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Inventory Management



Introduction for Technical Users      


The Inventory Management Module is the main driving module within POPIMS and is the only mandatory module in the system.

It contains the access control within the system determining what data can be maintained by the user (1).

It handles all the stock control in the system, including part master file maintenance (2) and provides a number of enquiry facilities to view part information (3).

On-line document printing is also handled (4).

A number of reporting facilities are available to show the state of the inventory within the warehouses (5).

POPIMS has the ability to control the stock of certain parts based on entry of serial numbers associated with each individual part (6).

Firm supplier orders are controlled within the Inventory Management module (7).

Supplier master file details are maintained within the module together with system control information pertinent to more than one module and also general text information (8).

POPIMS also provides a management audit report detailing all changes made to sensitive data in the on-line system (9).


POPIMS allows control over the information available to view/update based on a sign on screen.

PM73 allows you to set up and view marketing unit details for those marketing units defined in the system copybook SYSMUWH.

PM05 allows you to set up and view warehouse details for those warehouses defined in the same system copybook.

PM02 allows you to define passwords and a list of associated warehouses/marketing units to which those passwords allow access.

In order to use the POPIMS system, the user must first sign-on to the system using transaction PM01. A warehouse and/or marketing unit may be entered together with a password which are then verified against those entered in PM02 to ensure that access is allowed. This sign on then controls the access to data that the user is allowed during the session. If alternative access is required during the session, the user must return to PM01 and sign-on to a new warehouse or marketing unit.


Stock can be controlled using standard part and warehouse level maintenance transactions (2.1), automatically through bin replenishment (2.2) or through a system of stock checks (2.3).


The inventory management module allows the user to maintain information at part and marketing unit level (2.1.1) and also at warehouse level (2.1.2).


PM40 is used for adding and maintaining standard part details.

This then transfers to PM37 for maintaining marketing unit level details which determines whether the part is available to a particular marketing unit.

PM41 is used for maintaining pricing and discounting information for a part. Up to 10 price lists can be used for each marketing unit. There is also the facility to define up to 4 customer discount codes together with single line and group bulk discounts. The user can also define an exchange unit surcharge code.

PM39 is used to maintain costs within the system. Replacement and standard costs are held at marketing unit level whilst average and last purchase costs are held at warehouse level.

PM38 allows the user to maintain alternative or supersession information for a part. If the new part is updated, background task PM3B is triggered to modify the newest part number on any backorders within the chain. Each backorder keeps a record of the newest part number in the chain which can be affected whenever a supersession chain is updated.

PM42 is used to maintain part level text information. It is free format text which would be used for information only.

PM43 is used for maintaining multiple supersession header information. A part cannot be defined as a multi-supersession header if it is superseded or has an alternative. Each multiple supersession is made up of several parts in pre-defined quantities which are set up in PM44. These detail lines must be defined as parts within the system and must not be superseded or no longer available.

PM45 is used to set up foreign language description for a part. Where set, these are used in preference to the base part description throughout the on-line system. They are also used in the invoice print to show part descriptions in the customer's language where available.

PM48 is used to maintain customer specific information for a part. It is possible to hold special pricing and discounting information for a part/customer combination together with the customer's part number and target location which can be printed on associated advice notes.

PM80 is used for maintaining synonyms for a part. They can be defined at system level (with no source/type), at customer level (using the customer number) or at supplier level (using the supplier number). The customer synonyms are used within customer ordering if the entered part is not known but is found to exist as a synonym for the customer. The supplier synonyms are used in the same way within firm supplier ordering.


PM17 is used to maintain stock details for a part at warehouse level. The user can define the stock controller responsible for the part together with various default parameters including replenishment rule and bin types to be used for the part at the warehouse.

PM10 is used to maintain part/location level information at the warehouse. It can be used to add, modify or delete bins (provided that they are empty) and can also be used to move stock between bins in the warehouse. PM19 provides the same facilities as PM10 but for pegged locations within the warehouse. PM18 allows stock to be moved between warehouses on the system.

PM11 is used for manual stock adjustments within the system.

Any changes in stock figures that cause the free stock for a part to increase will trigger back order release (normal or pegged) for the part via PRQ1/2.

PMC6 is run at month end to roll over monthly figures onto the parts history file and the current values are reset to zero. These are figures held at either part/marketing unit level or part/warehouse level. At year end, the yearly figures are also rolled over onto the parts history file and the current values reset.

Parts can be categorised based on their cost (XYZ class) and also on their usage (ABC class). PMC9 will automatically recategorise parts based on pre-defined parameters for usage and cost. Cost recategorisation can be based on any of the four costs available within POPIMS (defined within system copybook SYSCOSTS). The usage recategorisation can be based purely on the unit cost of a part, or on the unit cost multiplied by the monthly average usage of the part (defined within system copybook SYSXYZ)


POPIMS caters for two different methods of replenishment. The method to be used must be chosen at system installation time (set in copybook SYSREPLN).

The user requests replenishment for a warehouse in PM68 for both methods.

In the first method PMA1 then extracts details for all parts which have free stock within one or more bulk locations. These are the parts for which replenishment will be attempted.

The second method uses details maintained on the transaction file whenever a bulk bin has its stock level altered or whenever a picking bin has its stock level reduced. Program PMD3 then extracts details from this file for all part/warehouse combinations that have been requested in PM68.

For both methods, PMC1 then attempts to replenish picking and bulk locations based on the replenishment rule for the part/warehouse and the replenishment level defined at system level (copybook SYSREPLN) - see Warehousing User Manual - section 11 for more details.


POPIMS provides two methods of stock checking parts in the warehouse.

Wall-to-wall stock check (2.3.1) is used to stock check the entire warehouse in one go.

PSI/Discrepancy checks (2.3.2) are used for individual or groups of parts on a cyclic basis.


A wall to wall stock check, as the name suggests, is a stock check of the entire contents of the warehouse. In order to perform a wall to wall stock check, the warehouse must be shut down. For this reason, they are normally carried out at a weekend or during a holiday period.

After setting up stock check parameters in PM68, the wall to wall extract, PMC3, is run for the first time. All non-receipt locations for the warehouse are extracted for stock check.

The stock check instructions for each warehouse are then printed by PMC4.

Stock check results are entered in PM12 (by part) or PM13 (by page - as printed on the report). Once complete, a recheck is usually run. This is done by running PMC3 again. On the initial check run the stock check counter will be set to 1 by PMC3 so that it can determine that the second run is a recheck. Each recheck increments the counter again.

The recheck involves reporting all part/bin combinations where the discrepancies entered in the stock check are outside pre-determined tolerance levels. Any number of rechecks can be performed until the user is satisfied that the stock check is accurate.

When all the details are complete, the final valuation (PMC5) is run which updates all of the stock figures using the entered stock check results and passes details to PMC4 to produce the valuation report. This shows the total gain/loss recorded during the stock check.


Discrepancy stock checks need to be performed whenever a picking discrepancy is recorded. The part/bin combination is put into discrepancy (see Despatch Control in Customer Order Processing) and a report is produced in PMC8 detailing the discrepancy that has been recorded and any allocations in progress on the part bin. This enables the user to perform an accurate stock check of the part/bin.

The discrepancy stock check results are entered in PM14 (by part) or PM16 (by page). Updates for discrepancy stock checks are performed immediately.

If discrepancy checks are not cleared during the day, they will be re-extracted overnight in PME3 and reported again. This will continue until the discrepancy has been cleared.

Perpetual Stock Inventory (PSI) is designed to allow the user to perform a gradual and continual stock check of the warehouse. There are two methods of creating the input file for the PSI stock check. The frequency of the stock checks compared to the frequency of PMA1 will determine the best method to use.

If PMA1 is run as frequently as stock check instructions are required then the Extract Each Time method would be used (set in system copybook SYSCQTY). This means that PMA1 will always create the part file for the PSI extract PMC7. This programs then selects the required number of parts for stock check based on the PSI parameters set in PM68.

If PMA1 is not run as frequently as stock check instructions are required then the Extract and Reuse method would be used. This involves running PMA1 once initially to create the initial part detail file. This is then processed by PMD2 which extracts the required parts for PSI stock check based on the PM68 parameters. However, any parts not selected are output to a file of unprocessed parts which is used for subsequent runs of the program.

Both these methods pass their selected PSI part to PMC8 which produces a report of PSI stock check instructions to be processed. The stock check results can be entered in PM14 (by part number) or in PM15 (by page). Again, the stock updates are immediate.

For both types of PSI check, the user is able to exclude certain type of bin or condition (set in copybook SYSCQTY) but too many exclusions can cause some parts never to be checked.

Whenever a discrepancy or PSI stock check results in the stock level of a part being increased, the system triggers backorder release.


A number of part and stock enquiries exist within POPIMS as follows:

PM08 will show the user the free stock available for up to 15 parts at up to 5 warehouses, denoting whether supersessions are included. The enquiry can also be used with a customer delivery address in which case the urgent order warehouse search chain will be used for determining the warehouses to be shown. If a quantity is entered against each line, the system will highlight each warehouse quantity that can supply the entered quantity. This will enable the user to determine the optimum warehouse at which to place the order.

PM46 shows details of the stock levels for a part at a warehouse, together with outstanding customer and supplier order details, dates of various events and stock check related information. The screen is enquiry only.

PM47 shows month to date and year to date stock figures for a part/warehouse combination. The figures shown include issues, receipts, demand and usage.

PM58 lists all parts included within a bulk discount group on a particular date. For each group it also shows the break points and corresponding discount codes.

PM57 displays price history information for a part in summarised form. Up to three lots of information are displayed at a time and the user can page through the information by pressing enter.

PM07 shows all of the reject stock for a particular customer. That is, for each reject location for the customer/marketing unit the part number, bin quantity and allocated quantity is displayed. If a reject order was added for the customer, any free stock shown would be added to the order as an order line.

PM81 shows details of synonyms for a part. A partial synonym can be entered and the system displays details of all parts which having synonyms on the system matching the partial synonym entered.

PM09 shows details of all legs of a supersession chain containing the part requested by the user. It denotes where any part in the chain has multiple old parts or has a multiple supersession. The newest part is always shown. If this part is entered by the user then the entire supersession chain will be shown, one leg at a time.

PM56 shows details of current and previous years parts history for any information type show on PM47. Up to 5 years of information can be displayed on the screen at a time. Further information can be paged through as required.

PM59 shows details of any stock transactions for a part/warehouse that affect the stock level at either warehouse or bin level. The display shows most recent information first. Details can be restricted by transaction type with a further restriction available by customer when Issues are chosen.


In order to be able to use a printer within POPIMS, it must firstly be allocated a unique two character code in PM92. This code is used within the system to ensure that where a document type is printing on two printers at the same time, they do not get mixed together.

Once the printer has been allocated a unique code, it must then be added to a warehouse or marketing unit in PM30. This would normally correspond to the physical location of the printer.

One or many document prints may now be started on the printer using PM30. Each document print requested requires the source to be identified. This may be either a warehouse or a marketing unit depending on the document type.

Any printer set to continuous print on PM30 will not be reset by the print task. Whenever a new document is set up for printing, background task PM3A is initiated which will search for a printer available to print the document. If one is found, the print task will be started on the printer.

PM31 is used to request reprints of single documents.

PM32 displays the last 50 documents printed for most document types and allows the user to request a reprint of a range of these documents.

It is also possible to restrict the printers available for use by a user or terminal for some or all of the document types within POPIMS. A system option is set to determine whether user id or terminal id is used for the checks.

PM93 is used to optionally define, for each user/terminal id, a printer to be used for one, many or all documents together with a default printer for any document types not individually identified. If details are not set up for a user/terminal then any document prints requested will be printed on the first available printer for the document. Similarly, if no printer is defined for a particular document type and no default has been set for the user/terminal, that document type will be printed on the first available printer. Where the document type is assigned a specific printer then it may only be printed on that printer. If the printer becomes unavailable for any reason, it is possible to modify the printer on PM93 in order to re-route the documents to a new printer.


There is a wide variety of stock reporting facilities in POPIMS (5.1).

PME1 extracts details of all discrepancies recorded in the system. A parameter card input allows the user to reset all the discrepancies to zero during the run. It is also possible to determine the sequence in which the discrepancy report should be produced in PME2. The options are either part number sequence or value sequence. If the value option is chosen, this is based on the absolute value of the discrepancy using the required cost and is in descending sequence.

PMA7 extracts details from the transaction file. This contains details of any stock transactions that have taken place for a part/warehouse that affected the stock level at either warehouse or bin level. Details extracted are based on the parameters specified by the user in PM69.

The user has options to print details, produce a file copy and archive details. The first two options specify a from and to date. The archive options allows the user to define a date up to which details should be archived and optionally a minimum number of transactions to be kept for a part/warehouse combination.

PMA8 is used to print the details requested in PM69 and to produce the microfiche tape.


PMA1 is the main extract program for all of the stock reporting programs. It performs a pass of the part master file, using various system control flags and parameters to extract data for each of the stock reporting programs.

PMA2 produces the Stock Status listing which gives a comprehensive view of the stock situation in each requested warehouse. In addition to a file from PMA1 it also uses extract files from the supplier order file (PMH1) and the firm order file (PMH2).

PMA3 produces the Low Level Stock report which details all part/warehouse combinations which have insufficient stock available/on order to cover expected requirements.

PMA6 produces the Locations listing which is a comprehensive list of all picking and bulk locations currently attached to a part within each warehouse.

PMB3 produces the Obsolete Stock report which lists all parts for which stock is available but which has not been sold for a specified number of periods (PM60).

PMB4 produces the Excess Stock report which lists details of parts for which the available stock cover exceeds requirements by more than a specified amount but which are not obsolete.

PMB5 produces the Excess Stock All Time Buy report which lists details which would normally appear on PMB4 but have the All Time Buy flag set on PS14. This denotes that the excess quantity was anticipated in advance and is due to conditions which are already known - perhaps a special offer from the supplier.

PMA4 uses the extracted warehouse movements file, together with other system parameters to produce the final warehouse movements file. Parameters can be set to determine the sequence of the reports required (PM64) and the percentage of slow and fast moving parts required on the report (PM60).

PMA5 produces the Warehouse Movements report in any or all of the three sequences possible, as requested in PM64. This shows details of the required percentages of picking bins together with all bulk bins.

PMA1 also extracts a file for producing the FIFO Valuation (5.1.1)


Program PMF1 extracts details of all goods receipts on the system.

This is then processed by PMF2, together with the file from PMA1 and a cyclic file produced by a previous run of PMF2 to create the input files for the reporting programs.

PMF3 produces the FIFO Cost Summary report which values the stock in each requested warehouse on a First In - First Out basis. The user also has the option to request a detail report for each part using a parameter card.

PMF4 produces the Unit cost changes report which contains details of all goods receipts which have had cost changes applied in PR15.


Controlled part processing can be split into two areas - on-line processing (6.1) and batch processing (6.2).


On-line controlled part processing can be further separated into control part entry processing (6.1.1) and controlled part enquiries (6.1.2).


Any transaction within POPIMS that causes stock of a controlled part to enter the warehouse, move within the warehouse or leave the warehouse requires entry of the control numbers associated with the parts which have been moved. The only exception to this is where the entire contents of the from location are moved to the to location in which case the system will automatically transfer the associated control numbers.

For most of these movements, whilst the system automatically transfers to PM83, the user is not obliged to enter the control numbers immediately. The exceptions to this are at binning list completion in PR71, picking completion in PC71/75 and shipping completion in PC55.

PC73 does not pass control automatically to PM83 but instead flags the line to denote it is a controlled part and that control number entry will be required at some point.

PI02 does not pass control to PM83 as control number entry must always be up-to-date at the point of invoicing and the whole quantity is always invoiced. This means that the system is always able to automatically transfers all associated serial numbers to the invoice.

Where control number entry is left until later, the requirement remains as outstanding on the system and PM83 can be entered directly at a later date to enter control numbers. Each control number entered must exist at the from location, unless it is new stock entering the warehouse in which case it must not exist.


PM84 allows the user to page through all of the control numbers in the system for a part/warehouse combination. For each control number, a history of its progress through the warehouse is shown together with its current status.

PM87 shows a list of all outstanding control number requests for a part/warehouse combination. Each detail line corresponds to one request for serial numbers by the system which has not yet been entered by the user.


Binning list creation (PRB2) will add new control numbers when a sundry binning list is entered via an interface file. If too many or too few control numbers are entered then the system will create a control number request for the excess/shortfall and reports the discrepancies.

Binning list confirmation (PRC1) progresses control numbers to their next location.

Invoice creation in batch (PIA4) transfers control numbers to an invoice in the same manner as on-line invoice creation.

Bin replenishment update (PMC1) and Wall to Wall stock check update (PMC5) both create control number requests for any alterations in stock levels which require entry in PM83.

PRD1 creates a Purchase Ledger interface file of control numbers associated with Goods Receipts which have been extracted.

The batch system also provides a mechanism for reporting all outstanding control number requirements which require user input in PM83. PMG0 extracts details of outstanding control number requirements which are printed by PMG1 in warehouse sequence.


Firm supplier orders can be created in batch (7.1) or on-line (7.2). Once complete they can then be printed (7.3) and extracted onto an interface for the supplier (7.4).

A number of reports are available within POPIMS which relate to supplier orders (7.5).

There is also a facility to receive a file from a supplier acknowledging the order and detailing any alterations (7.6).


PMH1 is the main supplier order extract program which performs a pass of the supplier order file and extracts details used in a number of other areas.

One of the files extracted is used by PMJ1 to convert recommended supplier orders into firm orders based on the user requests entered in PS30 and PS40. When creating a firm order the order number allocation criteria is used to determine the order number to be used.


PM50 is used to add order header details for the supplier. Details are initially set based on the details for the supplier.

PM52 is used to add part line details to the order. This allows the user to set up basic pricing/discounting information if required and also shows unit of measure and unit of supply information.

PM53 is used to add warehouse requirements for each part on the order. When the system option is set to link kits to firm orders, kit build requirements are automatically maintained by the system in line with the firm order. The order type defaults from the lowest level set but can be modified.

PM54 is used to maintain order line call-off details. These show expected delivery details together with information relating to the last receipt made against the call-off (if any).

PM55 is used to maintain text information relating to a specific order line.

PM49 is used to maintain text information relating to a specific part.

PM35 is used to maintain text information relating to a specific part/supplier.

PM78 displays details of all firm order call-off details for a part or for a supplier order or for a supplier order line, depending on the key information entered.

PM51 shows a single line summary of all order header details which exist for a particular supplier.


A firm order print is requested in PM50. This also determines whether it is printed on-line or in batch. Unlike most other POPIMS documents, if an on-line print is requested but not printed during the day, it will not be printed overnight. An on-line print request must be printed on-line and a batch print request must be printed in batch.

When an on-line print is requested, background task PM3A is triggered to determine whether a printer is available to print the document. If so, the print job PM5B will be triggered. The detail printed on the order depends on a number of indicators set at supplier (PM21) and order header (PM50) level. If no printer is available, the document print will wait until a suitable printer is made available in PM30 and the print task initiated.

Where a batch print has been requested, PMJ3 will extract and print information in the same format as the on-line print.


PMH3 creates a file of supplier order headers for which the user has requested production of the supplier order file in PM50. It contains details of all new or amended orders since the last run of the program.

It also creates a file of all supplier order headers for each marketing unit which has requested the firm supplier order print in PM70. This contains details for which a print has been requested but which have not yet been reported.

The supplier order file is created in PMJ7 using the firm order details. Its contents depend on user options which determine whether all details or just amendments are extracted.

The file created by PMJ7 is in a format which can easily be reformatted for input to POPIMS batch customer ordering (PCE1).


POPIMS produces two types of firm order reports.

The first is produced directly from firm orders placed in the system (7.5.1).

The second is produced from orders placed indirectly via Direct From Supplier customer orders (7.5.2).


PMH2 is the main extract program for all of the Firm Supplier Order reports. It creates input files for all of the following reports:

PMJ4 produces a report valuing all of the outstanding supplier orders in the system.

PMK1 produces a report detailing all of the supplier order lines which have been pegged to customer order lines. It also produces an exception report detailing those supplier order lines which have invalid pegging details for any reason.

PMN1 produces a report of all supplier order lines which are now overdue based on their advised or expected delivery dates.

PMN2 produces a report of all outstanding supplier orders in the system. This includes those which are overdue and also those which are due for delivery in the future.

PMK2 produces the supplier order report detailing all supplier orders for which a print has been requested since the last run of PMK2 (whether they have been printed or not).


PMJ6 uses a file extracted during despatch control to produce a report of all of the outstanding DFS despatches on the system. The report is valued to give a picture of the revenue due when the suppliers send the goods.


When a supplier receives an order from POPIMS, it may be necessary to amend certain details or simply to confirm that the order can be supplied as requested.

PML3 takes a file from the supplier and updates the firm orders with the supplied detail. It creates a file of any changes performed and an error report detailing any input records which could not be reconciled against the system.

PML4 produce a report of all of the updates performed by PML3.


Within the inventory management module, there are three sets of master file maintenance programs. These are for supplier details (8.1), system control details (8.2) and text details (8.3).


Supplier details maintenance can be split into four areas.

It is used to maintain supplier master details (8.1.1), supplier order details (8.1.2), supplier price details (8.1.4) and also performs period end maintenance on the supplier ordering file (8.1.3).


PM20 is used for maintaining basic supplier details. These include name and address details and language and currency information.

PM21 is used for maintaining default ordering parameters for a supplier which are picked up automatically by the system when a new order is added.

PM22 is used to maintain warehouse level information for a supplier. These are also picked up automatically by the system where set. These details would only be used where the values differ from higher levels for the fields concerned.

PM25 is used to maintain marketing unit level information for a supplier. Details set here affect all warehouses belonging to the marketing unit.

PM23 is used for maintaining supplier text information. It is free format text which is used for information purposes only.

PM33 is used to set up accounting period information for each supplier in the same way as it is set for the system. It also shows the standard working week for each supplier.

PM34 is used to set up any specific non-working days for the supplier. This would include bank holidays and factory shutdown periods.

PM29 provides a search facility for suppliers based on the search name entered for the supplier in PM20. It pages through all suppliers on the system based on their search name.

Program PMM2 extracts details of all suppliers on the system and PMM3 produces a report of the extracted information.

Program PMM1 extract details of all of the supplier addresses on the system which are then printed in the form of address labels by PMD1.


PM24 allows the user to enter default supplier ordering parameters at part/supplier level. These would be used to override default values at a higher level.

PM26 allows the user to enter default supplier ordering parameters at part/supplier/warehouse level. These would be used to override default values at a higher level. This is the lowest level that is available for setting parameters and would normally be used on an exception basis only.

PM27 is used to add pricing and discount information for a part/supplier. Details can be entered for a particular warehouse or can be set system wide. Prices are given an effective date and can optionally be given an end date as well. Each price is related to a particular delivery method.

PM28 is used for adding bulk discount information associated with prices entered in PM27 and also contains additional miscellaneous pricing information.


PMM4 reprices firm order and requisitions lines where pricing details have changed. It also checks whether the call-off date is now within lead time and updates the system accordingly. Where firm orders are linked to kit build requests, the associated kit build details are updated where necessary. This program can be run daily if desired, depending on recommended ordering requirements.

PMM5 runs at period end to produce a report of unconfirmed requisitions and recommended orders which were deleted by PMH1 during its period end tidy up.

PMP1 produces a report of the contract and quotation prices on the system, reporting on the information shown on PM28.


POPIMS allows the supplier to send a tape of pricing information which is input to PML1 to update the prices on the system. It is also used to update supersession information and can add new parts to the system.

Any changes to the supersession chain causes the program to update associated backorders for any change in the newest part in the affected chain(s).

PML1 produces an error report of parts for which the price classification details do not exist. It also produces a file containing details of all the updates that have been performed which are reported by PML2.

PMP1 produces a report of the additional contract/quotation pricing information for part/supplier as set up in PM28.

PMP2 is the batch program used to update purchasing statistics. It is run whenever a requisition, firm order or receipt is processed such that the figures are altered. See Purchasing User Manual - section 7 for more details on purchasing statistics.


PM60 is used to maintain marketing unit level report parameters.

PM61 is used to maintain valid VAT codes and rates applicable for each marketing unit.

PM62 is used to maintain the system accounting periods information.

PM63 is used to maintain exchange unit surcharge codes. The value may be expressed as an absolute value or a percentage of the price of the part. Up to 10 values may be held by date effective.

PM64 maintains run control flags for a warehouse. PM70 maintains run control flags for a marketing unit. PM94 maintains run control flags for ALL warehouses for a marketing unit.

PM65 maintains a table of employee codes and names.

PM66 maintains discount tables by order type used for pricing orders, quotations, invoices and credits etc.

PM67 maintains a list of valid franchise codes and their descriptions.

PM68 is used to maintain warehouse level control parameters for reporting and update purposes.

PM69 is used to maintain the parameters used in the audit trail.

PM71 is used to maintain marketing unit default values for supplier ordering parameters.

PM72 maintains a list of valid delivery methods and their associated descriptions.

PM74 maintains the working calendar and non-working days for a warehouse.

PM75 maintains a list of valid unit of measure codes and their descriptions.

PM76 maintains conversion factors used to convert details from a system unit of measure to a supplier unit of measure.

PM77 maintains a list of credit reason codes and return parameters.

PM79 maintains a list of foreign descriptions for each credit reason code in PM77.

PM82 holds parameters for the number of years of historical information to be kept for parts for each information type.

PM85 maintains date drive quantity and discount details for bulk discount classes.

PM86 maintains exchange rate details used to convert values from the marketing unit base currency to each other valid currency. PM88 performs the same function but also allows the number of decimal place to be modified.

PM89 maintains a list of exchange unit core groups with associated descriptions and archiving parameters.

PM8A background task sets the current date on PM62 to the computer date.

PM95 maintains a list of stock adjustment reason codes and descriptions.

PM96 maintains a list of delivery services with long and short descriptions.


PM90 is used to maintain text header information based on a text type and text code.

PM91 is used to maintain text lines associated with the header entered in PM90. It is free format text.

PM99 displays help text set up for the invoking transaction.


Whenever sensitive data on the on-line system is updated, details of the before and after images are recorded on a journal file. In addition, when customer orders are entered in batch via PCE1, a file is produced showing order header information changed from defaults.

These two files are then processed by PMB1, converting the information in a single file which can be used to produce a report.

PMB2 then produces a report of all updates performed, grouping them together by information type.

