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Board of Land Commissioners - Missouri

This is a list of all of the Pyatt documents in the index of Board of Land Commissioners for Missouri. They all relate to John Pyatt who died in 1823 in St. Louis County, Missouri. I have seen the name Gabriel Piatt in connection with a Ste Genevieve County, Missouri, land claim and he was a signer of an 1810 petition in regard to these land claims. I assume that no testimony was ever taken on his tract/claim or it would have appeared in this book.

"Commissioners' certificates issued in the month of February, 1809, for ascertaining and adjusting the titles and claims to lands in the Territory of Louisiana" No. 168; Date - February 7; Name of person under whose name land was claimed - John Pyatt; In whose favor issued - James Richardson; Nature of the claim - Concession; Water Course - Marais des Liards; Number of arpents - 120; District - St. Louis

*pg 482* (20 Aug 1806)
"Book 4 P 389
John Pyatt, claiming four hundred and sixty-two arpents of land, situate on the Negro fork of the river Merrimack, district of St Louis; Produces to the Board a survey of the same, dated the 21st January, and certified 17th February, 1806.
James Richardson, sworn, says that he knew the above claimant on the said tract of land about fifteen years ago; that he raised two crops on the same; that, in the year 1790, he was driven away by Indians; that he remained out until the year 1800, when he went back on said land; that, in 1801, he planted a crop of corn, and was again driven away; that some of the farmers were killed by the Indians in 1803; that, although not residing on said land, he still continued the cultivation of the same, and raised four crops; that, in the year 1805, he went again on said land, and has actually inhabited and cultivated it to this day. June 18, 1810
Present, Lucas, Penrose, and Bates, commissioners. It is the opinion of the Board that this claim ought not to be granted."

*483* (26 Aug 1806)
"??????????????? dated the 25th February 1805
???????? being duly sworn says that claimant began his settlement in October ???????????????? that in 1802 he grew a crop of corn on the said ???????????? claimed no other land in his own name in the territory ????????????????????? Marais de Liard District of St. Louis ???????????? situate at the Marais de Liard ?? aforesaid ??????????????????? for the same to the said James Richardson for and on behalf of said Inhabitants, dated the 8th December 1796 and a survey of the same dated the 29th March it verified the 2nd April 1797 - the same being granted in ?concession? to the following persons: Francis Honore, Soloman Pettit, Louis Honore, John Pyatt, ? Honore, Anthony ?, Jonas Sparks, Jacob Shoultz, ? Honore & James Richardson the above claimant.
John Pyatt being duly sworn says that he was present when the above claimant having applied to the Leuitenant Governor for leave to form a station at the aforementioned Marais de Liard with the aforementioned Francis Honore & others,
*Pg 500*
"???????? that the object of a station was ??????? protection against the invasion of attacks of the Indian, who at that time were very troublesome. That the said permission was granted about twelve years ago and that afterwards they all obtained separate concessions - that Jacob ?????????????? settled the said tract of land about eleven years ago raised ??????? on the same and afterwards sold the same to one ???? Daniel who ????????? and further that ????????????? settled and ?? of said tract ?? years ago cultivated the same ??????? and resided there in the village and ?? at the time the said concession hae was ?? the head of a family.
The Board Rejects this claim.

*Pg 500 (cont.)*
"Book 4 P 444
Philip Shultz claiming under the 2nd Section of the Act 715 arpents of land situate on the fork of the River Merameck called the Negro Fork District of St Louis produces a survey of the same dated the 22d January 1805.
John Pyatt being duly sworn ?? that claimant settled the said tract of land ?? a garden spot on the land about 15 years ago that he did then make ?? and resided there with witness, that he raised two crops on the land, that ???? he was driven away by the indians from said land and remained out until ??? 1801 he cleared another garden spot, Built a house and planted corn and ?? in the spring of 1803 driven away by the Indians and staid out until the year 1805 that in that year he returned on said land and ?????? inhabited, cultivated the same to this day. That on the 20th day of December 1803 a wife and 2 children.
The Board rejects this claim."

*Pg 291*
"John C?????? claiming 1223 arpents of land situate on the river Merrimack District of St Louis produce to the board a notice of claim to the records dated 13th June 1808. A platt of survey of the same dated February 28th 1806. He also produced to the Board as a permission to settle (not recorded) a concession from Simon Trudeau Lieutenant Governor for 400 arpents of land to claimant situate on the Grand Glaize dated October 19, 1797.
John Pyatt being duly sworn says that claimant settled on the land now claimed in 1801 and has inhabited and cultivated the same ever since. In 1803 had a wife and 5 children.
Laid over for decision."
Other names on this page: John Graham (claimant); Auguste Chouteau assignee of Bartholomew Courtmanche assignee of Peter Gagnon / Helene ?ville widow of Peter Gagnon and Peter Daniel her second husband / Francois Duguette (witness); John Smith Senior

*Pg 292*
"John Pyatt claiming 462 arpents of land on the negro fork of the river Merrimack District of St Louis.
Laid over for decision."
Other names on this page: John Smith Senior assignee of David Strickland; James Burns assignee of John Ross McLaughlin / John McClanahan (witness); John Burns (claimant) / William Burns (adjoining land)

*Pg 451*
"Book 1 Page 499
James Richardson assignee of the Inhabitants of Marais de Liard claiming 1000 arpents of land.
James McDonald sworn says that about 11 years ago, Francois Honore, Louis Honore, Baptiste Honore, Noel Honore, Antoine Braden?, John Pyatt, George Shultz, Phillip Shults, Solomon Pettit (and that there was another house said to belong to Jonas Sparks) inhabited and cultivated on the land claimed had gardens, got their fencing and firewood off said tracts, cultivated that year and lived there and cultivated for several years. Witness believes 3 or 4 years consecutively. Claimant inhabited and cultivated on said land all this time with the rest; and was a ?syndic claimant, has continued to inhabit and cultivate the same ever since.
Laid over for decision."
Other names on this page: Auguste Chouteau assignee of Joseph Tayou / Louis Bou?? (witness)

*Pg 452*
"Book No 1 page 283
James Richardson assignee of John Pyatt claiming 3 by 4? arpents of land situate as aforesaid provides to the Board record of the papers before produced Book A page 249.
James McDonald sworn says that about 10 years ago John Pyatt cultivated the land claimed and continued to do so for 3 or 4 years claimant has continued to cultivate the same ever since.
Laid over for decision."
Other names on this page: James Richardson assignee of Jonas Sparks / Davis Musick (witness) / James McDonald (witness); James Richardson assignee of Soloman Pettit / David Music (witness); James Richardson assignee of Francois Honore

*Page 462*
"Certificate No 168
James Richardson assignee of John Pyatt a claim for 3 X 40 arpents of land Book No 1 page 483 Book No 3 page 452 confirmed to James Richardson 120 arpents as described in a platt of survey certified 2nd April 1797 and to be found on record in Book A page 249 of the Recorders Office."
Others on this page: James Richardson assignee of Jonas Sparks / James Richardson assignee of Solomon Pettit / Hugh Stevenson assignee of John Basize?

*Pg 291* (I do not have a copy)

*Pg 389*
"John Pyatt claiming 462 arpents of Land see Book No 1 page 482 Book No 3 page 292. It is the opinion of the board that this claim ought not to be granted -
Board adjouned till tomorrow 3 O'Clock P.M.

*Pg 501*
"John Payett, by his legal representatives claiming 464 arpents of land Situate on Big River, Maramack. See Book B page 259. Minutes, No 1, page 482; No 3, 292; No 4, 389.
Abraham Helderbrand, being duly sworn, says that he is 51 years of age; that in 1802 he helped said Payett to raise a house on the land claimed; that in the fall of 1803, he passed by said place and eat some water melons which grew on said land, and saw a small patch of corn crowing; and in the fame fall, the Indians becoming troublesome, he moved to the Maramack Settlement, about 12 miles below, and returned, as well as witness recollects, in the Spring of 1805, and lived there till his death. Witness further says that his own farm lies about 6 miles from the land claimed - "
*Pg 502*
"and that he has lived there for 32 years; that he recollects that said Payett lived on the land claimed since he, witness, was about 10 years old, during which time the said Payett inhabited said place except when compelled by the Indians at different times to leave the said place.
Johnathan Helderbrand, being duly sworn, says that he is in his 50th year; that in 1801 or 1802, he cannot say which of those years, he passed by siad Payett's house but did not see any white persons there; he found an Indian with whom he passed the night, in said house. The said Indian being a friendly one and not an Osage and that in 1805 he saw the said Payett living on said place. That he knows said Payett lived on the land claimed till his death; that said Payett had a family consisting of his wife & several children, but does not recollect how many.
Jacob Payett, being duly sworn, says that he is 42 years of age; that in 1801 John Payett went on said place and planted some corn. And in 1802 he raised a house, but witness does not recollect whether said Payett moved there that same year or in 1803; that in the said year 1803 the said Payett was driven away by the Indians and staid away about two years and then returned and lived on said place until he died. Witness further says that at the time the said Payett had a wife and 8 or 9 children; that said Payett died about 5 years ago.
Adjourned Untill tomorrow at 9 O'clock."

*Pg 71*
"John Payett claiming 464 arpents of land See Book No 6 page 501.
The Board are unanimously of opinion that this claim ought not to be granted. The said John Payett having had a confirmation by the former Board. See Commissioners certificate No. 168." (In left margin "2d 17"

Other names on this page: Joseph Thompson Senior (claimant); Nicolas Lachance (claimant); John Helderbrand (claimant); John Scott (claimant) - all claims denied due to previous concessions.

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