William was 15 when his mother died and 24 when his father died. He was married first to ? and second to Emma Edith Magill sometime between 1900 and 1910.
The speculated children of William and ? were:
The known children of William and Emma were:
William and many of his siblings moved to Oklahoma before 1900 where he appeared in ED 39 (Supr Dist 219) Grant Township, Custer County, Oklahoma (Territory). At that time he was a widower, age 32, born July 1867 in Arkansas, occupation Dry Goods Salesman.
By the 1910 census, William had died and Emma with children Virgil and Emma were enumerated in Custer County, OK, as they were in 1920. Sometime before 1926 they moved to Port Arthur, Texas. The family would like to know where William is buried in Oklahoma.
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