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Inks Family Notes

Olivia McClure born c1798 in KY. Her son Andrew McClure Pyeatt listed her maiden name as McClure. But, her son William Dudley Pyeatt listed her maiden name as Inks. I find both McClure and Inks families from Kentucky in the same area where Olivia and husband Jacob Pyeatt lived.

This page will be used to accumulate information on the Inks family of St Louis Co/Franklin Co, MO, who lived in close proximity to the Pyeatt family and their offspring and related families (Brown, Allen, etc.).

According to Stephanie Bianco, "William Inks was born about 1776 and married Sarah "Sally" Pike Feb 14, 1805, in Adair Co, KY. They had Jane b 9/2/1801 (I know this predated the marriage and don't know more yet), Elisha Franklin (my line) 1806, Sarah and Catherine, 1810, MAYBE-but not likely in my opinion--Calvin Jackson 2/8/1814 and definitely William C. 8/1/1815. Jane married Benjamin Griffin Brown and they had Isaiah Clark 1825, Cyrus 1825, John T 1826, Martha 4/23/1829, Soland 1829, EP (a female) 10/18/1831, Archibald 7/20/1836, and Andrew 1839. Elisha married Amelia/Emily Wilson had Benjamin 1841, Irvin Clark (my line) 4/5/1845 and Julia C, 1848. (Benjamin died in the Civil war; Julia C and her mother disappear after 1854 without explanation so far and Elisha remarried.) Sarah married William Blount Carter and they had wm Blount Carter junior 1829, then the father died 1829. Sarah m William Blount Carter and they had wm Blount Carter junior 1829, then the father died 1829. William C married Ann Eliza King 10/18/1838 and they had six daughters: Isabel 1839, Nannie 1845, Almira, Phebe 1847, Sarah Olivia 1849 and Willie Ann 1851. William C died 9/24/1864 and he and Ann Eliza are both buried at Inks Cemetery, Legends Parkway, Eureka, St. Louis Co, MO. William C was a Mason, a veteran, and a landowner. Someone I met only via GenForum, Steven Piper, is also related to him and seems to be trying to get an historic marker placed on this cemetery, which is in peril of being demolished by a real estate developer, Legends Homes. There is a Hisotry of Saint Louis City and County, published 1883 written by J. Thomas Scharf. On page 1922 of Vol 2, Benjamin Griffin Brown, William Inks and William C (as well as the Votaws, also related to us) are mentioned. Also pg 1924. Sarah Inks is on pg 1946 and the Inks Cemetery and the McClure Cemetery are mentioned there. On pg 1923, it says Josiah McClure died in 1826. Josiah McClure, Andrew's father, "donated an acre of ground as a public cemetery at a very early date. It still bears his name. (pg 1923) Josiah came from Bowling Green, KY, in 1819, married Sarah Harris in VA 4/16/1793, they had 8 daughters and one son, Andrew, the sixth child. Andrew born 10/21/1805 became a Presbyterian minister. "He was a widely known citizen and died on Nov 1, 1877, leaving one son, William, and three daughters alive." In 1850, Meramec Twp had a population of 1921; in 1860, 2468, and by 1880 had 7923 people. My forefather Irvin Clark Inks mentioned above had a grandson named Guy Orby Inks (b 1899) who did a lot of genealogy research in the 1960's, and almost 4000 pieces of it are on file under the title "Inks, Inks, and More Inks" with the Church of Latter Day Saints. You can order it from the local Family History Center. Some of it concerned the Hyatt family which had many spellings of their name and I wasn't directly descended from them so I skipped over it, but might be a resource for you, since that could be another spelling of the last name you are researching - or not."

William and Sarah Pike Inks of St Louis County, Missouri had the following children:

From St Louis County, Meramec Township, Missouri 1850: Some children of William and Sarah Inks (and their spouses) are confirmed from Deed Book X5 pg 299 (From copies of microfilm held at the City of St Louis Courthouse. Dec 2001) This indenture made and entered into this Fourth day of April in the year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and fifty-one by and between William C Inks and Ann Eliza his wife and Benjamin G Brown and Jane his wife parties of the first part, the said William C Inks and the said Jane wife of Benjamin G Brown being children and heirs at law of William Inks Sr deceased and Andrew McClure and Catherine his wife parties of the second part, the said Catharine being also a child and heirs of the said William Inks deceased, all of the County of St Louis State of Missouri. Witnesseth, that whereas hereto fore to wit: On the Fourth day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty seven, the said William Inks Sr and Sarah his wife did by deed Convey unto the said Andrew McClure a certain tract of land lying on the waters of Flat Creek in Merrimac Township of the County and State aforesaid bounded as follows. Beginning at a stone corner No 9 on the original line from which a hickory bears N 60 {degrees} E 78 links one ?do bears S. 28 {degrees} E 48 links thence North 59 ½ degrees East 37 chains 77 links to corner No 8 from which a white oak bears S. 30 E 13 links on ?do bears No 1 {degrees} W 77 links it being the original corner, thence south 29 ½ degrees East 47 chains 23 links to Elisha F Links corner No 7 thence S. 59 ½ degrees West 37 chains 77 links on Elisha F Links line to corner No 6 thence North 29 ½ degrees West 47 chains 23 links to corner No 9 on the original line, the beginning, containing one hundred and seventy Eight acres and thirty Eight hundredths of an acre, it being part of a tract of land of six hundred and forty acres confirmed to Francis Bittick and whereas the said tract of land of 178 acres and 38/100 was conveyed to said Andrew McClure at the valuation of Two hundred Dollars allotted to the said Catharine wife of the said Andrew McClure as a portion of what would be earning to her from the estate of her said father William Inks Sr and Whereas al though the said deed from William Inks Sr and Sarah his wife to the said Andrew McClure was was signed and duly acknowledged and relinquishment of Dower Taken according to all the requisition of the laws of this state, yet it was not sealed and the certificate of the Justice of the Peace before whom the acknowledgment of the deed was made may be considered defective in form therefore in consideration of the premises and of the sum of One Dollar to them paid by the said parties of the second part the receipt of whereof is hereby acknowledged, the parties of the first part to hereby release unto the said parties of the second part all right title claim and interest which might accrue to them the said parties of the first part in and to the tract of land aforesaid by reason of any defect in the deed conveying the same to the said Andrew McClure or by reason of default and defect in the acknowledgement of the said Deed or in the certificate of its acknowledge hereby confirming the said land conveyed by said Deed unto the said Andrew McClure and Catharine his wife forever To have and to hold the same together with all the righte immunities privileges and appurtenances unto the said parties of the second part their heirs and assigns forever, the said parties of the first part hereby covenanting that they their heirs executors and administrators shall and will warrant and defend the title to the premises to the said parties of the second part and to their assigns forever against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by through or under them In witness whereof the said parties of the first part have hereunto Set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Wm C. Inks (seal) // Ann E Inks (seal) // Benjamin G. Brown (seal) // Jane (her mark) Brown (seal)
The words ‘it was not sealed and ‘ were interlined before the deed was signed Witness J L Bacon
State of Missouri // County of St Louis // Be it remembered that on this Ninth day of May A D One thousand Eight hundred and fifty one before me clerk of the St Louis County Court of the County and State aforesaid came William C Inks & Ann Eliza Inks his wife and Benjamin G. Brown and Jane Brown his wife who are personally known to me to be the same persons whose names and subscribed to the within and foregoing instrument of writing as parties thereto and they acknowledged the same to be their act and deed for the purposes therein contained They the said Ann Eliza and Jane being by me first made acquainted with the contents of said conveyance acknowledged on an examination apart from their husbands that they executed the same freely and without compulsion or undue influence of their said husbands and she the said Eliza relinquished her dower in the real estate therein mentioned (seal) In testimony whereof I hereto set my hand and affix the seal of said Court of office in St Louis the date last aforesaid Lewis F. Lacy clerk // Filed and Recorded May 10 - 1851 S. D. Barlow Recorder

Book X5 pg 300 (From copies of microfilm held at the City of St Louis Courthouse. Dec 2001) This Deed made and entered into this Fourth day of April Eighteen hundred and fifty one by and between Andrew McClure and Catherine McClure his wife of the County of St Louis State of Missouri parties of the first part and Abram S. Mitchell of the same county and State party of the second part and Abram S. Mitchell of the same county and state party of the second part. Witnesseth that the said party of the second part the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged do by these presents bargain sell convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part a certain tract of land lying on the waters of Flat Creek in Merrimac township and state aforesaid and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone corner No 9 on the original line of survey No __ containing six hundred and forty acres of land confirmed to Francis Bittick from which a hickory bears north sixty degrees east seventy eight links thence North fifty nine a half degrees east thirty seven chains seventy seven links to a corner No 8 the original corner of said Bittick survey from which a white oak bears south thirty degrees east thirteen links, one ?do bears north one degree west twenty seven links thence south twenty nine and a half degrees east forty seven chains twenty three links to Elisha F. Inks corner No 7 thence south fifty nine and a half degrees west thirty seven chains seventy seven links on Elisha F Inks line to corner No 6 thence North twenty nine and a half degrees, west forty seven chains twenty three Links to corner No 0 on the original line the beginning, containing one hundred and seventy eight acres and thirty eight hundredths of an acre and being part of said Bittick Survey To have and to hold the same with all the rights immunities privileges and appurtenances to the same belonging unto the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever The said Andrew McClure and Catharine McClure his wife hereby covenanting that they their heirs executors and administrators shall and will warrant and Defend the title to the premises to the said party of the second part and to his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims of all persons what so ever. In witness whereof the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hand and seals the day and year first above written.
Andrew McClure (seal) // Catharine (her mark) McClure (seal)
Executed in presence of Witness I L Bacon
State of Missouri County of St Louis // Be it remembered that on this Ninth day of May A.D. Eighteen hundred and fifty one before me the undersigned clerk of the St Louis County Court came Andrew McClure and Catharine McClure his wife who are personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument of writing as parties thereto and severally acknowledged the same to be their act and Deed for the purposes therein mentioned. She the said Catharine being by me first made acquainted with the contents of said conveyance acknowledged on an examination apart from her husband that she executed the same and relinquished all her right title and interest dower or otherwise in and to the real estate therein mentioned freely and without compulsion or undue influence of her said husband (seal) In testimony whereof I hereto set my hand and affix the seal of said court at office in St Louis the date Last aforesaid. Lewis F Lacy clk
Filed and Recorded May 10 – 1851 S. D. Barlow Recorder [Next deed is between William A and Elizabeth Eoff and Abram S. Mitchell]
