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When Initiated: November 22, 1996

Favorite Composer: Schubert

Favorite Piece: "The Earl King"

Major and Classification: All-level Music Ed. Major/ Junior

Hobbies and Collections: Amber collects "cow stuff, anything but a live one!" She loves to sing with her dad, babysit, waterski, and read romance mysteries.

Favorite Instrument: Piano

First Musical Memory: "When I was 3 or 4 years old I had a red toy piano, and as I heard commercial jingles, I would try toplay them- I emphasize try!"

Most Embarassing Moment: "One year at church camp, my mother and I made a bet to see if any boys would speak to me without my getting shy and running off. By the end of the week, none had spoken to me, so I laughed at my mother secure in the knowledge I had won the bet (thus winning a new dress!).

Without my knowing, Mom got a friend of mine to get a group of boys to come and flirt with me. As they all surrounded me to ask my name and shower me with compliments, my mother smiled and said, 'I won!'"

Favorite Verse: Romans 5:19 "For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous."

Life Motto: "Take whatever talents you have, and do whatever it takes to develop them!"
