Benjamin Pyeatt
one lot of potmettle $20.00
one lot pails and articles 3.00
one clovice and ax and trowl 2.50
one lot of cooper ware 3.00
one Chist 4.00
one lot of housel furniture 3.00
one hackel and two smoothing irons 5.00
one pair of cards ?rasure? & specticles 2.00
one lot of books 3.00
one lot of farmers tools 1.50
weavers utensials 3.00
two baskets and barks 5.00
five chairs 2.00
one big wheel 2.50
one lot of yarn and flax 15.00
one lot of baskets and cabbage & apples 12.00
two beds & stid and bedding 25.00
one table and onions 2.00
one lot of bedding 12.00
one corn? & soap & barrels & little wheels
and sault and Reel 30.00
one plow and grind stone 5.50
one steel trap 3.00
two saddles and one bridle 4.00
one bag and bufalow robe and brooms 2.50
two guns 8.00
one lot of hogs 88.00
one lot of cows 76.00
four head of horses 80.00
two pair of gears 3.00
one lot of corn 30.00
twelve geese 5.50
one lot of fowls 5.00
one bufalow robe .50
one lot of flax 6.50
Total Amount 536.00
We do certify that the within contains a true invantory of the appraisement
of the property of John Piatt, Deceased given under our hands
David Dove appraiser
John Allen appraiser
William Boly appraiser
A list of articles sold by Benjamin pyeatte on the 31st December 1827.
Christopher Pyeatt to an kettle $ 4.10 1/2
Elijah Wease to one kettle 3.25
John Pruitt to one kettle 1.15 3/4
John Beddix to an oven 2.87 1/8
Frederick Pyeatt to one pott 1.31 1/4
Abram Barre to one pott 2
Christopher Pyeatt to one pott 1.15
Joseph nicols to one oven 1.25
Benjamin Pyeatt to pott .37 1/2
hiram Smith to kettle .50
John Pruitt to pails .37 1/2
Isaac helabran to one rope .43 3/4
Joseph nicols to lot of ?plunde 2
Robert music one bell .47 1/2
James green one bell .56 1/2
Isaac helarbran one bell 1
Christopher Pyeatt one bed .62 1/2
Isaac helerbran to one bell .75
Benjamine Pyat Bells .50
Robert music to Casket 1.43 3/4
Isaac helerbran on basks .37 1/2
hiram Smith cups and saucer .56 1/4
hiram Smith Bowls .68 3/4
John pruitt Copper/Coffee ?Biler .68 3/4
James Votau Dish and plates 1.37 1/2
James green Dish and plates 1.56 1/4
Frederick Pyeatt to tin .25
Isaac helerbran Cards .50
Frederick pyeatt knives & fork 2.12 1/2
Christopher pyeatt razor & strop 1
James Votau to lamp meuler? .62 1/2
John Votau to sundry articles .47 1/2
William Boli to Books paid 2.25
Isaac helerbran augers & ayx? 2
hiram Smith to shovel & tongs .87 1/2
Jacob Shoults to bread ayx?/oven? paid .50
Jacob pyeatt to hoes 1.62 1/2
David Null - ladle & brand paid .62 1/2
John Biddic to hammer & trowel .62 1/2
Jacob pyeatt to matoc 1.37 1/2
Isaac helerbran to ayx? 3
James Votaw to spade .87 1/2
Christopher pyeatt to tools 2.25
John Stanton to churn & pails 1
Christopher pyeatt to haccle 5.25
John biddic to flat irons 1.62
Benjamine pyeatt chest 7
James green to horse gearing 1.18 3/4
george Smith to flax 1.62 1/2
Benjamin pyeatt to yarn 10
Simeon biddic trap & pail 2.37 1/2
frederick pyeatt to plough 2.25
John Votau junior to shot gun 1.37 1/2
Isaac helerbran to rifle gun 5.50
hiram Smith to cotton wheel 2.25
John pruit to side sadle 1
John pruit to saddle 1
hiram Smith to cards 1.25
Christopher pyeatt to cotton gin .37 1/2
John pruit to box & basket .25
John pruit to barrel & cotton 2
Abram barre to basket & contents .50
Jacob pyeatt to cotton & box 2.50
James Shoults to Sundry articles paid .25
John pruitt to brooms .25
Christopher pyeatt to boxes & contents .75
William gray to apples 2
hamilton Williams to bag & robe 2
Joseph nicols to gourd & onions .12 1/2
John pruitt to lot of onions 1.25
Jacob pyeatt to Cabage .62 1/2
hiram Smith to bed & bedding 6.12 1/2
Benjamin pyeatt to bed bedding 13.75
William gray to lot of bedding 2.87 1./2
Christopher pyeatt to bed tie 2.12 1/2
george Smithe to lot of bedding 4.62 1/2
Benjamine pyeatt to lot of bedding 3.12 1/2
Christopher pyeatt to bed stead & mat 2
frederick pyeatt to table .37 1/2
Hamilton williams to robe .50
Hamilton williams to robe .50
Hiram Smith to five chairs 1.35
Larkin williams to one grind stone .12 1/2
Christopher pyeatt to loom & apparatus 8
Hiram Smith to barrel .56 1/2
James Shoults to barrel & box .31 1/4
John Votau seignor to flax wheel pin 2
Jacob pyeatt to check? reel 1.45
John pruitt to flax wheel 2.37 1/2
Christopher pyeatt to salt & gum 1
Isaac helerbran to trough & contents .56 1/4
Isaac helerbran to soap & trough .12 1/2
John pruitt to trough .62 1/2
george West to geese six pair ? piece 4.86 1/4
John prewit to fowls 4
george Smith to lot of flax .62 1/2
David dove to lot of corn 14
Christopher pyeatt to lot of corn 12.12 1/2
Abram Barre to gourd .37 1/2
Joseph nicols to four sheep 6.37 1/2
Christopher Shoults to four hogs 12.12 1/2
Isaac helerbran to two stock hogs 4
Personally came before me, Samuel Byrns, a justice of the peace for and within the township of Merrimack, Authur McFarlen, and made oath that the above sale bill contains a True account of the Sale made by Benjamin pyeatte adms of John Pyeatte Disceased on the 31st Day of December 1827. Samuel Byrns JP
(right side of statement)
Estate of John Pyatt decd
1827 Paid for Letters of Admr $ 1.00
Dec 31st Paid John Allen as appraiser
as pr. V. (1) 1.00
Paid Wm Boly as Do pr. V. (2) 1.00
Paid David Dove as Do pr. V. (3) 1.00
Paid S Burns for swearing apps V. (4) 1.00
Paid funeral expenses pr. V. (5) 7.87 1/2
Paid for crying sale pr. V. (6) 1.50
Paid for advertising admtr notice pr. V. (7) 2.00
Paid for gathering property of Decd pr. V.(8)8.00
Paid Arthur McFarland as Clerk (9) .75
Paid S Burns for services as pr. V. (10) 1.50
26.62 1/2
To Making two Coffins $4.00
To one Dress 1.50
To one Sheet 1.12 1/2
To Sunderye 1.25
7.87 1/2
To Hiram Smith as pr. voucher (1) $31.66 1/4
To Christopher Pyatt (2) 39.37 1/2
To John Pruett (3) 37.00
To Jacob Pyatt (4) 7.87 1/2
To Frederick Pyatt (5) 28.68 3/4
To Isaac Hilderbrand (6) 37
Received of Benjamin Pyeatt Administrator
on the Estate of John Pyeatt Decd; the Sum of
Thirty nine Dollars thirty seven & half Cents as part of my
Share as Legattee this 15 day of August 1829
Christopher X Pyeatt
Witness Frederick E Pyeatt
Received of Benjamin Pyatt Administrator
of the Estate of John Pyatt Decd; the sum of thirty
seven dollars as part of my Share of the Said Estate
I say Recd: by me this 25 Day of March 1829
as legatee
John Pruet
Wit: Frederick Pyeatt
Received of Benjamin Pyeatt Adminester-
ator of the Estate of John Pyeatt Decd; the
Sum of thirty seven dollars as part of
my share of the said Estate
I say Recd; by me this 25 Day of March 1829
as legatee
Isaac HetrBrand
Frederick Pyeatt
State of Missouri
County of Jefferson
The State of Missouri
To the Sheriff of the County of Jefferson....Greeting
You are hereby commanded to notify Benjamin Pyatt Administrator
of the Estate of John Pyatt deceased that he be and appear before the County Court, at the next term thereof, to be held at the town of Herculaneum, within and for the County of Jefferson, on the First Monday of, August next, to make settlement of his account with said court as far as he has, administered the estate of said deceased.
Witness, Chauncey Smith, Clerk of our said Court,
at Herculaneum, this 24th day of June 1829
Chauncey Smith Clerk
State of Missouri
County of Jefferson
The State of Missouri
To the sheriff of said County // Greeting
You are hereby commanded to notify Benjamin Piatt
Administrator of the estate of John Piatt late of said County
deceased That he be and appear before our County Court at
the next term thereof to be held at the Town of
Herculuneum within and for said county on the first
Monday of November next there and then to make settle-
ment with said court as far as he had administered the
estate of said deceased. And have you then there the writ.
Witness Chauncey Smith Clerk of our said Circuit
Court affixing my private seal (no seal of
office being yet provided) at Herculuneum this
first day of October in the year 1831
Chauncey Smith Clerk
(right side)
estate of John Pyatt
By paid Clerks fees as pr. V.1 $8.37 1/2
By paid printer for advt as pr. V. 2. 4.00
By paid L Woodson pr. V. 3 5.00
By paid for schooling pr. V. 4 4.00
$21.37 1/2
By my per centage on the
admt of said estate 22.92
May term 1832.
Who Received one dollar and seventy five cents in addition to the above
Nov 7th 1831 C Smith Clerk
Also four dollars 62 1/2 Cents May 7th 1832. C Smith
(on right side) Pyatte in acct. current with said estate
Oct 3
Paid Hiram Smith one of the heirs
per V. 1 $37.18 3/4
Paid John Pruett pr. V. 2 37.18 3/4
Paid Fred. Pyatte per. V. 3 37.18 3/4
Paid Jacob Pyatte pr. V. 4 37.18 3/4
Paid Christopher Pyatte pr. V. 5 37.18 3/4
Paid Isaac Hilderbrand pr. V. 6 37.18 3/4
Paid Clerks fees pr. V. 7 3.44
$226.55 3/4
Received of Benjamin Pyeatt administrator of John Pyeatts Estate thirty
seven dollars eighteen and three fourth cents in part of my legacy.
Frederick Pyeatt
Jacob X Pyeatt
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