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Silvester F and Susan C Foreman Pyeatt

Silvester Frank Pyatt was born March 23, 1844 (or March 23, 1845 per headstone) in Illinois to Cornelius and Mary Ann Harris Pyatt and died June 24, 1914 . He married January 1, 1874 in Cherokee County, Kansas, to Susan C Foreman who was born March 1, 1855 and who died August 6, 1930. Both Silvester and Susan are buried in the Eureka Springs Cemetery, Carrol County, Arkansas. Before his marriage, Sylvester lived with his family in Illinois (Montgomery County 1860, Bond County 1870).

The known children of Silvester and Susan:

Other Pyatts buried in the Eureka Springs Cemetery, Carroll County, Arkansas who are most likely children or grandchildren of Silvester and Susan are:

The S F Pyatt and Susan C Fareman who married in Cherokee County, KS, in 1874 had three children by 1880 when they appeared on the 1880 census in Barry County, Missouri - Roaring River ED, as follows:

Evidentally, Silvester and Susan moved from Kansas to Missouri between 1875 and 1876.

Romeo is buried in the same cemetery as his grandmother, Mary Ann Harris Pyatt, and an aunt and uncle.

Silvester F Pyatt and James Pyatt were enumerated in Ward 3, Eureka Springs, Carroll County, Arkansas, on the 1910 census. I do not have the abstract of their listings, only the following:
