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Henry Pyatt Jr

Henry Pyatt was born March 5, 1821, in Illinois to Henry and Rachel Ferrell Pyatt) and died June 9, 1881. He married first on June 25, 1843, in Montgomery County, Illinois, Elizabeth Snider. Elizabeth was born c1824 in Ohio to Frederick and Elizabeth Snider. The marriage bond was for 'Henry Pyatt' and 'Elizabeth Schnider' vol 2 pg 8 license #593. Elizabeth died between the 1870 census and October 31, 1876, when Henry married second Nancy Elmore Gass in Montgomery County, Illinois. The marriage license was for 'Henry Pyatt' and 'Mrs Nancy Gass' vol 7 pg 24 license #5662. I find that 'Nancy Elmore' had married 'Eustin Gass' in Bond County, Illinois on March 10, 1851.

The known children of Henry and Elizabeth:

The family appeared as follows on the 1850 census of Montgomery County, Illinois (22Nd Dist S W Part):

This family was enumerated 2 Oct 1850 #865/881 page 155. Living at #864 was Henry's brother, Cornelius Pyatt, and at #867 was Henry's sister, Elizabeth Wright whose household included his mother, Rachel.

On the 1860 census of Vanburensburgh (T7NR2W) in Montgomery County, Illinois they appear as follows:

The family was enumerated #1606 on 15 Jul 1860 (ancestry image 223/358). Their neighbors were #1602 Greenbury Mathews, #1603 Louis Humble, #1604 Thos Kearnes, #1605 Peter Rochk, #1607 Cornelius Piatt, #1608 James Davis, #1609 Elija Wright, #1610 John Qualls, and #1611 William Whitten.

On the 1870 census, Henry and family appeared in Vanburensburg, Hurricane Township, Montgomery County, Illinois, as follows:

This family was enumerated #110/110 on 4 Aug 1870 (ancestry image 16/19). Neighbors were #106 George Isbell, #107 Jas Davidson, #108 George Davidson, #109 Allen Austin, #111 Jeremiah Ellis, #112 Chas ?Swerstand, #113 J W Brown.

The 1880 census entry for Henry and family appears as follows in Fillmore, Montgomery County, Illinois:

This abstract is from; page 217A. It appears that new wife, Nancy, had children from her first marriage who were still at home. I would guess that 'Rochel' is 'Rachel' or 'Rochelle'. Do you think it might have been confusing to have two Rachels in the house? Also in Fillmore was the family of 60-year-old Elizabeth Pyatt whom I have not yet placed, and Henry's brother, Milburn Pyatt.

Some writing of Henry Pyatt Jr can be found on the page for Henry Pyatt Sr. He tells about many early settlers and times of the Hurricane area of Montgomery County, Illinois.


Updated Feb 2008

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