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Peter C and Eliza Jane Piatt Stewart

Eliza Jane Piatt was born August 1823 in Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio to Jacob and Jane Thompson Piatt. She married on December 21, 1845, in Henry County, Illinois, Peter C Stewart who was born March of 1818 in Pennsylvania. Their marriage bond was for 'Eliza J Pyatt' and 'Peter C Steward'.

Jacob Piatt and his family were in Hamilton County, Ohio, as early as 1805-1810 after leaving Pennsylvania. Jacob died in Henry County, Illinois in 1848 having removed to Illinois prior to that time. Eliza was married and in her own home by the time of her father's death.

The known children of Peter and Eliza were:

I haven't yet located this family in 1850. However, they appear as follows on the 1860 census in Western, Henry County, Illinois (Deanington P O):

This family was enumerated #9/21 on page 1035. The daughter, M Stewart, age 14 doesn't appear again with this family. She evidently married (or died) before 1880.

The family appeared as follows on the 1870 census of Coal Valley PO, Colona Township, Henry County, Illinois:

This family was enumerated #12/12 on pg 355. Since this family did not have an 11 year old son named Frank on the previous census, we might assume that this is a nephew or other relative. Another possibility is that he was skipped on the previous census or was living elsewhere. Jane Piatt is Eliza's widowed mother. She isn't marked as 'parent's foreign born'. However, on the next census she claims her parents were born in Ireland.

Jane was still with Eliza and family on the 1880 census in Colona Township, Henry County, Illinois:

This family enumeration #185/187 page 234A. Note that Eliza is an invalid due to a heart condition and that she has only aged 6 years since the previous census. Likewise, Jane has only aged 8 years. Living next door at #186/188 was:

They were still in Colona Township, Henry County, Illinois, for the 1900 census:

  • Stewart, Peter C born Mar 1818 PA age 82 / MWM / married 55 yrs / Farmer / father born NY/mother born NJ
  • Stewart, Eliza J (wife) born Aug 1823 OH age 76 / MWF / married 55 yrs / 6 children/5 living / father born NJ/mother born PA
  • Holden, Nellie (daughter) age 34 born Nov 1865 IL / MWF / married 2 yrs / 0 children/0 living / father born PA/mother born OH
  • Stewart, John L (son-in-law) born Feb 1859 MI age 41 / MWM / married 2 yrs / father/mother born MI

    This family was enumerated #105/105 on page 6.


    Updated Jul 2010

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