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James and Jane Davis Pyatt

James Pyatt was born c1788 to Joseph and Sarah Jane Still Pyatt and died c1859. On February 10, 1813, in Burke County, North Carolina, he married Jane E Davis who was born on December 2, 1777 and died October 28 1852. Their marriage bond was for 'James Pyett' and 'Jinny Davis' and was signed by 'Joseph Pyett' and 'J Erwin'. James and Jane are buried in the Nebo Cemetery, McDowell County, North Carolina, along with many descendants.

James and Jane had the following known children:

I do not know why a family would have two Marys. Does one of them belong to someone else.

The 1820 census for Burke County, North Carolina, for James Pyatt shows him with two females under 10.

The census for West of North Fork, Burke County, North Carolina, for 1840 showed Jas Piat and Jane Piat.

On the 1850 census of McDowell County, North Carolina, James and family appeared as follows:

This family was enumerated #761/761 pg 307 next door to thier son, Davis Pyatt. This Mary E Pyatt is the one buried in Nebo Cemetery as 'daughter of James and Jane'. Notice that James and Jane are listed as age 62 which would make them both born c1788. Did Jane not want to appear older than her husband? Her cemetery inscription gives her year of birth as 1777. Who were the Jane and William C Pyatt who lived with them?


Updated Oct 2006

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