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Introduction for Technical Users      


Kit processing is split into three areas.

Kit maintenance is to do with setting up of kits and defining their contents on the system together with any specific instructions related to them. (3).

Kit build processing is the means by which kits are requested and built based on their component requirements. (1).

Various reports are produced throughout the kit process for a variety of purposes. (2).


The actual process of building a kit consists of three stages.

Firstly, a kit build request is created either through the kits module or through firm supplier order processing, depending on the system options set. (1.1).

Stock is then allocated to the request and transferred to the packer locations as required. (1.2).

Once the completed kits are sent back by the packer (internal or external), the system is updated to reflect the completion. (1.3).

If at any time the component stock allocated to the kit build is required for urgent customer orders it can be returned to the system and the kit build requirement will remain outstanding. (1.4).


Depending on the option set at installation kit build requests will be created in one of two ways. If they are not to be linked to firm supplier orders, they will be added via PK10. Otherwise, they will be automatically created when a firm order is created for a kit part against a supplier who is denoted as a kit packer for the part.

Both methods create a kit build request details that can be viewed and processed via the kits system. The only difference is that the requirements cannot be modified in PK10 for those linked to firm order.


This program allows the number of kits to be built to be maintained. The user may request a number of kits to be built and this action will trigger overnight allocation of component parts and production of documentation in batch. For each request the user can specify the minimum build quantity, whether component labels are required, the priority code for the request and any additional comments. The minimum build quantity is the smallest quantity that the packer will build

An enquiry facility enables the user to look at a build request for a kit by warehouse, packer, Marketing Unit and supplier order number. Alternatively, the user can page through all the build requests for a kit and warehouse, or a kit, warehouse and packer.


Once the kit build requirements have been entered, the component stock can be allocated in order for the kits to be built. Each request will be extracted on every run and allocation attempted until it is fully satisfied or cancelled.


This program extracts the kit part number requested for kit build and its corresponding priority code. The purpose is to firstly extract all of the requirements then sort them into priority groups before allocation is attempted.


Once the requirements have been grouped together, this batch program allocates stock for use in the construction of the kits. This program will search the parts stock for components to build the kits. Upon finding stock it will be transferred to a bin location allocated for kit construction. If insufficient stock of any component is available to build the minimum requirement defined on PK10 then no kits will be built and the program will make temporary allocations which are later removed by PKA7. Details of allocations and non-allocations are output to files which will be used for production of later reports. (1.2.1). Allocations are not made from alternative warehouses and supersessions will not be used.


This program reads a file of temporary allocations and uses this to de-allocate temporary allocations held against the part/warehouse.


A number of reports are produced detailing what the system has done during the batch run together with any required documentation.


This program reads the kit allocations file which contains details of allocations made for kit components and produces the Kit Allocations Report. The report details all allocations made and any shortfalls.
A Control Report is also produced.


This program reads the kit builds file which contains kit numbers for which build requests have been processed and produces the Service Kits Contents listing and Constructions Instructions listing.
The first report details all components and their quantities for the kits to be built whilst the second shows any special construction instructions that the user may have entered against the kit.
A control report is also produced.


This program reads a file of Kit Identification Labels to be printed and prints the Identification Labels for kit parts and component parts.
One label is printed for each kit to be built. In addition, where the user requested component labels on the kit build (in PK10), a label is printed for each component within each kit to be built.


This program produces picking labels for all of the component stock allocated in the run. The system has already moved the stock to the packer locations, thereby forcing no warehouse selection and assuming components are fully picked. Any discrepancies would have to be manually removed from the packer location within the system.
A control report is also produced.


This program produces the Kit Non-allocations Report detailing all kit build requests not satisfied due to a shortage of components.
A Control Report is also produced.


Once the kits have been built the system requires notification in order for the completed kits to become available for customer orders.


This program allows kit build completion details to be entered. Completion can be requested immediately or overnight, depending on the urgency of the requirements. The user will enter the number of kits that have been completed which may be all or part of those under construction. For each completion request, the user specifies either a bin location within the warehouse in which to place the kit stock or requests that the completed kits come through the standard goods receipt process.
It is also possible to denote that some of the requested kits are no longer required.
The program also has an enquiry only facility which enables the user to look at the kits under construction for a warehouse/packer. Alternatively, the user can page through all the construction details for a kit number and warehouse.


This program updates kits and part details using kit completion details which have been entered on-line.
If a kit build completion has been requested, the program will reduce the component stock at the packer location by the corresponding amount. It will at the same time increase the stock of the kit part at the warehouse. The destination will depend on the option chosen by the user in PK11 (either a warehouse location or via goods receiving). Where a warehouse location is chosen and the free stock is increased, the program will automatically trigger backorder release in an attempt to satisfy any outstanding customer requirements for the kit.
If some of the original requirement has been denoted as no longer required, the system will reduce the component allocation at the packer location though the stock will not be moved back to the warehouse. If required, this must be done manually via PK23.


This performs the same processing as PK1A except:
Back order release is not triggered
A file of all kit completions (on-line and batch) is extracted for reporting purposes


This program reads the completed kits file and produces two reports. The Kit Build Completion report details all completions performed since the last run. The Zero Priced Parts report details those parts for which a price is not available.

A control report is also produced.


Packers within POPIMS are simply defined as special locations against the part/warehouse. They may be external packers or construction areas within the warehouse.


This on-line program will allow stock to be moved to or from a packer location, whether it be external or internal. When stock is moved from a packer location back to warehouse free stock then backorder release is triggered in an attempt to satisfy any outstanding customer requirements for the parts. Normal stock movement rules apply (e.g. you can only move free stock)

An enquiry facility enables the user to page through stock held at packer locations


Some periodic reports can be requested to confirm the validity and stock position of kits and their components.


This program reads through all of the kit information held on the system and outputs two files for reporting purposes. The output files are driven by run flags set on the system.

A control report is also produced.


This program reads a file of kit part numbers and produces the Kit Validation Report. The report shows any kits or components which are no longer available or superseded. It also compares the cost and price of the kit with the sum of its components

A control report is also produced.


This program reads a file of kit component allocations and produces the Components Allocated to Kits report.

The report details all component parts that are currently allocated to kit build requests but not completed.

A control report is also produced.


A number of programs are used to maintain kit and component details.


This program is used to identify kit part numbers. When adding new kit details, if a similar kit already exists then the details can be copied and component details changed where necessary in PK21. All parts identified as kit parts should be valid (i.e. not superseded/NLA) and must not be controlled parts.


This program maintains the component details for a kit part. Components may be added, modified or deleted from the kit. All parts identified as components should be valid and must not be controlled parts.


This program maintains the construction instructions for a kit. Instructions may be added, modified or deleted from the kit. They are printed on the Kit Contents and Instructions report produced by PKA5.


This program will show the user, for an entered part number, which kits contain the part as a component. It also shows the quantity of the part that makes up each kit.

