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John and Mary ? Piatt of Scioto Co, OH

I'm hoping someone can help me clarify who a certain John Piatt is. I have a 1900 census record for John Piatt in Scioto Co, Union Township, Ohio. He is listed as being 31 years old and born in Feb of 1869 in Ohio. It also lists that he had been married for 11 years and had 5 children (5 of which were alive). His wife is listed as Mary born Apr 1872, in Ohio, age 28. Children listed are:

Their neighbors are Thomas Piatt & Millie Ann Boldman (from the Lewis Sr. John H. line) and on the other side Thomas's daughter, Lavina who was married to George Atkins. I would think that they are also from the Lewis Sr., John H. line since they are in Scioto and taking the neighbors into account but I cannot match them up.

At one time I thought the above family was that of John Richard Piatt who was married to Mary Elizabeth Simpson but that is not so because I found them in Adams Co for the same year... John R. Piatt born Feb 1862 in Ohio, married 19 years, 3 children (3 alive). Wife listed as Elizabeth born April 1862 in Ohio. Children:

Any help would be appreciated!
Amanda Kemen