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Retail Pricing



Introduction for Technical Users      


Retail Pricing processing consists of three areas.

Recalculation (1).

Price lists (2).

File maintenance (3).



PP10 enables the user to request the recalculation of retail prices for a specified retail price list and/or replacement costs. Requests are carried out on parts at the sign-on marketing unit. The user gets the option to base new prices on an existing price list, specify the date at which the prices are effective and produce a report of changes made. A separate option is available to specify whether the recalculated prices/costs should be applied to the system. The user may wish to run a dummy run of the changes beforehand to determine the effect on the profit before applying the changes.

PP11 is used to determine whether a particular price class is to be included in the recalculation run and determines the method and parameters to be used for recalculating the prices.

Using the parameters entered in PP10 and PP11, PPB7 extracts all of the parts on the system which require prices/costs to be recalculated.

This file of part numbers is used by PPB8 to recalculate prices/costs and update them if requested. Three reports are produced by PPB8. The first shows the recalculation parameters used in the run. The second is an exception report detailing parts which have no price classification details on file. The third is an error report showing parts for which no supplier price information is available.

A file is passed to PPB3 which summarises the changes by price classification and price list.

This summary information is used by PPB4 to produce the recalculation summary report for each marketing unit.

A file is also passed to PPB2 which produces the recalculation detail report. This report is only produced where requested in PP10 for any price list. It details retail price changes and also any replacement cost changes.


PP30 can be used to request price list generation. It is possible to request a full price list or just a supplementary one to cover changes since the last issue. The price list can be requested in up to three different formats depending on the options chosen.

As well as a marketing unit wide price list, it is also possible to request a customer specific price list by adding the requests for that customer.

PMA1 produces an extract file from the parts master records containing all parts which are available for printing on price lists. This is determined by the print indicator on PM40.

PPC1 then produces the price lists requested in PP30. Each price list request can have a price adjustment factor applied to the standard price for the price list. The currency of the price list is also determined by the user. Parts are not shown on the price list if no price is available. If a supplementary price list is requested, details are only included for parts whose price has changed within the requested time period.


PP12 allows the user to delete future price information for one or more price lists. It also allows the user to change the date at which future prices come into effect for one or more price lists.

PPB5 actions the future price date amendments requested in PP12 and produces a file detailing the changes made.

This file is used by PPB6 to produce a report detailing all future price date amendments and deletions applied during the run.

