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Family Histories Part II

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Back to Family Histories Part I
To Rev James Pyatt of North Carolina
Some Pyatts of Virginia
To Ebenezer Pyatt and his Descendants
To Pyatt's of Boss, Missouri
Nathan and Martha Pyeatt of Kentucky/Indiana
To William and Mary Smith Peatte of West Virginia
To Andrew J and Dicey Gibson Pyeatt of West Virginia
To James Piatt and Mary Donaho Page
To William and Hannah Tindell Piatt Page
To Levi-Piatt Information
Canadian Piette/Pyette Families
To John and Mary Smith? Pyatt of VA/WV
To Lawrence J and Mabel L Henkle Piatt Page
The Johannis Pyatt line of England/Canada
To Nathan S and Melissa A Hill Piatt Page
To Isaac and E Hannah Piatt Armfield Page
To Dan Chambers' Yearwood Site
To Terry Edward Pyatt Manning website
