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Virgil W and Mamie Finch Pyeatt

Virgil Wells Pyeatt born March 31, 1857, in Illinois (probably DeQuoin Perry County), to George Y and Teresa Wells Pyeatt. I note a Virgil Wells who married Nancy Jane Beard November 21, 1844 in Perry County, Illinois. Is he Virgil Wells Pyeatt's namesake? The family moved in 1877 to near Appleton City, St. Clair County, Missouri and later lived in the Ohio Community. Virgil died February 26, 1956, in Orange County, California.

Virgil married September 20, 1883 in Morgan Township, St. Clair Co, Missouri to Mary (Mamie) Finch.

The children of Virgil and Mamie:

Virgil was a renowned painter of intricate theatre interiors during the depression years. He died in California where his entry looks as follows on the death index of California 1947-1997:


Last Updated Sep 2006

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