to PMJ6 in order to notify the supplier of the requirement.

Any advice notes which have been picking completed in PC71 or PC75 and did not require case packing are passed to PIA1 to be invoiced (if invoicing is installed).

Details of all advice notes which have been picked during the day are passed to PCD4 which updates the stock levels of the parts at the specified locations. It also records details of the issues on the audit transaction file.

Advice note details are also passed to the Daily Operating Statement suite of programs for reporting throughput. Advice notes awaiting invoicing go first to PCH5 which will detect whether the advice note has been invoiced later in the same daily run and exclude those details. Advice notes awaiting any other action will not be progressed further during this batch run and can be passed directly to PCH6 for re-pricing.


When an advice note is picking completed, if any lines have discrepancies recorded against them which are to be reported on-line, PC7E is triggered. This program checks the part/bin combination in question and puts any free stock in temporary discrepancy.

It finds the next discrepancy ticket number from PM68 and allocates that to the part/bin. It then sets the document to be printed and triggers the background print initiation task PM3A.

If no printer is immediately available for printing the discrepancy ticket the document will be printed next time a printer is made available in PM30.

The discrepancy ticket print PC7G prints details of the part/bin in discrepancy together with any alternative bins currently in use for the part/bin combination. This can then be used to trigger a stock check for the part.

If the discrepancy ticket set-up is triggered for a part/bin which has already had a check initiated during the day, the same discrepancy ticket number will be used to reprint the document as a reminder.


When a customer returns goods which were supplied under a no return agreement or where they must be returned to the original supplier, POPIMS provides a facility whereby the stock can be placed in special customer locations for return to the customer/supplier.

Where the goods are to be returned to the returning customer, they can be automatically rejected in PR20 which will prevent the customer being credited for the goods.

If the goods are to be returned to the original supplier rather than the returning customer, they must be confirmed into the suppliers reject location to ensure that the customer is credited for the return.

Stock may also be moved into a customer reject location using the normal stock movement transactions.

PC50 is used to add a reject order for a customer or supplier. (If a supplier is used then the supplier must also be defined as a customer within POPIMS.) The program will search for all stock in the sign on warehouse which is due for return to the specified customer and create an on-line allocation order for the rejected stock. The program allocates all free stock in the customers reject bin to the order and sets up an open reject order number against the customer.

PC51 is used to add special packing and dispatch instructions to the order which may be required. Invoicing instructions are not available since the goods will not be invoiced.

PC52 shows the order lines created by PC50 and allows the user to reduce the quantity or delete the lines. Quantities may not be increased and new lines may not be added as PC50 would have created all possible lines when the order was initially added. If more stock has since become available for return to the customer, the order should be deleted and a new one added which will automatically pick up the extra lines.

Once the order is complete, it is confirmed in PC18 and processed in the normal way with a number of exceptions. For more details, see the Warehousing User Manual (section 21 - Automated Reject Processing).


POPIMS has a number of enquiries that allows the user to view order details at every stage throughout their life in the system.

PC35 shows details of every advice note line created for the order. This includes all warehouse allocation lines, zero supply lines, information lines and unsuppliable lines. Each line shows that advice note number against it together with the status of the particular line.

PC36 shows details of every line on a particular advice note. Details are very similar to PC35 except that PC36 shows only one advice note but can show many different orders.

PC37 is driven by the order status enquiry flag set in PC01C01 for each order type. Whenever a new order is added for any order type requiring order status enquiry a text record set up for the order. It shows one line for each order and the enquiry can be restricted by order type.

PC27 shows all orders which have failed credit check on their initial allocation run.

PC32 shows all release back orders which have failed credit check.

PC39 shows all orders on the system for a particular customer. One line of details per order is shown.

PC49 shows all cases on the system for a particular warehouse that have not had a gross weight entered for them. These are cases which have been added with default details at picking completion can have not yet been updated by case maintenance.

PC54 shows all cases on the system for a particular warehouse which have had a gross weight entered but have not yet been selected for addition to a BOL or manifest. The selection can be further restricted by carrier or customer/delivery address.

PC77 shows details of all cases which have been added to a particular BOL or Manifest.

PC58 shows details of all BOLs and Manifests which are awaiting shipping from a particular warehouse. The display can be further restricted by carrier if required.


POPIMS provides a number of reporting facilities within the order processing module.

These include customer and recommendation reporting (3.1), credit held details (3.2), pegged order reporting (3.3), back order reporting (3.4) and throughput reporting (3.5).


Program PMD1 prints address labels for customers. PCA5 extracts delivery address details to be printed whilst PCA4 extracts invoice address details to be printed.

PCA1 extracts details of all customers on the system which are then printed by PCA2 on the customer listing. Details are also extracted of group customers which are printed by PCA7 on the group customer listing.

PCA6 extracts details of all recommendations in the system which are then printed on the recommendation listing by PCA3.


Program PCL2 writes a report of all orders and backorders which have been credit held. It shows the relevant credit details, the reason for credit hold and shows the value of the allocations which have been held.

Program PCL3 produces a report of all advice notes which have been credit held. These will either be because the credit status of the customer has changed since the order was allocated or the advice note was overpicked and the extra value has exceeded the customer’s credit limit.


Program PCK2 extracts details of all customer order lines on the system which are pegged to a specific supplier order line.

These are then reported by PCK3 on the pegged orders report. PCK3 also produces an exception report detailing all pegged order lines where the corresponding supplier order line details do not exist or where the quantity on order is insufficient to cover the customer requirement..


Program PCG1 extracts details of all outstanding customer backorders on the system which are the used to produce a number of reports. All of the reports below are driven by run control flags on PM70.

PCG7 produces a report detailing all of the backorders raised today. The report is broken down by warehouse within part within buyer. It lists all backorders for any part which have had a backorder created since the last batch run. New backorders are highlighted on the report.

PCG6 produces a report of all outstanding customer backorders based on a range of forecasts and costs defined on PM60 at marketing unit level. The cost used for comparison is defined in SYSCOSTS. It produces total for number of parts and number of lines within each group and overall.

PCG4 produces a report detailing backorders on the system by customer. It gives a breakdown of all backorders on the system by customer and if required can be sent to the customer.

PCG3 produces a breakdown of all backorders on the system and reports on the stock situation of the parts together with the supplier order situation. One side of the report shows the supplier order details of what is due into the warehouse whilst the other side of the report shows all of the customer backorders which are awaiting supply.


Program PCJ1 extracts details of all order lines in the system with a future allocation date. These will exist either as stock order lines or as scheduled order lines.

Program PCJ2 reports these details in part sequence to give a picture of all future requirements for each part.

Program PCJ3 reports the same details in customer sequences to give a picture of all future requirements for each customer.

Program PCH0 extracts details from the urgent order file which are the processed together with files from batch allocation and dispatch confirmation. The lines are first repriced by program PCH6 which then passes details on to three reporting programs.

PCH1 produces the first part of the Daily Operating Statement. This consists of a summary of all order lines presented for allocation since the last run of the program. It provides management with a cost summary and also a service level summary for each order type.

PCH2 produces the second part of the Daily Operating Statement. This consists of a summary of lines picked since the last run and also provides a summary of the work currently in progress in the warehouse.

PCG8 provides management with a report of all order lines allocated since the last run which have a zero price associated with them.

Program PCH3 extracts details of all advice note lines which have been picked since a specified date. The report is requested in PM68 which is also used to specify the selection date.

PCH4 prints the warehouse picker analysis by picker within warehouse. Details are summarised by order type showing number of advice notes/lines picked together with discrepancies recorded.


File maintenance within the order processing module covers the following areas:

Customer maintenance (4.1)

Recommendations maintenance (4.2)

Back Order maintenance (4.3)

Back Order credit control (4.4)

Back Order text maintenance (4.5)

System Control Maintenance (4.6)


Program PC20 is used to maintain basic customer details. This includes the customer name and address details together with a number of general details for the customer. When a new customer is added, the address specified in PC20 is also used as a default for the first delivery address for which a warehouse search code must be specified. These details can then be modified in PC22.

PC21 is used for setting up the default financial terms for the customer. These are then passed over to each order that is placed by the customer and where required can be changed at order level.

PC22 is used for maintaining delivery address details. Address 01 is automatically added when the customer is added in PC20 but can be modified in PC22 at a later point. Up to 99 delivery addresses can exist for the customer.

PC23 is used to set up free format text for the customer. It is for information purposes only.

PC24 is a search facility to look for a POPIMS customer number using a search field. When a customer is added in PC20, the user has the option of entering a search name for the customer which can then be used to find the customer number in PC24 at any time.

PC25 is used to set up warehouse to customer delivery address details. For each warehouse in the delivery address search chain on PC22, corresponding warehouse to delivery address details should be set up to define the method of delivery from the warehouse to the customer and also whether goods should be supplied direct to the customer or be sent via a dispatching warehouse.

PC26 shows various credit control details for the customer. A group customer number can be entered which allows several customers to use the same credit details. A credit status may also be entered which, depending on system settings, could put a temporary stop on any orders for that customer.


Recommendations are designed to provide a simple method of entering a group of order lines which commonly go together.

PC40 is used to set up the recommendation header. This simply consists of a recommendation number and descriptions which is used to group together a number of lines.

PC41 is used to enter part numbers and quantities against the recommendation. When an order is added and a recommendation number is specified, the order line entry program first displays the lines of the recommendation as entered in PC41 for addition/modification on the order before allowing entry of further lines.


Program PC17 allows the user to maintain individual back order lines for a particular order. Back order quantity, pricing and discount information together with search code and priority information may be modified.

PC46 allows the user to maintain carrier details and user information for individual back order lines for an order.

PC38 shows details of back orders on the system by customer or by part and allows the user to amend the maximum allocatable quantity and priority against each back order line. When inquiry by part only is requested, the system will show details of all back orders which could be supplied by receiving the part at the specified warehouse and whose priority is sufficient to be released on-line. They are shown in the order that they will be presented for allocation. This can include back orders for other parts in the supersession chain if applicable.

PC48 allows the user to delete all back orders for a particular customer or part. In this instance, deletion by part will only delete backorders for the specified part and not any in the supersession chain. This triggers background task PC1D which performs the deletions.


PC30 shows the user a summary of all credit held released backorder lines for a customer, customer delivery address or customer order. These credit held lines can then be either released as a group or deleted as a group in PC30.

PC31 shows each of the credit held released back order lines for a customer, customer delivery address or customer order. These lines can then be released of deleted individually in PC31.

When either of these programs is used to release credit held order lines, the advice note creation program is triggered.

When lines are deleted, program PC3B is triggered to delete the back orders and de-allocate the stock held by the deleted lines. This program in turn triggers backorder release which will attempt to reallocate the stock to other back order lines.


Whenever a backorder is created in POPIMS a text record is added containing summary information of the backorder. This can be viewed in PC90 and updated if required.

The text information can be periodically cleared down by running program PCK1 which simply deletes all of the backorder text on the system.


PC60 is used for maintaining order processing parameters at marketing unit level, including order number ranges and priority control details.

PC62 allows the user to maintain a set of allocation dates for each delivery route. These are used to determine the release date for batch allocated orders.

PC65 is used to maintain picking batch details by zone. This is used to determine the number of orders and lines allowed in a batch for both on-line and batch order.

PC67 is used to set up warehouse search chains for urgent and normal allocations. A chain is also specified for backorder placement.

PC69 is used to define default carrier details for urgent and normal orders for each warehouse. These are used when no details are specified on PC25.

PC53 is used to define all of the carrier/delivery service/delivery method combinations which are used by each warehouse. The carrier name and address details are set up together with the type of documentation required and other carrier related information.

PC57 is used to define the valid freight classes for each warehouse. These are used on cases in PC72.

PC61 determines the ordering groups available to each business category. Where a part and a customer have business categories defined and they differ, details from PC61 are used to determine whether the part is available to the customer by looking for a matching ordering group in the list for each business category.

PC64 is used to define the order processing parameters relevant for each warehouse including advice note ranges.

PC66 is used to define hazardous goods codes and their descriptions. These are set up against a part in PM40 and will cause a separate advice note to be created.

PC68 is used to define standard packing case details. The code can then be entered in PC72 against a case and the details will be picked up automatically.

PC79 is used to define delivery zone details for a particular carrier/ delivery service/ delivery method combination. The FROM postal code is the despatching warehouse and the TO postal code would be the customer delivery address. A zone can be determined for each combination required.

PC89 defines costs for delivery to each zone specified in PC79. These are broken down into weight categories and a cost can be specified for each weight.

N.B. Details set up on PC79 and PC89 are only used when the appropriate delivery charge cost code is set up for the carrier in PC53.

PC93 defines customer country codes as set up on PC21 for a customer.

PC94 defines valid customer types as set up on PC20 for a customer.

