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John D and Jane/Jean Henare Piatt

John D Piatt was born in March 17, 1766, in Raritan, Somerset, New Jersey (or New Jersey) to Daniel Piatt and Catherine Sherrad and died March 27, 1837. John married Jane Henare/Henarie on February 9, 1791. Jane was born in 1764 .

The known children of John D and Jane Piatt were:

The following abstract is given at and contains the abstract of John D Piatt's 1832 interview about his service as a fife in the 1st New Jersey (his father's company).
John Piatt, fife, 1st New Jersey - 66 years old in 1832... he enlisted as a Fifer at the age of ten years in the Company of Daniel Piatt (who was his Father) in the first New Jersey Regiment... in the latter part of the year 1775... [and] was marched to Brunswick upper landing - thence to Elizabethtown and joined the Regiment, under Lord Stirling... Marched thence to New York and lay in Barracks till the following spring opened then was ordered to March to Long Island and from thence to Canada (the Rigement at this time was commanded by Colo. Win's) and proceeded towards Quebeck as far as the three rivers, there had an engagement with the British, and retreated to Ticonderoga and lay there till late in the fall, or begining of Winter, and then returned to the state of New Jersey - directly after my Father Capt. Danl Piatt recruited his Company again and was soon promoted to the rank of Major in the New Jersey line - The officers was in Pensylvania recruiting a new Company at the time Genl Washington attacked the Hessians at Trenton - the deponent attending the rendezvous as a Musician. The Company was marched to the Delaware to aid Genl. Washington in the battle - was prevented crossing the river till next day after the Capture of the Hessians - from thence was marched on to [Princeton?] - saw the dead and wounded in the collidge - The company quartered one Winter at Elizabethtown, part of the 1st. regt. - The deponent thinks the regt. was commanded by Colo. Matth Ogden - after that the regiment was marched to the Westward under Genl. Sullivan - The deponent was kiked by the horse of Colo Brearly and disenabled to continue his march with the regiment - The troops returned in the fall of 1779 - and went into Winter quarters at Mendham near Morristown placed under the immediate comd. of Genl. Washington - here the deponent joined his compy and continued with them through the Winter - The regiment was Marched to Camptown in the summer of 1780 at the time Genl Kniphausen marched the British army to Springfield on his way (as was supposed) to attack Genl Washington at Morristown - was then marched to Springfield was engaged in the battle - Young Ogden was killed a considerable number more killed & wounded The deponent was in the house of Parson Coldwell saw his Wife a Corps, shot by the British - at Springfield - Was taken a prisoner at pluckemin by the British and released afterwards being a Youth..."

Fifer John Piatt is mentioned twice in the general notes about musicians at:

According to Dick Piatt of West Chester, PA,, this marching westward and John D. Piatt being kicked by a horse all occurred in Easton, Pennsylvania just across the Delaware River from New Jersey.


Updated Apr 2004

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