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Invoicing and Crediting



Introduction for Technical Users      


The Invoicing and Crediting module is split into 5 main areas as follows:

Invoicing of goods supplied (1).

Crediting of goods returned (2).

Reporting of details (3).

Quotation processing (4).

General File Maintenance (5).


Invoices can be created automatically by the system (1.1) or manually by the user (1.2).

Both types of invoice can be made available for review prior to completion of processing (1.3).

Invoice prints can be requested immediately in the on-line system (1.4) or left to print during the overnight invoice processing (1.5).

When goods are dispatched to a customer from a warehouse which is attached to a different Marketing Unit, cross marketing unit invoices can be created (1.6).

If the invoice is for an export customer, the user is given the option to produce an export documentation file (1.7).


Once an order has been picked, packed and shipped it will be picked up by the batch invoice creation suite which will attempt to invoice it.

Program PIA1 extracts all details that are available for invoicing and attempts to invoice them based on information available.

If the order/customer is specifically set up to require manual invoicing then the system will not attempt to invoice the details. Instead, the details will be reported by PIA2 as requiring on-line input.

If the details can be automatically invoiced and consolidated with other orders, the system will look for an open invoice for the customer/delivery address. If one is not found then the system will add a new one. If one is found then the details on the order to be invoiced must match those on the open invoice in order to be added during this run. Any details added to open invoices are reported in PIA4 whilst those which are left until the current open invoice is closed are reported in PIA3.

If the order details can be automatically invoiced but cannot be consolidated with other orders, the system simply adds a new invoice for the customer which will also be reported in PIA4.


Invoices can be created manually by the user, either for those order details which cannot be automatically invoiced, or where an invoice is required earlier than the next overnight run, or for sundry invoices.

PI01 is used to add a new invoice for a customer. It simply adds a skeleton to which advice note, case or bill of lading details may be added in PI02. The first document added to the invoice in PI02 determines the consolidation criteria for the invoice. Further documents may be added to the invoice in any combination provided the standard consolidation criteria match.

Once the user had added all of the relevant documents in PI02, the invoice can be closed using PI03 and progressed through the system.

Where a sundry invoice is required with no advice note, case or bill of lading details, the user would simply add an invoice header in PI01 and close it in PI03, omitting PI02 completely.


Invoice review can be defined as a mandatory process at customer level. This will prevent printing/posting of the customers invoices until they have been reviewed. Additionally, the process can be optionally used for any other invoice which has not been posted to the sales ledger.

Details that can be reviewed are the invoice header (1.3.1)and the order details on the invoice (1.3.2). Once the review process is finished, the invoice can be completed in the system (1.3.3).

Invoice review takes place once the invoice is closed.


PI10 is used to review the invoice address details. It shows both the invoice address and the consignment address. These can both be modified.

PI11 is used to review the standard invoice header terms which apply to all details on the invoice. These can be modified.

PI12 is only used for export invoices and shows import licence and shipping mark details which can again be modified.

PI13 shows details of all advice notes which have contributed towards the invoice.

When POPIMS creates an invoice, it stores a second copy of the details. These are fixed when the invoice is closed and are never updated during changes in the invoice review process. If the user wants to backout the changes, POPIMS has a restore facility in PI10. This triggers background task PI1A which recreates the invoice as it was when it was originally closed.

1.3.2 ORDERS

All lines on an invoice are related to the order/advice note from which they originated. The order level details, which do not have to apply across the whole invoice, are shown on PI14. These details can also be modified but only affect the invoice lines which are related to them.

PI15 shows details of all invoice lines relating to the last order/advice note combination displayed in PI14. It is not possible to enter PI15 without having entered PI14 previously, to ensure that invoice lines are related to the correct order header details.

PI15 allows modification, deletion or addition of invoice lines. These can be in the form of part detail lines, additional charge lines or simply comments. Any changes made are flagged in order to allow the invoice lines to be restored in PI10 if requested by the user.


The invoice totals can be viewed in PI16 where any additional charge or comment lines may be added if required. System copybook PIPAGE is used to determine which invoice total lines are Standard lines (non-modifiable), Additional charge lines (modifiable) and Comment lines (modifiable).

Once the user is happy with the invoice, a print can be requested via PI17. There is also an option to post the invoice to the sales ledger immediately and, for export invoices, the opportunity to produce the export documentation interface file. These may be done at the same itme as the invoice print or at a later date.

If sales ledger posting is not performed immediately, transaction PI18 may be used to request it later.

Once the invoice has been posted to the sales ledger, it may not be modified though it is possible to reprint the invoice via PI17.

If at any time prior to posting the user is not happy with the invoice, it may be cancelled using transaction PI19.


When an immediate invoice print is requested in PI17, the background task PM3A is triggered to determine whether a suitable printer is currently available to print the document. If one is found, the on-line invoice print transaction (PI1C) is triggered on the printer.

If no printer is available then the user must make one available via PM30 in order to get the invoice printed. In this instance it is PM30 which triggers the print transaction.

Program PI1C will always check all outstanding invoice prints for the relevant print group to determine whether they can be printed. It checks the requesting identity of the print against the relevant printer tables to determine whether each document can be printed on the specified printer or not. Any that cannot be printed are left until a suitable printer is available or until the next batch print is run.


Program PIB1 is the main driving program in the batch invoicing suite. It has two main functions which are to a) automatically close any open invoices which are set to be automatically closed and b) progress closed invoices through the system.

It extract files for a number of programs which each perform a different function.

PIB2 prints all outstanding invoices for which a print has been requested but which have not yet been printed.

PIB4 then prints a summary of all the invoices which have been printed during the day, both on-line and in batch. Home and export invoices are split onto separate reports.

PIB5 posts invoices to the sales ledger. It creates an interface file for input to the sales ledger system. It also creates any exchange unit details relating to the invoice.

PIB8 prints exchange unit surcharge claim notes for any exchange units created. These are sent to the customer who should return them with the exchange units for crediting.

PIB6 prints details of all invoices in the system which are incomplete and require some user intervention to progress them further.

PIB7 creates any discount or commission credits that are due as a result of the invoice being posted. These are then sent out to the appropriate credit customer(s).


When the customer receiving the goods belongs to a different marketing unit to the warehouse supplying the goods, a cross marketing unit invoice can be created for the goods supplied.

Program PIG1 extracts details from all advice notes requiring cross marketing unit invoicing.

The lines are then repriced in PIG3 based on the cross marketing unit customer details for each part.

Program PIG4 then produces the requested cross marketing unit invoices. They are created as summary invoices. One invoice is produced for each advice note. The total value for the advice note is summarised on one additional charge line. These invoices are printed by PIG4 and a report produced detailing any action required by the user.

In addition, PIG4 creates an interface file of the invoices created. The level of detail on the file can be determined by the user (SYSMODS).


An optional interface file can be produced for the export invoices in the system. Having requested the documentation for individual invoices in PI17, the user can then request the production of the file in transaction PI55.

This triggers a background task PI1E which creates the interface file.


Credit note processing is split into 5 areas.

Credits can be created automatically by the system (2.1) or manually by the user (2.2).

Both types of credit can be made available for review prior to completion of processing (2.3).

Credits are then printed and progressed through the system during the batch credit processing (2.4).

When goods are returned by a customer to a warehouse which is attached to a different Marketing Unit, cross marketing unit credits can be created (2.5).


When customer returns are successfully processed into the warehouse, the customer must be credited for the goods. This is normally done automatically by the system in PIA5 and a report is produced detailing credits created.

However, sometimes the system is unable to find all of the information required to create the credit and produces a report detailing any returns rejected for automatic crediting. These must be credited manually.

Where the return is for a controlled part, the system will reject it for automatic crediting unless all of the associated serial numbers have been entered. A report is produced detailing these rejections in PIA5.

PIA5 will always attempt to add the returns to an open credit if one exists. Otherwise it will create one. The exception to this is where the returns were related to an SPR. These are credited separately and an open credit is held for each specific SPR relating the credit to the terms agreed at the time the SPR was created.


Any returns rejected by the batch process for automatic crediting must be credited manually.

PI30 is used to add a credit header for a customer.

PI31 is then used to add the relevant return details to the credit.

Once all details have been added to the credit it is closed in transaction PI32.

Where a sundry credit is required with no associated return details, the user would simply add a credit header in PI30 and close it in PI32, omitting PI31 completely.

Any credits created manually must also be closed manually in PI32.


Once closed, credits can be reviewed by the user if required.

PI40 is used to review the credit header details. It shows details that are relevant across the whole credit and allows them to be modified.

When a credit is created using details from the original invoice, the relevant order/advice note details are picked up on the credit. These terms can be viewed and modified in PI41 and only affect the credit lines which relate to them.

PI42 shows details of all credit lines relating to the last order/advice note combination displayed in PI41. It is not possible to enter PI42 without having entered PI41 previously, to ensure that credit lines are related to the correct order header details.

PI42 allows modification, deletion or addition of credit lines. These can be in the form of part detail lines, additional charge lines or simply comments. Any changes made are flagged in order to allow the credit lines to be restored in PI40 if requested by the user.

The credit totals can be viewed in PI43 where any additional charge or comment lines may be added if required. System copybook PIPAGE is used to determine which credit total lines are Standard lines (non-modifiable), Additional charge lines (modifiable) and Comment lines (modifiable).

When POPIMS creates a credit, it stores a second copy of the details. These are fixed when the credit is closed and are never updated during changes in the credit review process. If the user wants to backout the changes, POPIMS has a restore facility in PI40. This triggers background task PI4A which recreates the credit as it was when it was originally closed in PI32.

Once the user is happy with the credit, a print can be requested via PI40 which will cause the credit to be printed during the overnight run and posted to the sales ledger.

Manually created credits must always be printed/posted manually in PI40. Those created automatically may also be closed automatically.

If at any time prior to posting the user is not happy with the credit, it may be cancelled using transaction PI49.



Program PIB1 is the main driving program in the batch crediting suite. It has two main functions which are to a) automatically close any open credits which are set to be automatically closed and b) progress closed credits through the system.

It extract files for a number of programs which each perform a different function.

PIB3 prints all outstanding credits for which a print has been requested.

PIB4 then prints a summary of all the credits which have been printed during the batch run.

PIB5 posts credits to the sales ledger. It creates an interface file for input to the sales ledger system.

PIB6 prints details of all credits in the system which are incomplete and require some user intervention to progress them further.


When goods are returned by a customer to a warehouse belonging to a different marketing unit, a cross marketing unit credit can be created.

Program PIG2 extracts details from all goods return notes requiring cross marketing unit crediting.

The lines are then repriced in PIG3 based on the cross marketing unit customer details for each part.

Program PIG4 then produces the requested cross marketing unit credits. They are created as summary credits. One credit is produced for each customer. The total value for all the goods receipt notes is summarised on one additional charge line. These credits are printed by PIG4 and a report produced detailing any action required by the user.

In addition, PIG4 creates an interface file of the credits created.


Program PIF1 extracts invoice/credit details and related costs to produce monthly management reports.

PIF2 produces the Gross Profit Analysis report using the extracted information. This can be requested for all information between two specified dates. The reporting level and sub-totalling level can be set for each run. It uses the pre-defined cost (standard or replacement) for each part to calculate the gross profit on all sales in the requested period.

PIF4 produces the Summary of Parts Purchased report using the extracted information. This is requested for a completed period. It summarises parts purchased by customer and compares the achievements with the target values set.

PID1 prints a report of all outstanding exchange units on the system. They are totalled by customer giving a view of the potential credit available to each customer if outstanding exchange units are returned.


Quotation processing is split into 2 areas.

On-line quotation processing (4.1) is used for adding, printing and supplying quotations.

Batch quotation processing (4.2) can also be used for printing quotations and reports any outstanding quotations.


Quotations can be added in a very similar manner to customer orders.

The quotation header is added in PI70 detailing the type of quotation, the order type on which it is based and other information that is available on a customer order header.

PI71 is used to enter any special instructions that would apply to the quotation if it was supplied as an order.

PI72 is used to set up financial terms for the quotation. These will default from the standard customer details when the quotation is added but can then be modified.

PI73 is used to enter the part detail lines that form the basis for the quotation.

PI74 prices the part detail lines entered in PI73 using the pricing information for the parts and he financial terms for the quotation.

PI75 calculates the total cost of the quotation including any charges that would apply but excluding VAT. Details cannot be modified on this screen.

When the user has entered the quotation a print is requested in PI70.

Once the customer is happy with the quotation it can be converted into an order using PI76 at which point a customer order number would be entered. This converts the quotation into an unconfirmed customer order which must then be confirmed in PC18 in order to be allocated in the next batch run.


When a quotation print is requested in PI70, the background task PM3A is triggered to determine whether a suitable printer is currently available to print the document. If one is found, the on-line quotation print transaction (PI7B) is triggered on the printer.

If no printer is available then the user must make one available via PM30 in order to get the quotation printed. In this instance it is PM30 which triggers the print transaction.

Program PI7B will always check all outstanding quotation prints for the relevant print group to determine whether they can be printed. It checks the requesting identity of the print against the relevant printer tables to determine whether each document can be printed on the specified printer or not. Any that cannot be printed are left until a suitable printer is available or until the next batch print is run.


PIE2 processing any outstanding print requests for quotations that have not been processed on-line.

The daily batch run produces a file of outstanding quotations which is used by program PIC2 to produce the Outstanding Quotations Report.


A number of file maintenance and general enquiry programs exist within the Invoicing and Crediting module.

PI39 shows details of outstanding exchange units. Details can be viewed by customer and part or exchange unit core group. There is also a facility available to display a summarised total at the desired level if required.

PI64 is used to maintain standard shipping marks on the system control file based on a shipping mark code. The details are then picked up when the invoice is printed.

PI60 is used to maintain standard invoicing parameters on the system control file at marketing unit level. It contains details like the invoice/credit number ranges, automatic closure indicators and run parameters for the monthly reports.

PI62 is used to maintain standard additional charge details on the system control file. These can the be added to invoices/credits and the details will be picked up automatically.

PI63 is used to set up customer target levels and to view their achievements against those targets.

PI90 is used to add and view import declaration codes on the text file.

PI91 is used to maintain text lines associated with the import declaration code. These are picked up on the invoice print for export invoices where a code has been entered in PI11 for the invoice.

