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Jacob and Lucinda F Piatt

Jacob Piatt was born c1817 to Robert and Nancy Jones Piatt in Boone County, Kentucky. Jacob's father, Robert, was born in New Jersey, but went to Kentucky, where he married Nancy Jones in 1798. Nancy's parents are still unknown.

Jacob married Lucinda F Piatt in Boone County, Kentucky, on September 24, 1837. They were married by Francis Craig and the bond was by Daniel Piatt (book B-17). Was the bondsman his older brother, Daniel Piatt?

Lucinda was born c1819-1823 in Ohio. Who were her parents? In 1880 she said her father was born in New Jersey and her mother's place of birth was not given. Was Piatt her maiden name (a cousin of Jacobs?) or did they leave off the 'Mrs.' on a widow? I suspect Lucinda's middle name was Francis. For one, there aren't a lot of 'F' female names to choose from and their youngest daughter was listed as Francis L or Lucinda F on various census entries.

Jacob and Lucinda had the following known children:

Jacob and Lucinda appear as follows on the 1850 census of Boone County, Kentucky, Union Twp: Jacob and Lucinda appear as follows on the 1860 census of Union Precinct, Boone County, Kentucky: Catherine E seems to have been listed this year as E C. This is the only year that Jacob 'Little Jakie' is listed before his death in 1862 at age 11.

Jacob and family appeared as follows on the 1870 census of Boone County (Carlton District), KY:

This year Catherine Elizabeth is going by Elizabeth and 'Ann' is going by Nancy A. The 'Frances L' of the previous census is Lucinda F this year.

By the 1880 census, the family can be found in Carlton Township, Boone County, KY, as follows:

It seems that someone might have misread the entry of Nancy A as 'Emma A' when doing this transcription for family search since it would be hard for Jacob to have a daughter who had never previously appeared with them. I will have to check the handwritten schedule to be sure that this is a misreading. Elizabeth Catherine is listed again as E C.

I feel like I have to ask - why didn't these children marry? Most are still living at home at an age that most children would have already started their own families. Only William is not among those listed with the family. And, in fact, I don't find him in Boone County at all in 1880. Did he marry? I do not have a marriage record to that effect - though - no doubt I am missing many. A more likely scenario might be his death.

Living near Jacob and Lucinda on the 1880 census of Boone County, Kentucky, were John J and Ophelia W Riddell Piatt and Robert and Catherine Canby Piatt. John J and Robert were sons of John and Millicent Riddell Piatt. Anotherwords, they were nephews of Jacob.


Research To-Do List:
Updated Jul 2003

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