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Daniel Franklin Pyatt and Sally Stricklin

Daniel Franklin Pyatt was born September 10, 1872, in Missouri to John and Mary Tinker Pyatt and died March 20, 1944. He is buried in the Pump Cemetery, Bixby, Iron County, Missouri. He married Sally Stricklin.

Daniel and Sally had the following known children:

Shirley Pope shared the following information with me: "My mother's name was Zelma Lucille Pyatt. She had 3 brothers Julius Pyatt, Ernest Pyatt, Bucky Reldon Pyatt. They are all deceased now. My mother's mother's name was Sally Strickland, she was married to Daniel F. Pyatt (My grandfather). He died about 1945. My grandmother, Sally, had a slew of siblings. One was Effie Leora Pyatt. I have their names put away. I'll get them out and up-date this with more info. I used to stay summer vacations with my grandmother in Ishmael, Missouri. She had an 80 acre farm. She was very poor. I loved working in the garden with her and eating the tomatos right off the vine. I used to go with her to gather up the cows. She switched my legs when I didn't want to cross the barbwire fence. She and I were very close. We didn't say "I love you", like people do nowadays, but I just knew it. She told me she had a sister Hattie that died young. Hattie was the youngest sibling. She said it had something to do with her periods or lack of. At least it was something gynechological in nature. Sally worked hard all her life and had very little to show for it; a few cows and chickens a team of mules and a buckboard. She would drag logs from the woods and cut them up for fire wood and she kept the land cleared. She canned food and endured the lonely, cold winters. She was lean and sinewy. We used to go and visit her dad, Jimmy Strickland. He lived by the Pump cemetary near Bixby. He and Sally and a lot of the others are buried there. We used to visit the Breakfields, the Declues, Beers, Hopkins and Mac McConister. folks that used to live around there. We used to walk the 3 miles to the store. Charlotte and Carson Mason ran the store. Among the necessary staples we would buy some Koolaid. When we got back from the store, I'd got to the old spring house and get a bucket of cold water. We made koolaid and we would sit out under the peach tree and cool off. That tree had the biggest and best peaches I ever tasted. I could go on and on, but I'll stop now. My mother is buried in the DeSoto City Cemetary. The others, sorry to say are buried in various places. I think Effie, one of my grandmother's sisters, lived in Boss, Mo and I would Imagine she's buried there. A lot of the Pyatt family is buried in the Pump Cemetary in Bixby, Mo. I will udate later with names of siblings on both sides and any other pertinent info I run across...Shirley Pope"

I need to add the Daniel Pyatt information from the "Families of Crawford County, Missouri" info that I have.


Updated Apr 2004

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