<h1>SAI of the Month
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SAI of the Month


When Initiated: May 4, 1997

Major and Classification: Elementary Education (music specialization) and Early Childhood Endorsement/ Senior

Hobbies and Collections: Lara enjoys singing, reading, and lifting weights, and she collectes ROSES and rabbits (stuffed ones!)

Favorite Instruments: Piano and Clarinet

First Musical Memory: "When I was a young Brownie, I sang in response to my uncle. He told me I had a wonderful voice, and I have loved to sing ever since!"

Most Embarassing Moment: "Picture a fat, yound girl... Well, that was me when I was in the 6th grade. I tried the uneven parallel bars and got stuck on the top. I started to cry as I hung there waiting for someone to help me out. Finally, after an effort from the coach, I dropped to the floor deeply embarrassed!"

Favorite Scripture:I Corinthians 13 ("...but the greatest of these is love."

Life Motto: "A penny saved is a penny earned."

Email: ran6969@etbu.edu