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Audley J and Paulina Pyeatt Maxwell

Paulina Pyeatt was born c1821 in Kentucky to John P and Martha 'Patsy' Carnahan Pyeatt. She married on July 28, 1836, Audley J Maxwell who was born c1818-1821 in Arkansas. The ceremony was a double one in which Paulina and Audley were joined by Paulina's brother, Finis Ewing Pyeatt, and his bride, Elizabeth Maxwell. Were Audley and Elizabeth siblings?

The known children of Audley and Paulina:

The Maxwells appeared as follows on the 1850 census of Cane Hill, Washington County, Arkansas:

This family was enumerated #33 pg 412 and 412B. Their neighbors were: #29 John & Elizabeth Tilly; #30 Crawford & Minty West; #31 John & Ellen Buchanan; #32 Susan Crawford; #34 Samuel & Mary Carnahan; #35 John R & Elizabeth Pyeatt; #36 David & Emily Licklyter; #37 Joseph & Amanda Love; #38 Maurice & Ruth Wright.

Also enumerated in Cane Hill in 1850 at dwelling 108 were:

Could these be the parents of Audley Maxwell and Elizabeth Maxwell?

By the 1860 census Audley and Paulina had moved to Dallas County, Texas (Precinct 2, Palace Hill P O) and appeared as follows:

This family was enumerated #640/640 on pg 94. Their neighbors were A W Merrell, R F Merrell, Saml Horn, Elisha Rhodes, and Prudence Hustead. I note that some researchers do not list the children Johnathan and Clementine which appear with the family. If these are not their children, I would have expected them to be listed after the natural children. They are also the correct age to belong to Audley and Paulina. Peter Carnahan is undoubtedly one of Paulina's cousins on her mother's side. Further investigation might reveal his exact relationship.

I did not have luck finding any of these Maxwells on the 1870 census. I used every combination of name (including first only) age and birthplace to expand the search to every state. I did not look intensively for the daughters who were most likely married with a new name.

Likewise I struck out on the 1880 census for the most part. I did find Ewing and Johnathan on the 1880 census of District 82 in Johnson County, Texas, living near some of their (future) Gatewood Relations as follows:

These two were enumerated #30/31 on page 4. Neighbors were Henry Gatewood, John Gatewood, Benjamin Ticy, Benj D Gatewood and William Gatewood. The boys' uncle, John H Pyeatt was also living in this same enumeration district (on page 273). Benjamin D Gatewood's daughter, Lucinda Ann Gatewood, married one of John H Pyeatt's sons in 1882.
